Bibi is back


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Yeah, that's pretty big stuff compared to the small potatoes of wasting 3 1/2 years and millions of dollars persecuting a duly elected president on a trumped up charge that was purely fabricated by the Democrats and the FBI.

Except... sort'a not really? But okay.

And now the leftards are whining because Republicans are playing a variation of the same game.

And that is?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Wanna make a leftard completely lose their shit? Play their stupid fucking games right back at them.

Why play the "stupid games" at all. As hated as Bush was - and he was - despite everything, HE never had any of this kind of shit go down during his time in office, or after. Why is it only Trump has ALL these damned issues? As I've heard his supporters say "something doesn't compute". Especially when a lot of those issues with his time in office, WERE actual, legit problems, enough to warrant people to look into it.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Wow - i hadn't even been watching that. What a mess :) That's the thing i hate about republic models of gov't - at least with ours if it were that close between the two leaders it would almost certainly be a minority gov't and the "president" wouldn't have that kind of power and the 'runner up' would still be very relevant.

Well if the left wing guy doesn't deliver i suspect there'll be a serious blowback again and the right wing candidate and his supporters will be back in strength. As we just saw in isreal.
The left will deliver. But, as with everyplace else in the world where the left seizes power what they deliver will not be good for the citizens.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
No, Jin, that's not 'all it would take', not anymore.

NEITHER side wants peace at this point. Not Israel, not Palestine. Neither side.
It is very obvious that isreal wants peace. And that's in their nature - they tend to prefer other pursuits rather than fighting wars and they treasure their children and don't want to see them die fighting a conflict needlessly.

But what Isreal DOESN'T want (understandably) is peace today but yet another big war tomorrow. So they don't really trust the Palestinians. A group of people who's gov't literally ran on "exterminating all jews" as a platform plank.

The fact is if the Palestinians actually gave that up and looked for a peaceful life, Isreal would be right on board with that. But they'd have to show it not just say it.
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
No, Jin, that's not 'all it would take', not anymore.

NEITHER side wants peace at this point. Not Israel, not Palestine. Neither side.

As I said, Rabin was their LAST chance at it - Palestine WAS willing to quit their BS, and Israel was willing to work with them - but then an extremist ISRAELI from the right wing and from the same party as Ben-Gvir (same generation too IIRC) stopped that.

And no one from Israel stepped up to continue the push for peace that Rabin wanted. No one from Palestine encouraged the plans to continue.

THAT was their chance, and both sides blew it. From that moment on, THAT is when things changed.

It's done the same with Palestine - and yet it's now grabbing Palestinian territory AGAINST international law.

The phrase - knife to a gun fight - comes to mind whenever I hear this. Only the Palestinians have rocks vs. guns and body armor, or, yes, grenades, suicide bombs, bombs, vs. air strikes and missiles...

Winning isn't likely for Palestine and they know it.

And there's a valid reason why many people who previously supported Israel now are against them. When you have people in their own goverment demanding that their own people be kicked out of the country, or executed, all because they are of Arab decent, that's a problem. When people with that view now hold a chunk of power in the governing body of that country, that's a problem.

I'm not absolving Palestine of their wrongs and evils, do not get me wrong. Every time Palestine does ANYTHING it feeds these monsters, but when there are Palestinians who are doing nothing but living on land that was theirs for generations, now suddenly being kicked off of it, arrested or killed... that's a problem.

And for Palestinians who perpetuate THEIR end of the hate - bombing people and places, taking shelter in centers where innocents are to 'hide' - that does NOTHING but continue the process.

But let me ask you this, Jin, if YOU were in their place. If YOU were suddenly being kicked off land your family has held for generations, by a government that has no real right to, if they killed one of yours who dared stand up to face the people coming into take what was yours, how would YOU respond?
Like the Europeans did to us?


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Another good news day.
Gotta love how the bbc reports it ;) - isreal "Lurches" to the right, the "Far right" is "Propelled to power". :) You can practically hear the hatred of the writers dripping from the text :)

If it had gone left it would be that they 'slided' or moved to the left, it wouldn't be the 'far left' no matter how far it was, and they wouldn't be "propelled" like a rocket, they'd be "buoyed' or 'lifted' like an angel :)
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Good news for Israel and most of the civilized world. For you muzzie terrorist lovers perhaps not so much.

Show me where I am a "muzzie terrorist lover"?

Cause I'm not and never have been.

Even parts of ISRAEL doesn't think it's good news but don't let that truth get in the way of your absolute indoctrination.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Like the Europeans did to us?

Are you Native? Or from another country that "Europe" did this to? Didn't know you were.

But in essence; yes. And did those ancestors bow down and just 'let' it happen?

More often than not, they fought back.

But this isn't 200+ years ago.

And neither side wants peace. Electing far right "Kill the Arabs" party proves that. Continuing to allow Hamas to operate as well as other anti-Israeli groups proves that.

That's just the sad reality.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Are you Native? Or from another country that "Europe" did this to? Didn't know you were.

But in essence; yes. And did those ancestors bow down and just 'let' it happen?

More often than not, they fought back.

But this isn't 200+ years ago.

And neither side wants peace. Electing far right "Kill the Arabs" party proves that. Continuing to allow Hamas to operate as well as other anti-Israeli groups proves that.

That's just the sad reality.
Part native.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Show me where I am a "muzzie terrorist lover"?

Cause I'm not and never have been.

Even parts of ISRAEL doesn't think it's good news but don't let that truth get in the way of your absolute indoctrination.
You either support Israel, or you support terrorism. There is no inbetween.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
You either support Israel, or you support terrorism. There is no inbetween.

Hell YES there is in between.

Or are you going to say that the people who are Israeli who think Bibi and this right wackadoo ARE right wackadoo's, aren't supportive of Israel either?

I don't support terrorism at all. Period.

I don't support the way Israel is currently as it concerns Palestine and it's people, because THAT is also terrorism.

I don't support the way Palestine is currently as it concerns Israel and it's people, because THAT is also terrorism.

The ONLY time Israel and Palestine were worth supporting, was when Rabin worked for Peace. The moment a right wing, extremist Jew assassinated him, it proved NEITHER side wanted peace and NEITHER side deserves absolute support of anyone.
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Hell YES there is in between.

Or are you going to say that the people who are Israeli who think Bibi and this right wackadoo ARE right wackadoo's, aren't supportive of Israel either?

I don't support terrorism at all. Period.

I don't support the way Israel is currently as it concerns Palestine and it's people, because THAT is also terrorism.

I don't support the way Palestine is currently as it concerns Israel and it's people, because THAT is also terrorism.

The ONLY time Israel and Palestine were worth supporting, was when Rabin worked for Peace. The moment a right wing, extremist Jew assassinated him, it proved NEITHER side wanted peace and NEITHER side deserves absolute support of anyone.
Don't forget to bow to mecca.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Hell YES there is in between.

Or are you going to say that the people who are Israeli who think Bibi and this right wackadoo ARE right wackadoo's, aren't supportive of Israel either?

I don't support terrorism at all. Period.

I don't support the way Israel is currently as it concerns Palestine and it's people, because THAT is also terrorism.

I don't support the way Palestine is currently as it concerns Israel and it's people, because THAT is also terrorism.

The ONLY time Israel and Palestine were worth supporting, was when Rabin worked for Peace. The moment a right wing, extremist Jew assassinated him, it proved NEITHER side wanted peace and NEITHER side deserves absolute support of anyone.
So you are demonstrating that you know nothing of the history and reasons of the territorial tensions .


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
nothing offends them more :)

Basically hypocrisy is the national sport of the left. Justin trudeau, currently under investigation for inapprorpriately suspending civil liberties, declaring the emergency act and seizing people's bank accounts, is furious that doug ford has lawfully envoked the notwithstanding clause which Justin's father agreed to put in the Charter.
What's even more hypocritical is Groper doesn't seem the least bit phased about Quebec's use of the clause to clamp down on basic human and civil rights. But god forbid some whiny little privileged union turd is forced back to work.

As an aside, the right to strike is an invented right. There's nothing in the Charter or Constitution that actually says you have the RIGHT to strike. Yeah, the Supreme Court said it is but the Supreme Court also previously said it isn't.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
No, Jin, that's not 'all it would take', not anymore.

NEITHER side wants peace at this point. Not Israel, not Palestine. Neither side.

As I said, Rabin was their LAST chance at it - Palestine WAS willing to quit their BS, and Israel was willing to work with them - but then an extremist ISRAELI from the right wing and from the same party as Ben-Gvir (same generation too IIRC) stopped that.

And no one from Israel stepped up to continue the push for peace that Rabin wanted. No one from Palestine encouraged the plans to continue.

THAT was their chance, and both sides blew it. From that moment on, THAT is when things changed.

It's done the same with Palestine - and yet it's now grabbing Palestinian territory AGAINST international law.
Yet Palestine routinely uses civilian infrastructure to coordinate and launch attacks on Israel. That is a war crime AND a crime against humanity. You might not be willing to absolve Palestine for their part, but on a global level it seems the Jew haters prefer to ignore that little tidbit of fact. Palestine commits a war crime and crime against humanity, Israel retaliates and muslims and leftards scream "genocide".
The phrase - knife to a gun fight - comes to mind whenever I hear this. Only the Palestinians have rocks vs. guns and body armor, or, yes, grenades, suicide bombs, bombs, vs. air strikes and missiles...
Well, quit picking fights with people who have guns and shit when all you have is rocks. Pretty simple.
Winning isn't likely for Palestine and they know it.
Militarily no. In the court of public opinion they're already winning though.
And there's a valid reason why many people who previously supported Israel now are against them. When you have people in their own goverment demanding that their own people be kicked out of the country, or executed, all because they are of Arab decent, that's a problem. When people with that view now hold a chunk of power in the governing body of that country, that's a problem.

I'm not absolving Palestine of their wrongs and evils, do not get me wrong. Every time Palestine does ANYTHING it feeds these monsters, but when there are Palestinians who are doing nothing but living on land that was theirs for generations, now suddenly being kicked off of it, arrested or killed... that's a problem.

And for Palestinians who perpetuate THEIR end of the hate - bombing people and places, taking shelter in centers where innocents are to 'hide' - that does NOTHING but continue the process.

But let me ask you this, Jin, if YOU were in their place. If YOU were suddenly being kicked off land your family has held for generations, by a government that has no real right to, if they killed one of yours who dared stand up to face the people coming into take what was yours, how would YOU respond?
Let me ask you this. How would YOU react if your neighbours spent the better part of 75 years continually attacking you and your family? How would YOU react if every attempt at making peace with your neighbours was spit back in your face. How would YOU react if every time you retaliated you were accused of trying to kill the entire family next door.

Also you claim the land belongs to Palestine. Does it? Palestinians have never owned Palestine. It's always been under someone else's control. Secondly, scholars and archaeologists have determined that BOTH people entered the land about 100 years apart. The people who became the Palestinians settled in the west and south of the land while the ancient Israelites settled in the hills and plains of the east and north.

However, if we wanna talk about who was there first, Egypt was busy colonizing the land even before the Israelites and Palestinian ancestors settled in it. This was part of Egypt's rationale for wanting to take the entire southern half of that land after Israel was defeated in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. The Arab muslim states weren't very keen on even a one state solution with Palestine being that one state. The goal was to defeat Israel and carve up the land between Egypt, Syria and Lebanon.

As for the Palestinians, they elected Hamas. If you wanna know why Israel finally said "fuck it" in response to Palestine, that's why. Extremism begets extremism. Problem is everyone wants to point fingers at the reactive extremism and not the cause of it, 'cuz Jews is evil".

Oddly enough, in what is probably one of the greatest ironies of history, Palestine still exists only because Israel didn't lose that war in 1948, or any of the following wars.

Finally, the Palestinians are human fucking garbage. They actually shot my father while he was helping to protect/defend them from potential extremists on the Israeli side. (Remember, in the early days the Soviet Union backed Israel while Britain backed Palestine.) They're just a bunch of mutts.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Finally, the Palestinians are human fucking garbage. They actually shot my father while he was helping to protect/defend them from potential extremists on the Israeli side. (Remember, in the early days the Soviet Union backed Israel while Britain backed Palestine.) They're just a bunch of mutts.