British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are removed


New Member
Nov 19, 2006
lol, and the other 30% all worked in the steel and coal and just general industrial system. Thats a hell of alot.

Also I would actually be willing to bet my life on the fact that labour won't get in for another term. It will swing mainly Conservative, with the rest of the seats mainly labour and BNP.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Interesting thread. Same attitude in China!

When I'd visited Xinjiang, Urumqi a few years back, I'd noticed that many Han and minority groups tended to live in their own parts on town. Tension was a little high among them too. The Uighurs particularly loathe the Han language, while the Han stereotype the Uighurs as traitors or troublemakers. Military presence is subtle but heavy. And the variety of clothing ranged from European chique to Burkas.

So I suppose that those who agree with the behaviour of the biggots on that plane are fully in agreement with the decision of the government to ban instruction in Uighur at Xinjiang University a few years back, and that it's wise for the Han to not mix with their compatriots. Perhaps we ought to just shoot them all and burn their mosues so as to maintain the peace?

I never thought I'd see the day when the British right would support ideas akin to those the of the regime here.


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
Interesting thread. Same attitude in China!

When I'd visited Xinjiang, Urumqi a few years back, I'd noticed that many Han and minority groups tended to live in their own parts on town. Tension was a little high among them too. The Uighurs particularly loathe the Han language, while the Han stereotype the Uighurs as traitors or troublemakers. Military presence is subtle but heavy. And the variety of clothing ranged from European chique to Burkas.

So I suppose that those who agree with the behaviour of the biggots on that plane are fully in agreement with the decision of the government to ban instruction in Uighur at Xinjiang University a few years back, and that it's wise for the Han to not mix with their compatriots. Perhaps we ought to just shoot them all and burn their mosues so as to maintain the peace?

I never thought I'd see the day when the British right would support ideas akin to those the of the regime here.

Were the worst Machjo, we possibly taught you guys about stereotyping.

To be honest though, I flew with the airline in question to India earlier this year with my dad (simply because it was cheap). It's really the particular demographic you know, where were they going?, Magaluf?. Most of them are clearly chavs and rather uneducated...I would certainly suggest that of the family in question.

Besides, when I was in India, I did notice and speak to a heck of a lot of Tibetans, who suggested virtual ethnic cleansing on the chinese part, so China would probably be better at such ethnic trouble than a bunch of lower-class roughians who've watch the news one too many times and have decided to pick on an "asian".

Logic 7

Council Member
Jul 17, 2006
You'd have to be wilfully blind not to recognize that the Western world is increasingly being targetted by militant Islamofascists. And the difference between their actions and the examples you cited is that they claim to be doing this in the name of religion. No so with the other cases.

You got to be some kind of naive not to recognize that the western media are totally blinded by their hatred towards muslims.

DO you want to know how many muslim are dead from western policy??

Do you want to know how many western peoples are dead from islamofascist??

I don't think you want to know, you would be amaze by the differences beetween the 2.

Saying they are doing it for their religion, shows how informed you are.

Pape claims to have compiled the world’s first “database of every suicide bombing and attack around the globe from 1980 through 2003 — 315 attacks in all” (3). “The data show that there is little connection between suicide terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism, or any one of the world’s religions. . . . Rather, what nearly all suicide terrorist attacks have in common is a specific secular and strategic goal: to compel modern democracies to withdraw military forces from territory that the terrorists consider to be their homeland” (4). It is important that Americans understand this growing phenomenon (4-7).