Canada's position in the Security Council, UN


New Member
Jul 29, 2004
Andem said:
The current permenant members of the United Nations Security Council consist of:

- China
- France
- United States
- United Kingdom
- Russian Federation

I suppose it's because they are the largest members of the United Nations..
Actually, it's because the last four, plus the Republic of China, were the five major WWII allies. In '71, the RoC was replaced with the People's Republic of China.

Andem said:
The United Nations seems to work quite often in the favour of the United States which always supports it's allies like Israel even if it's not in the favour of their citizens... that's politics!
Americans have an overwhelming positive opinion of Israel, the only Middle Eastern counry for which this is true.

Andem said:
Can the United States be kicked off as a permenant member of the Security Council for it's recent disobeying of several UN resolutions?
They would veto any such proposal.