Breaking : Cdn news


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Outspoken MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes quits Trudeau’s Liberal caucus


GO AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets try to put lipstick on that PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chavannes figured out some months ago that she WOULD NOT likely be getting re-elected in her Whitby riding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And thus she told us she would not run again in the October election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then she had her ALLEGED ARGUMENT with Our idiot Boy Justin over Lavalin........................................

and that Fake show of integrity and independence apparrently did not restore her political fortunes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral fortunes are FALLING ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Chavannes personally INSULTED ALL WHITE PEOPLE with her bitching about white privilege!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As she whined online some time back...............................................................

BEFORE Lavalin..............................................

she complained "they are taking away my voice"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This in response to HARSH CRITICISM about her arrogant BULLSH+T in that exchange with Maxim Bernier about "white privilege" while he was still a Conservative!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The always insulting attitude of LIE-berals is made worse in this case because a BUNCH OF WHITE PEOPLE VOTED for racist black female Chavannes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I say good riddance to LIE-beral TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She got elected by popular vote to a job that pays over $140 grand per year.................and she cannot speak diplomatically about the white people who ELECTED HER???????????????????????


Talk about biting the hand that supplies the gravy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is an example of the scale of LIE-beral arrogance and lies that somebody holding the values that Chavannes does- could get elected at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Crime tourism a growing problem in Canada, says FBI agent

An FBI agent who fights South American crime gangs says he expects the problem of Chilean burglars in Canada will worsen in the coming years.
Special Agent Ivan Romo is part of a task force battling the growing problem of crime tourism — thieves travelling on tourist visas who aren’t interested in seeing the sights but are instead intent on breaking into homes.
“They know that Canada has lax laws so that’s the reason why they like Canada,” Romo said. “It’s just a free-for-all. That’s the reason it’s going to attract more.”
Police in Canada aren’t much more optimistic.
Two Chilean burglary rings were broken up in the Greater Toronto Area in recent years, but police are under no illusion that they’ve made anything more than a dent.
“For sure, it’s the tip of the iceberg,” said Halton police Det. Sgt. Paul Foley. “By no means did we think we had stopped the problem. If anything, we had stalled the problem.”
The FBI has dubbed the phenomenon South American Theft Groups (SATGs). While there are thieves from several countries, the biggest group hitting Canada appears to hail from Chile.

In April last year, Halton Regional Police arrested 15 Chilean nationals. They say the group was responsible for more than 400 residential break-ins.
Police recovered about $2.7 million worth of stolen jewelry, watches, bags and designer clothing. Foley says the group had so much loot it had rented a commercial storage locker.
“The thieves were extremely successful,” said Foley. “We found one bag with 60 watches in it.”
In September 2015, Toronto police arrested 12 Chilean nationals suspected of committing a series of break-ins over the course of four months. Three other suspects are believed to have fled home to Chile.
A Global News investigation has found that SATGs appear to be hitting cities across Canada.
Four Chilean nationals appeared in a Montreal courtroom on Wednesday, charged with a series of robberies north of the city on March 4.
One of the Ontario groups has been linked to break-ins thousands of kilometres away: some of the items recovered were traced to break-ins in British Columbia.
A robbery in Edmonton was stopped last fall when the homeowner scared away two Spanish-speaking thieves allegedly trying to pry open his front door.
Chilean crime groups have also been active in other countries. Over the last few years, Chilean nationals have been arrested for robberies in the U.K., France, Spain and Australia.
According to testimony heard in court, Chileans were being flown to London to commit break-ins and then flown out and replaced every two weeks.
SATGs are active across the U.S. as well. Romo says there have been several arrests in California this week.
“Over the weekend, we got a notification that there were at least three people arrested,” he said. “And there were two detained yesterday in a different city. It’s just a growing problem."
When police in Australia broke up a Chilean gang in December, they thanked Canadian police for tipping them off.
Three suspects who’d fled Ontario and returned to Chile turned up in Sydney, Australia.
The tip from Halton Regional Police led to eight arrests and the recovery of more than $1 million worth of stolen goods.
According to New South Wales Police Supt. Daniel Doherty, the group robbed about 80 homes and shoplifted from several high-end clothing stores. The tip from Canada allowed police to find and stop the group.
“If it wasn’t for that, I hate to say how many offences they would have committed,” Doherty told reporters at a press conference in Sydney on Dec. 28.

Experts say the gangs target residences when there’s no one home.
Usually, one person rings the bell with a prepared comment if someone should answer the door. In the Edmonton case, the would-be thief was wearing a construction vest as though he was going to inform the homeowner of work going on in the area.
If no one answers, accomplices go to other doors or windows to break in. They act quickly — on average, they’re in and out within five to 10 minutes.
In the 400 cases investigated by Halton Regional Police, the home was empty every time.
“We did not have one incident where there was a confrontation between a homeowner and one of the individuals,” Foley said.
The thieves avoid violence so that if they’re caught, the charges are less severe.
Two Chileans caught breaking into homes in Saint-Eustache, Que., on March 9 pleaded guilty Wednesday. It was supposed to be a bail hearing, but the men pleaded guilty instead.
They were each sentenced to three months, less 21 days for time served.
“We had an agreement with the prosecution and we finalized the case,” said defence lawyer Marie-Helene Giroux.
Sentences like that may make the problem even worse, said Romo.
“If I’m only getting a slap on the wrist then I get out and I’m going to be calling my friends in Chile to say: ‘Hey, it’s great out here. We’re only getting a slap on the wrist. Come on down!’” he explained.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Crime tourism a growing problem in Canada, says FBI agent

Isnt that nice..................................

THE FBI does a better job of standing on guard for us than LIE-berals do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that happy LIE-beral combination of open borders and no cops and no serious legal repercussions for thieves makes Canada the happy hunting ground for creeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back in the time of Chretien LIE-berals- Chilean nationals had a harder time getting into the country.....................

so they would fly into Toronto for the day....................................

BUT THEY WOULD NOT try to go through customs.............................

since they lacked suitable visas anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In those days they would get off the plane...............................

hang around the international lounge waiting areas that were accessible without going through customs.............................

and they would snap up cameras and unattended bags and do some pick pocketing and etc...............................

and then fly back out again with their loot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isnt it nice to know that Our idiot Boy Justin has created new job opportunities by expanding the area of operations of Chilean thieves with his open border..............

and everybody is welcome CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Great boost for Huawai tech.
"Beijing’s top official in Hong Kong taunts Washington over Huawei executive’s arrest, calling it ‘world’s biggest advertisement’


It is NOT GREAT ADVERTISING FOR HUAWEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because the publicity is also focusing on Chinese LACK OF HUMAN RIGHTS, looks at Chinese military bullying of other nations and exposes the scale and extent of Chinese Soviet SPYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it exposes the UGLY REALITY that Huawei is EXPECTED TO AID Chinese Soviets in their spying on westerners and theft of western technology as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE ONLY one who will BENEFIT in this law suit by Huawei against Canada is Our idiot Boy Justin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because he will have an excuse to release Huawei CEO Meng and send her back to China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The LIE-beral ASSHAT who can find an excuse to give Omar Khadr $10.5 million dollars as a REWARD FOR FIGHTING AGAINST CANADA can surely find an easy excuse to avoid a Huawei lawsuit - by sending Meng home without any penalty for violating United Nations sanctions against radical Muslim Iran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And we ALL KNOW how much respect Our idiot Boy has for Muslims........even Iranian ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After all he thinks convicted TERRORISTS should KEEP their Cdn citizenship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he thinks that returning Isis fighters will "be a powerful voice in Canada"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand

It is NOT GREAT ADVERTISING FOR HUAWEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because the publicity is also focusing on Chinese LACK OF HUMAN RIGHTS, looks at Chinese military bullying of other nations and exposes the scale and extent of Chinese Soviet SPYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And it exposes the UGLY REALITY that Huawei is EXPECTED TO AID Chinese Soviets in their spying on westerners and theft of western technology as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE ONLY one who will BENEFIT in this law suit by Huawei against Canada is Our idiot Boy Justin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because he will have an excuse to release Huawei CEO Meng and send her back to China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The LIE-beral ASSHAT who can find an excuse to give Omar Khadr $10.5 million dollars as a REWARD FOR FIGHTING AGAINST CANADA can surely find an easy excuse to avoid a Huawei lawsuit - by sending Meng home without any penalty for violating United Nations sanctions against radical Muslim Iran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And we ALL KNOW how much respect Our idiot Boy has for Muslims........even Iranian ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After all he thinks convicted TERRORISTS should KEEP their Cdn citizenship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And he thinks that returning Isis fighters will "be a powerful voice in Canada"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your phuney.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Just one more law that Trump does not agree with.

Like the arctic drilling issue.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Just one more law that Trump does not agree with.

Like the arctic drilling issue.

POOR STUPID HOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frantically trying to distract from MULTIPLE LIE-beral FAILURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating the emptiness of LIE-beral promises regarding carbon crap and trade tax scam rebates!

With some comments of my own in brackets):

This information came from a video played on MSN.CA and supplied by Canadian Press entitled “How to claim your climate tax rebate when filling out your income tax form” and the video had a nice photo of Revenue Canada Connaught Building in back ground.

(Based on the video title one might expect some details about carbon crap rebates but sorry -no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The video offers this: There is a ten percent tax bonus for people living in rural areas........

(I guess that makes up for LIE-beral electricity price gouging on delivery to rural areas?????????)

Video offered: “Cdns who paid for prescriptions or other medical items and who did not get reimbursed by any medical insurance plan can receive a non refundable tax credit”

(So if you have enough income then maybe you CAN get some sort of a tax credit! But this is LIE-beral bait and switch! A significant number of Cdns who are aged and sick ALREADY find it HARD to pay their bills because the cost of LIE-beral mandated living is rising so much faster than their fixed incomes! LOW income means LOW taxes and limited ability to claim that tax rebate- its just the usual EMPTY LIE-beral gesture!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(I recall once talking to a guy who was offered a job based on the requirement that he use his personal vehicle for company business and the job was refused- even though the boss pointed out that use of the private vehicle for company business would be a tax deduction!)

(AS a divorced guy -the recipient of the job offer refused it as his child support payments were already giving him nearly the maximum allowable tax deductions- so using the vehicle for company business WOULD NOT therefore have netted any more tax benefit- and would have generated LARGE NEW EXPENSES!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals LOVE these bait and switch tax offers that look good on paper but fade to CRAP once you get into the details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

People tend to be unaware of tax credits that can range from an individual caring for another or somebody receiving outside care.

(Yes- LIE-berals have made our tax system so convoluted that many people are unable to collect what they are entitled to out of ignorance or because of the previously mentioned tax loopholes that never quite work out well!!)

(But the KEY HERE is: what do EXISTING tax breaks for HOME CARE have to do with CLIMATE CHANGE??????????)

Students and their parents need to properly account for the student`s tuition costs as well as the value of any scholarships.

(OH yes- again the tax system is so convoluted it is hard to navigate through properly! I recall my fathers anger when I - as a student with a summer job claimed mr Tax refund and it altered my status as a “dependent child” and resulted in my father paying MORE TAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And that “in one pocvket and out the other is the ESSENCE of LIE-beral bait and swtich tactics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(But again EXISTING tax breaks for student loans and such have NOTHING to do with the environment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Lower income families with kids should be aware of the Canada Learning bond which puts $500.00 form the govt into each child`s RESP in the first year.

(That nice! LIE-berals ofer up $500.00 that CANNOT be used for many years while they drive up the cost of EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW with their carbon crap tax scam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Further personal contributions to a RESP can qualify for further govt money through the Canada education savings grant.

(Again- it would be useful for some people to know more about EXISTING education grants! But such things have NOTHING to do with carbon crap tax scams!! And of course having those RESP`s can alter the amount of money a student may borrow from OSAP and may alter the number and kind of grants and scholarships a kid may later claim- a DECADE after LIE-beral bait and switch has kicked in and changed the previous rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The 2019 LIE-beral budget has been announced and the total lack of ANY details about the carbon rebate scam that LIE-berals have been boasting of are conspicuous by their absence!! When the rebate plan/scam was first announced - LIE-berals told us they would rebate ALL the tax money! And then they started the usual bait and switch weasel crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals drifted away from rebating all the money and started talking about using some of the tax cash for “green projects” -things like “greening” affordable housing! Which is LIE-beral speak meaning they will use our cash to repair their affordable housing SLUMS that are in grave danger of burning down or flooding out due to GROSS LIE-beral neglect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And of course LIE-berals are very afraid they will lose the votes of Muslims and illegals if they are forced to inhabit affordable housing SLUMS for any long period of time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Currently LIE-berals are sliding along- claiming credit from illegals for allowing them into Canada- and blaming city mayors for the slums!!!!!!! But LIE-berals are well aware that EXCUSE is wearing mighty THIN!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And of course LIE-beral interest in affordable housing has NOTHING to do with climate change- and has EVERYTHING to do with buying votes so they can cling to power at any price!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(That brings us up to March 2019 and we still have NO REAL information regarding what rebate- IF ANY - we may eventually get from LIE-berals!!!! But we DO KNOW that the price of EVERYTHING will be going up starting in April 2019 as the LIE-beral carbon tax scam hits Ontari-owe!!!!!!!!)

(And just how much money would a gambling man BET regarding the eventual size of a LIE-beral carbon rebate? The honest answer would be NOTHING!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals desperately NEED the carbon tax scam revenue to avoid hitting the debt wall and running into all manner of fiscal chaos!!!! LIE-berals simply CANNOT rebate all or even some of the money without crippling their budget plans!!)

(Lost in all the LIE-beral double talk about carbon scams and FAKE Rebates is some ugly reality: LIE-berals have told us the truth about SOME THINGS!!!!!!!)

(Firstly that they WANT TO KILL the Cdn oil patch and make Canada fossil fuel free!!! There is NO ROOM in such a plan for rebates since giving the money BACK means we won’t be FORCED BY CRIPPLING POVERTY to change our ways!!!!)

(LIE-beral vote buying is driving up govt debt at a frantic pace and LIE-berals NEED more gravy and they believe the carbon tax scam is the easiest and most innocent LOOKING way to grab gravy!)

(The tax scam is wrapped up in a pretty environmental bow that LIE-berals HOPE will fool the suckers - but sadly for LIE-berals- the pretty wrapper is doing nothing to either hide the OBVIOUS LIE-beral tax rip off or to hide the fact that the carbon tax scam is doing NOTHING for the environment!!!!!!!!)

(The UGLY REALITY is that the LIE-beral carbon tax scam will drive up the price of EVERYTHING and put a flood of new gravy into govt hands!!! )

(As for the NEBULOUS REBATE that LIE-berals are dangling in front of voter/suckers- NO decision about rebate money will be made till after the October election!!!!!!!!)

(If LIE-berals Win another majority - then there will be NO rebates! LIE-berals will gobble it all up in a new frenzy of spending and waste!!!!!!!!!!)

(If LIE-berals get a minority govt - supported by NDP and or Greens in October - then look for a frenzy of BRIBERY that will make the last days of the Wynne-bag Ontari-owe $16 billion dollar deficit budget look like a token hand out of chump change!!! LIE-beral style robbing of Peter to pay Paul- and then looting Paul because he is wealthy will reach EPIC bait and switch levels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(If LIE-berals lose the October election - then we can look for prices to slowly stabilize and for the new govt to restore some logic and order to national finances!!!!!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Facebook bans half-dozen Canadian pages under extremism, hate policy

Yes- we have had some FINE examples of what Cdn LIE-berals call "extremism"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like that Imam in Calgary that told a cheering crowd that Allah allowed them to KILL GAYS so they could not sin again in future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet LIE-berals were okay with that Muslim HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet LIE-berals happily arrested a Toronto printer and staunch Catholic for refusing to print up gay positive literature and hauled the guy into a Human Rights Kangaroo Court and fined him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The LIE-beral BIAS is GROTESQUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals are seeking to censor so called hate speech on the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet LIE-berals find it IMPOSSIBLE to cite any examples of what they consider to be "hate speech"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL WE REALLY HAVE SO FAR IS A ROUGH LIE-beral definition of hate speech that indicates they THINK they should have the right to censor anybody who disagrees with them in any way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article giving us a little glimpse into the mind set of Muslim supporting LIE-berals! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Here's how the Holocaust Monument came to have a glitch nobody saw coming

By Tom Spears, Post Media.

Published: January 19, 2019

The National Holocaust Monument, inaugurated in Ottawa in 2017, "commemorates the six million Jewish men, women and children murdered during the Holocaust and millions of other victims of Nazi Germany."

(Except that the original inscription said nothing of the sort and caused huge back lash against LIE-berals!! How could a Holocaust Monument not mention Jews!!!!)

When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau unveiled a Holocaust memorial plaque that didn’t mention the Jewish people, onlookers wondered why such a central point had been omitted.

Now documents released under access to information show that while Canadian Heritage staffers focused on many details — from hardware to sight lines — no one asked what the plaque actually said.

The scene was the new National Holocaust Monument, opened in late September 2017.

When the monument opened, visitors quickly noticed that its big steel “dedication plaque” mentioned there were millions of victims, but didn’t say anything about who they were. It said only that there were “millions of men, women and children murdered during the Holocaust.” Jewish groups in particular felt this was a major shortcoming.

Now hundreds of pages of emails from Canadian Heritage show the detail to which the design team discussed the nuts and bolts of manufacturing and positioning the plaque, along with a second plaque thanking donors who raised $4.5 million for the project.

But they never discussed the content of the message. And this left them completely unprepared for the public reaction.

In late June 2017, with three months to go before the opening, the Canadian Heritage team was looking closely at drawings. There were images showing the layout and text of each plaque, along with dimensions. There were specifications for manufacturing. There were measurements of walls, and analyses of sight lines.

The team tasked with approving the details of the Holocaust Monument in Ottawa seem to have been concerned with every little detail — except what was actually written on the dedication plaque.

(And no wonder! Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals are demonstrating an ever increasing level of support for Muslims while scorning Jews and Israelis! LIE-berals have been critical of Israel for defending itself against Hamas and Hezzbollah terrorists! With our idiot Boy actually sending Cdn aid to Hamas!!!!)

(And of course Our LIE-berals are seeking way to use Hate Laws and their Human Rights Kangaroo Courts to restrict our free speech so we cannot be critical of radical Muslims nor of mis-guided LIE-beral immigration policy either!)

(LIE-beral operate on simple principles- first try to win the debate with Logic! If logic fails then use Fake News! If that does not work then turn to shouting down opponents! Then smear opponents with hateful labels and harass them in Human Rights Kangaroo Courts where the only real offense being judged is the scope of HURT LIE-beral feelings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(It is for this very selfish reason that LIE-berals can sneer at Harper for revoking the charitable status of Cdn Mosques engaged in supporting terrorist organizations like Hamas- and the LIE-berals shamelessly BUY Muslim votes by sending aid to Hamas! And then always shameless LIE-berals have just revoked the charitable status of a Cdn Mosque for supporting terrorists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(So Our idiot Boy thinks Hamas is just fine- and worthy of his and our support!!!!! But the idiot Boy is HOSTILE this other Ottawa based group? Shall we ask JUST HOW much worse this group is than Hamas terrorists who have sworn to drive the Jews into the sea??????????)

(Or should we ask if revoking the charity status of the Mosque was simply a feel good exercise intended to divert our attention from the Khadr Krap $10.5 million dollar pay out???????????)

Staffers were carefully planning to have a good “geometric relation” between the two plaques. It was no small task, as the dedication plaque alone is 2.4 by 1.5 metres, a little bigger than a sheet of plywood or a queen-sized mattress.

They worried about the translating, editing and proofreading.

They moved the plaques a little to the left on the plans.

• July 4: They moved them back to the original position.

• July 11: As the month went on, deadlines approached for approving the text of mural labels, interpretive panels and the big plaques, and for ordering the final product. The cost came in at $53,810.

Time was getting tight, the emails noted. There were discrepancies involving hardware for mounting the plaques and more discussions of the layout and type to be used for their text. But still no mention of what the text actually said.

By Sept. 18, nine days before the opening, they were scheduling delivery of the finished plaques. And it all went on schedule.

• Then, on Sept. 27 — opening day — disaster hit. Although the 13 interpretive panels and the overall content of the monument clearly discussed Jews and other groups that were targeted, the prominent dedication plaque did not, and the monument started to get attention for all the wrong reasons.

(LIE-berals are well aware that Muslims consider ALL JEWS to be inferior!!!!!!!!
The Prophet Mohamed gave what Muslims consider to be the last and final words of God! ANY DISSENT from that opinion condemns one as a NON believer!)

(Thus Israeli Jews are doubly damned - first for not accepting the prophet and second for fighting against Muslims who are seeking to establish the World Wide Caliphate and unify all people under Sharia Law- “the most perfect system” in the eyes of Muslims!)

(THERE IS NO ROOM for Cdn constitution or Jewish law in Sharia !! And our wretched LIE-berals have made CLEAR which side they are on!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

And for the first time, people were asking questions about what the giant plaque said.

An email labeled “urgent” came from then-minister of Canadian Heritage Mélanie Joly’s office. It asked: “What was the approval process for this text? Did it go by the committee? Was it included in the final decision note?” In fact, the July 24 decision note signed by Joly appears to make no mention of the text, though part of the note is censored in documents that have now been released.

(Isnt that TYPICAL! So very many LIE-beral activities are censored or redacted or covered by parliamentary privilege!! The Lavalin and Admiral Norman trials are both buried in requests for documents and reports that LIE-berals prefer to hide!!!)

And Joly’s staff needed answers in a hurry because they had to brief the Prime Minister’s Office.

They followed up on the weekend with this request for immediate action: “Sorry to disturb on a Sat. MINO (the minister’s office) is wondering if the plaque can be removed today? Please confirm.”

It was not removed on the Saturday, but was taken down two days later after the site closed for the night. The heavy lifting required a crane.

Then came the question: What do we tell the public? Canadian Heritage was in a bind because technically the monument was National Capital Commission property. At first, the department asked the NCC to answer any questions.

(LIE-berals COULD tell us they don’t know much about WW2 and don’t care to learn either and they could also tell us they don’t care much about Jews either since Jewish support for LIE-berals has WANED considerably over the years! But LIE- berals WILL NOT say such things even though they are OBVIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!)

But it soon came up with its own “media holding lines,” a message to be recited to any reporter who called.

The plaque was being rewritten, they said, “to better align with the interpretive panels.”

Another glitch: A TV crew was asking for a tour of the monument. Heritage staff didn’t like this idea — “PCH is not encouraging media tours during this period,” one wrote — but the NCC agreed to let the crew in on the strict condition that there would be no questions about the plaque.

It cost $5,000 to remove the first plaque, and an estimated $50,000 to replace it.

The revised dedication plaque at the National Holocaust Monument.

One group that requested the change in wording wasn’t bothered by the lapse.

It was “just one of those things that happen in a complex project of this nature,” Martin Sampson of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs said in an email. “It is important to note that when we raised the issue with the relevant elected officials, they moved quickly to fix the problem. The Jewish community is gratified with the commitment expressed by successive governments, culminating in the opening of the memorial in 2017.”

(I suggest the Jewish Community is gratified that LIE-berals did not simply brush them off and denigrate them as bigots and systemic racists as is the standard reward for anybody who complains about LIE-beral policy and their frequent public demonstrations of support for radical Muslims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)