British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are removed


New Member
Jul 21, 2006
O-Town, The "CAPITAL"
Re: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

Andem says:
"Not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslim".

I'm sorry but can anyone tell me the religion of the Oklahoma Bomber off-hand, without looking it up?

All terrorists are pretty much deemed muslim, that's the sad thing. It's the media. I never see captions saying "Catholic man rapes two girls" or "Protestant woman murders family of five". BUT-as soon as it involves the muslim's written everywhere. The "media" is the real terrorist.

The Martyr


Council Member
Mar 21, 2005
Re: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

Martyr said:
Andem says:
"Not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslim".

I'm sorry but can anyone tell me the religion of the Oklahoma Bomber off-hand, without looking it up?

All terrorists are pretty much deemed muslim, that's the sad thing. It's the media. I never see captions saying "Catholic man rapes two girls" or "Protestant woman murders family of five". BUT-as soon as it involves the muslim's written everywhere. The "media" is the real terrorist.

The Martyr

You'd have to be wilfully blind not to recognize that the Western world is increasingly being targetted by militant Islamofascists. And the difference between their actions and the examples you cited is that they claim to be doing this in the name of religion. No so with the other cases.


New Member
Jul 21, 2006
O-Town, The "CAPITAL"
Re: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove


I have 20/20 vision.

And the examples I "cited" may have been carried out by people who believed(or used as an excuse) that they were doing these acts in the name of God!

There is no where in the "Quran" that says these acts are "Jihad", it's quite the opposite.

These people are simply crazy, unbalanced and trying to find a way to make there useless lives look important. Just like a kid, running into a highschool and killing a bunch of inncocent schoolmates, then killing themselves. Nothing to do with religion or rationality.

If you ask the next 10 muslims individuals you meet, I would bet 10 outta 10 will tell you that they don't agree with the world trade center bombings AND it doesn't represent there religion.

As for the western world - notice the "western" part. What are we doing there anyways??? It's not like were there closest neighbors? If there country's militant forces started entering your country and making bases and preaching a democratic lifestyle that is far too deviating from there current living lifestyle, then you wouldn't be so fond of these foreign entities either. Walk a mile in someone else's shoes b 4 u can even begin to understand's easy to make judgements while sitting on your comfy couch, in your safe environment with your "starbucks" coffee! :)

You are the one who needs to "OPEN" your eyes a little wider. Hope this font was "big" enough 4 u.

The Martyr


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
RE: British passengers re

I'm afraid the Qu'ran is little vauge, and like the bible, open to many differing interpretations actually Martyr, considering Mohammed was a warrior who killed a great number of people it would indeed not be suprising if this interpretation is the "right" one.


New Member
Jul 21, 2006
O-Town, The "CAPITAL"
RE: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

WOW, very confusing day for me as far as posts r concerned. K, Mohammed killed a great many of people with no justification(what is your comparison)? What interpretation is the "right" one?

The Martyr

Do you like Geogre Galloway?

"Media is our greatest terrorist!"


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
RE: British passengers re

no, I think Geogre Galloway is a "one-trick pony", while facing the senate about Iraq and going on big brother may look like great fun, he does nothing for the people who actually voted him into office..i.e. argue their points in parliment.

Mohammed Killed many people in tribal warfare, which if you ask any muslim, will tell you that the Qu'ran was in fact a means to unify all the fighting tribes in arabia actually.

I think the idea of "freedom of the press" has been sorely tested over the last 70-odd years, I certainly think it's time to examine it a bit closer.


Time Out
Jul 19, 2006
Re: RE: British passengers re

Daz_Hockey said:,,1548146,00.html

there you go, Richard was an old friend, I wouldn't suggest he had anything to do with this religious war going on at the moment...this is who was killed.

I'm sorry for your loss, I had missed the link.


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
RE: British passengers re

s'ok dont worry, but all I'll say is a lot of muslims died with him, and if a few of your citizens decide to blow up their own country because they disagree with their political matters, then should we consider this the norm from now on?....

are we gonna get women blowing up strip clubs?...are we gonna see disabled people covering shops without access with spray paint? see how silly this arguement is of theirs?......and the thing is, these arnt crazys as people say, they are common people who you could usually have a rational conversation with.


Time Out
Jul 19, 2006
Re: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

Times aren't sane, I'll give you that. You give me a great deal to think about. The more we sift through the root problems, the more apt we are to find the root disease. But hiding our heads in the sand gets us nowhere. It just makes the problems grow larger. If we've learned anything over the centuries the biggest weapon is misinformation.


Electoral Member
Apr 29, 2006
Oakville, Ontario
RE: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

I read all of the posts in this topic X_X. To me that's sad that people are like that when I was going to LA in March I was sitting next to this guy on the airplane who was Muslim, he had books that we're in Arabic yet everyone was watching him like he was suspicious. Me I didn't care I was talking to him and he was a nice guy.

I'm flying to Canada on Saturday and if I die on the airplane going to Canada or coming back to Utah I die. People are so afraid of those who are different mainly if it deals with skin color. My best friend is half indian half pakastani, he came back to Canada from England the Saturday after they caught those people and he told me people we're afraid of him and his family because of their skin color. He also said that since being back in Canada it's been worse off for him.


Nominee Member
Aug 3, 2006
RE: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

Wow the quality of debate on this forum is rarely achieved elsewhere.



Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Re: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

Good Queen Bess said:
Racism Alive and Well in Jolly Old

Passengers refuse to allow holiday jet to take off until two Asian men are thrown off plane

'Suspicions': Jo and Heath Schofield with daughter Isabel. Below:

British holidaymakers proved once again that after thousands of years, Brits are still, on the whole, a bunch of racist twits who can't seem to understand that there is a great big world where people have different coloured skin, and often speak foreign languages.

The extraordinary scenes happened after some of the 150 passengers on a Malaga-Manchester flight overheard two men of Asian appearance apparently talking Arabic. Passengers decided that soccer hooliganism was not quite enough to prove how idiotic they are.


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
RE: British passengers re

I've flown all the way to India (8 hours) on one of those monarch airplanes....peice of legroom wonder they all got touchy!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Re: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

This is just the beginning, I can see the day when people won't ride the bus, the train, or other modes of transportation, because of fear.
Our government and others have created the fear mentality. it is what elects people like Bush and Harper.
Soon Canadians will be no different than the British or Americans.
Our leaders have led us down the path to a war with the Arab world, and soon the old hatreds will rise to the surface.
Last time we entered into a major war, the Japanese were on the receiving end. Good ole Canuks took their land and property and stuffed them into prison camps. I don't believe they ever found one Japanese spy.
The German people were never rounded up, their property was not taken and they did in fact find the odd spy amongst them.
Of all the people who have come from the Middle East the vast majority came to get away from the crazy people who want to continue the old ways. It is sad to see old hatreds coming back and people reverting back to the way things were half a century ago. Or is it even worse to think that perhaps the old hatreds never really left, they are just bubbling to the surface once again.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Re: RE: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are re

Andem said:
Well, as I've read elsewhere - "Not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslim", I'd be scared if I saw people dressed like that on such a flight... and speaking arabic ontop of that.

Actually, the Majority of western terrorists are White males with fundementalist christian or white supremacist leanings. But you can't racially profile the Majority, it fails to create an "US vs Them" mindset.

After all, when Timothy McVeigh and Ted Kazynski(sp?) aka the "Unabomber" , not to mention those who bombed abortion clinics and mailing Anthrax, were famous no one told white people to get off the plane..away from the mailbox, or away from the Abortian Clinic.