I have absolutely no problem with Canada letting anyone speak. Galloway was never silenced, his views are available on-line.....just go to youtube and search for him.....and be prepared to learn what a disgrace he is, how he loves murderous lunatics like Saddam and the current jerk in Iran, how easily he is exposed as a vicious liar, what an obnoxious windbag!....................personally, were I in power, I would prevent him from entering Canada because he would be a complete waste of precious Canadian oxygen...........Canada should prevent those with radical beliefs from having the podium ... be they angry people, supporters of terrorism, politicians, or professors. Everyone needs time to think about ideas, to process them, and a loud mouth on a podium is out of place unless there is an election.
Tell him to go back to where he came from if he is so closed minded.
But, most importantly to the debate, go to youtube and watch him hand $45,000 to Hamas.
Hamas is a terrorist organization under Canadian law.
Giving them money is illegal.
Hell, Galloway is in the country?
Arrest him. Throw him in jail........and eventually...........
Deport him.