Impressive. Your ignorance is even vaster than the dim rodent's. He at least has an alternative, BS though it is. Are you unaware, for instance, that the computer you use to post here depends critically on our understanding of quantum effects for its operation, and the system of global positioning satellites depends critically on general relativity for its accuracy?
That's completely untrue. Science in the 20th century divided into that governed by the scientific method.. based on hypothesis and experiment.. that it is true science.... and that governed by mathematical abstraction.. which even Cliffy, in his confused state, rightly ascribed as having the character of a religion.
All of the technological advances in computing, communication, medicine, mechanics, chemistry, metallurgy are a function of the former. As for the latter, you would be hard pressed to ascribe ONE useful technological development that has been produced... after the Second World War.. to Quantum Mechanics, Superstrings, Cosmological Speculation (Big Bang, dark matter, inflation.. the whole corrupt construct is becoming evermore complex and absurd as real astronomical observation undermines it)..or for that matter the 'True Cross' of General Relativity. They all came from mechanical, chemical, metallurgical, electrical labs.. NOT those of physics. Science loses its seminal inspiration when it divorces itself from technology.. and becomes a philosophy.
The orthodox scientific culture in major universities.. which is that which bamboozles funding from government and industry.. is now completely in the hands of Cosmologists.. which sequesters for itself the largest parts of grants.. and decides who gets tenure and Nobel Prizes. I can guarantee you that the E10 billion CERN Collider will produce absolutely nothing of any value in a technological sense. And i predict that the state of culture, society, science and technology.. will be in an advanced state of decay by latter quarter of the 21st Century.
Hmmm... sounds an awful lot like religion, 'specially lak dat ol' tyme religion (the archaic kind).
If you'd ever read some real theology, Cliffy.. not the pop religious tracts that comprise the Fundamentalist literature and those of Eastern mysticism.. you'd realize that like 'true' science.. 'true' religion is also founded on hypothesis, reason and observation (guided by revelation). from which the thesis is derived. That divide is there as well in our time.