British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are removed


Time Out
Jul 19, 2006
Re: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

We often refuse to see through our own fear.


Nominee Member
Aug 4, 2006
Re: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

Quite frankly, I find your generalizations over done. I have been there and found it quite the opposite picture you paint.

Yes I agree that Birmingham on a whole is a wonderful place to go to,I have lived by it for all my life, talk with a Birmingham accent and went there in my youth and now I go there shopping most weekends as I live 15 mins away from it, but it is one area that is like that, and that is what I am saying is wrong.
Firstly I want to make it very clear that I am not racist I have many friends of different cultures and have always been friends with them since school and that was a long time ago, my point is that when anyone comes to England from any other country, it really does not matter where, most will not respect the culture of the England, and think they can come here and just insist that we do things their way, and yes most of these are the Asians, for instance near me there is a mosque, it stands out like a sore thumb and does not fit in to the other buildings that are very old, now if I wanted to build something it would have to fit in with the other buildings and not stick out. I have been spat on by an Asian for walking down a street because I was wearing a skirt just above my knee and a t-shirt, he called me something, not sure what he said so I just carried on and told my friend about it, she said it was because he thought I was not dressed right for a woman to walk around like that, I’m like what???, this is frickin England for gods sake, she then said its because I would not be allowed to walk around like that where he comes from, now I might be wrong on this, BUT! Last time I looked this was not a Muslim country.

I agree on what some people have been saying about how these Asians where treated and agree it was over the top, but like I said if I felt in danger I would have left the plane also, BUT! I would have caught another flight, if you deem this racist as well, then there is no solution. Yes we may be stereotyping people, but at the end of the day its not the Canadian, Italian, the French or any other country that have been making us feel this way is it, it is quite simply the human way to be suspicious of someone or something that poses a threat to you.


Jun 23, 2006
Re: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

I've got better words for the racists that killed your friends. I think racist pig is just right for the people on the plane. I think i'd get kicked off the forum for saying what i think of the creatures who killed all those people.

killing is never right or good


Time Out
Jul 19, 2006
Re: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

Your experiences dictate your reactions until you retrain your reactions. Every city in the world has different sides to it. Someone asked "What's your favorite city?" I thought that was funny because every city is someone's favorite. As far as my post goes, I didn't find you racist, I found you generalizing. Big difference.You've experienced things I haven't. I'm not going to see it your way because I haven't experienced the same scenarios as you.


Time Out
Jul 19, 2006
Re: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

hermanntrude said:
I've got better words for the racists that killed your friends. I think racist pig is just right for the people on the plane. I think i'd get kicked off the forum for saying what i think of the creatures who killed all those people.

killing is never right or good

I'm sorry, who was killed?


Nominee Member
Aug 4, 2006
RE: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

So sorry about your friend Daz, I remeber watching it on central news and could not believe what I saw.
It was a sensless and those who died will forever be rememberd.


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
RE: British passengers re

yeah, my brother was there also, but he caught a late tube, he told me it was "blacker than the ace of spades" down in the tunnels because they stoped em all right then, made em get out of there by foot...pretty scarey.

Then his brother phoned me (he knew my brother was in the vacinity), apparently my brother reckons he saw him rushing into the station..

(But I was actually in Toronto at the time and had to catch a plane back a week after to catch his funeral) you'll understand why I get a little frustrated with people who bang on about conspiracies, hoaxs and generally calling this hysteria around terrorism "racist" because it's not.


Council Member
Jan 26, 2006
RE: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

I'd just like to weigh in on this issue.

It's not racism, not in the least. It IS prejudice however, of an extreme nature. There was no proof that the two Muslims were plotting a terror act; short of weak indicators i.e. wearing heavy clothes, speaking Arabic, and checking their watches. Those things, in and of themselves, don't indicate a threat. I will however say that people have become jumpy in the last 5 years. The sad truth is that Islamic Fanatacism has become a very real problem to Western society. Gone are they days we lived in ignorance of Muslim terror groups, here are they days when their goals and/or aspirations are in our face daily. People have grown to despise anyone of Muslim decent due to the sad fact that Muslims around the World have fueled this stigma. Whether it be publically on international television supporting acts of terror, burning Western flags, or simply being one of those Muslims who refuses to believe there are any "bad" Muslims out there, they've padded their own misfortune. With that said however, I do not agree that the two Muslims should have been removed from the plane for the reasons they were. If the airline was smart, they'd have let the people leave the plane, then just carried on as the mutineers tickets were bought, money in the airlines pocket. In summary, I understand where the passengers fears were coming from, however I DO NOT feel that people should be treated as second class citizens due to their ethnicity.


Council Member
Jan 26, 2006
RE: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

killing is never right or good

Actually sometimes killing is right, and in some ways very good. It's a matter of circumstance. There are no absolutes in life.


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
RE: British passengers re

I agree Mogz, but put yourself in the arabic gentlemen's shoes....They board a plan destined for the UK, knowing of the current events and problematic homegrown terrorists, it's a very hot day, they board wearing heavy-duty clothing, refuse to speak english on a clearly english plane, are in heavy debate in arabic throughout the flight....

not at all suspect?..

as I say, it's like me turning up dressed in a pink boa, rainbow flag and singing "I am what I am".....I would have the sense to realise people might think me a little gay.


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
Re: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

Not only is killing sometimes the right thing to do , but a necessary action. I can think of many situations where I would do so without any moral qualms.


Council Member
Jan 26, 2006
RE: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove


The clothing has nothing to do with who and who isn't a potential terrorist. I actually work with a guy who was originally from Cameroon. This guy has the most wacked out body temperature i've ever seen. Today it was +19 and he was wearing his combat jacket. He found it cold, does that mean he's suspicious? No, he's cold. Also my girlfriend of a number of years is a lot like him. She has weird temperature issues too. She's either really cold or really hot, usually the opposite of everyone else. As for language, I really fail to see how them speaking THEIR language makes them a threat and/or potential threat. It's called ethnic diversity, something the British have never really gotten a handle on. If they want to speak Pusthan on an "enlgish plane" (I didn't know aircraft had dialect restrictions) that's their right in a free society. It's no different than two people from Quebec speaking French in the middle of redneck Alberta. People speak what they want, it's no crime to speak your native language. Lastly their "debate". Are you aware that to the untrained ear some languages sound like bickering? Check this shit out; listen to a male and a female speak chinese, it sounds like they're bickering. Furthermore, so what if they WERE in a heavy debate. The ignorants obviously didn't speak their dialect, and therefore have no idea WHAT they were discussing. For all we, and the other passengers know, they were arguing about football teams. Your corelation that a male dressed like a women and therefore appearing homosexual is the same as an Arab man, speaking his own language and being a terrorist, is pretty ignorant. How do you spot a terrorist? His language? Clothes? The manner in which he speaks to another? Please, there is no way to tell the intentions of an individual by these meger indications. It's pure prejudice against a group of people that have been tainted by a few. Don't get me wrong, I do understand where the Brits were coming from, I just don't agree with it.


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
Re: RE: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are re

Carmoral said:
I’m sure Britain is not the only place where pple think the same way. Its not racism, how can it be when they are the ones that have made us feel that way, its fearing for your life that makes pple think irrationally, and I know that if that if in the same circumstance I and my husband who is Canadian would react in the same way. Its called being on your guard, what if it had been Canadians in that situation and reacted in the same way, would you still be saying


I think not, racism comes in many forms Blackleaf, and fearing for your life and getting out of that situation is not one of them, living in a society where you can be on a bus and get blown up, make pple very wary, let just hope they don’t make you feel the same way in Canada.

<SNIPPED: Calling British people racist bags of crap is against the terms of service of CC. Hypocrisy is an amazing thing.>


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
Re: RE: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are re

Mogz said:

The clothing has nothing to do with who and who isn't a potential terrorist. I actually work with a guy who was originally from Cameroon. This guy has the most wacked out body temperature i've ever seen. Today it was +19 and he was wearing his combat jacket. He found it cold, does that mean he's suspicious? No, he's cold. Also my girlfriend of a number of years is a lot like him. She has weird temperature issues too. She's either really cold or really hot, usually the opposite of everyone else. As for language, I really fail to see how them speaking THEIR language makes them a threat and/or potential threat. It's called ethnic diversity, something the British have never really gotten a handle on. If they want to speak Pusthan on an "enlgish plane" (I didn't know aircraft had dialect restrictions) that's their right in a free society. It's no different than two people from Quebec speaking French in the middle of redneck Alberta. People speak what they want, it's no crime to speak your native language. Lastly their "debate". Are you aware that to the untrained ear some languages sound like bickering? Check this shit out; listen to a male and a female speak chinese, it sounds like they're bickering. Furthermore, so what if they WERE in a heavy debate. The ignorants obviously didn't speak their dialect, and therefore have no idea WHAT they were discussing. For all we, and the other passengers know, they were arguing about football teams. Your corelation that a male dressed like a women and therefore appearing homosexual is the same as an Arab man, speaking his own language and being a terrorist, is pretty ignorant. How do you spot a terrorist? His language? Clothes? The manner in which he speaks to another? Please, there is no way to tell the intentions of an individual by these meger indications. It's pure prejudice against a group of people that have been tainted by a few. Don't get me wrong, I do understand where the Brits were coming from, I just don't agree with it.

it's not all brits (ha, that in itself is a racial stereotype, what brits eh?, english, irish, welsh or scottish eh?) besides which whichever of the sub-cat of "brits" it is, it's not "all of them" anyway, just a few.

Please dont try to teach me how to define a terrorist (I know canada was troubled by the feinian brotherhood many moons ago, but britain has constantly been subjigated by terrorists for a long time), I realise there is no clear definition of a "terrorist", but we do know where they tend to come from...what racial group is the overall majority inclined to worship extremist islam, and obviously from this deduction the passengers decided "not to take the risk"

watch Flightplan, people from great britain are not the only ones to fall for this, never heard about the chinese restaurant burnt down after 9/11?


Nominee Member
Aug 4, 2006
Re: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

Racism when you go against a group of people f+ing moron. So the brits are a bunch of racist bags of crap. I say censor them.

Now who's being racist, comes in all forms doesn't it, putting someone down, name calling, anything that goes against what that person thinks or says can also be deemed racist, I for one are as a British person are offended by what you say, but no one will silence you will they?


Electoral Member
Aug 14, 2006
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Re: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

Carmoral said:
Racism when you go against a group of people f+ing moron. So the brits are a bunch of racist bags of crap. I say censor them.

Now who's being racist, comes in all forms doesn't it, putting someone down, name calling, anything that goes against what that person thinks or says can also be deemed racist, I for one are as a British person are offended by what you say, but no one will silence you will they?

Thats not racism if you call someone is discrimination...


Nominee Member
Aug 4, 2006
Re: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

Just shows there is no stereotype

Canadians among those charged in terror plot

“These defendants allegedly sought to obtain, through a variety of means, weapons and materials to carry out a deadly campaign of violence. We will use every tool in our power to disrupt the activities of those who seek to harm others, both here and abroad,” said Alberto R. Gonzales, U.S. Attorney General, in a prepared statement.
Adrian Humphreys and Allison Hanes, CanWest News Service
Published: Tuesday, August 22, 2006
TORONTO -- Three Canadian citizens travelled to New York to buy anti-aircraft missiles, machine guns and other military weapons for the Tamil Tigers terrorist organization, the U.S. government alleges after unveiling on Monday a wide anti-terrorism sting operation.

At least eight people were arrested in the United States on the weekend by the FBI’s joint terrorism task force and another man was arrested in Ontario on Monday by the RCMP.


Nominee Member
Aug 4, 2006
RE: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

racism and discrimination is a very thin line