Dear American neighbors,
All of a sudden, some of you have begun to cast a covetous gaze to the north. All it took was one “joke” at the dinner table in Mar-a-Lago and a few social media posts, and suddenly a New York Times columnist is seriously suggesting that Canada become the 51st state.
But I have some news for the advocates of Manifest Destiny 2.0. We are glad to have you as neighbors, but we have no interest in joining you. Canadians are proud and independent. We’re going to keep it that way.
We admire so many things about you: your spirit of enterprise, your love of freedom, your embrace of change. We share those qualities — along with a universal, single-payer health-care system, $10-a-day child care, gun control and abortion rights.
Some of you don’t like our way of life. That’s fine. We aren’t asking you to become Canadian. But we do expect you to respect who we are and our long history of friendship with the United States.
We don’t undercut American wages with weak environmental or labor standards, as China does. If anything, our rules are stricter than yours. And aren’t you better off relying on a neighbor and an ally to supply you with the additional energy you need?
We have also heard complaints that our security relationship is imbalanced. It’s not. America has flourished in large part because of the security that comes from having a stable, friendly and prosperous neighbor along its vast northern border. Imagine how different the American century would have been if you’d needed to spend time and money protecting yourself against a threat from the north.
So, because our relationship is friendly and mutually beneficial, Canadians are asking: Why are you threatening us? The answer is as simple as it is sad: We are just one piece on your geopolitical chessboard. You’ve chosen to humiliate your friends before moving on to tackle your true adversaries.
Here’s the thing, though: The threats won’t work. We will not escalate, but we will not back down. If you hit us, we will hit back — and our blows will be precisely targeted. We are smaller than you, to be sure, but the stakes for us are immeasurably higher. Do not doubt our resolve.
Loyalty works only if it is reciprocal. If you choose to treat us like an adversary, we will find friends who know just how much we have to offer.
There is a much better way than threats. The fact is, “we’re more than friends and neighbors and allies; we are kin, who together have built the most productive relationship between any two countries in the world.”
Those were the words of President Ronald Reagan about Canada. They are truer today than ever.
We have the opportunity now to strengthen our economic relationship, by supplying you with critical minerals you need and the energy to power your AI ambitions.
We can make our continent more secure by investing heavily in our Arctic and in continental defense. And we can help in your effort to end China’s unfair trade practices and the global financial imbalances they create.
Let’s work together.
Over more than 150 years, we have already accomplished so much. Canadians believe the best is yet to come — for both of our countries.