Shouldn't (UN) be protecting the palastinainas from the occupiers who kill the pals everyday and the US give the thumbs up. Please get your facts straight.
The palastinans (although I disagree with the method of suicide bombers) have nothing to lose. No voice, no land, no say. nothing. It is only natural to expect people blowing themselves up against the tyrrants.
Seems to me there are far bigger problems.
Sudan- a MILLION AND HALF dead and counting.
Mauritania- Hundreds of thousands dead and ongoing slave trade.
Algeria- Hundreds of thousands dead and rebels that have used rape and murder of children as 'policy'.
Iraq- Saddam was responsible for the death of tens, if not hundreds of thousands-- and had no problem using poison gas.
Iran- Sent tens of thousands of CHILDREN to fight Saddam, used as cannon fodder. Has threatened to develop and USE nuclear weapons and currently is persecuting reformers.
Saudi Arabia is facing the genie it let out of the bottle--radical Islamists.
Yemen- Systematically has killed tens of thousands.
Syria- Has killed tens of thousands- including 20,000 in one city, Hama- and imprisons dissenters. Still oppresses Kurd minorities.
FGM continues unabated.
Throughout the region media, educational curriculum and public forums espouse hate and propogate violence and destruction.
The list goes on.
Now, who did you say the biggest problem in the region is? What situation did you say needs urgent UN attention?
The palastinans (although I disagree with the method of suicide bombers) have nothing to lose. No voice, no land, no say. nothing. It is only natural to expect people blowing themselves up against the tyrrants.
Who the real tyrants are, we already know.
The Palestinians are in the situation they're in because of choices they made. They refused UN partition, they refused to negotiate after 67-- a war started by Arabs- they refused Wye and they chosen the path they are on. Arafaty has authored their destiny. They wanted an Intifadah and they got one.
They have no voice because yet another corrupt Arab leader spoke on their behalf, all the while stealing from them and allowing them to descend into the abyss, because their leader put corruption and deceit before their aspirations. Today, the Palestinians are reaching a point where theyve had enough- and how does Arafat respond? By appointing his
cousin in yet another position of authority.
Blaming the US is easy, but in reality, another bite of unreality.
The Arab world did nothing while Saddam was in power. They demostrated by the millions in
support of the tyrant.
As in Iraq, the Arab world seems perfectly comfotable in the situation it finds itself now. They say they want reform but complain when the free world agrees and encourages it. Its another plot, its another conspiracy.
Fine. We can wait till it happens on its own.
Good luck.