Colpy-The four four million Murdered at Auschwitz was used at the Nuremberg Trial. You say no one took 4 million murdered at Auschwitz serious.
Where Are The Archeological Digs?
If there really were 4.000,000 Jews gassed at Auschwitz than archeological teams would be swarming all over the place. For the record, the numbers are now down to 135,000 to 140, estimate based on documents held by the International Tracing Service of the Red Cross
Treblinka Was A Train Station
The Treblinka story says 2,000,000 Jews are buried in a pit the size of a football field at that camp, but there hasn't been one archeological dig. A new video documentary shows how a forensic examination of the camp turned up no evidence whatever of an organized 'extermination.'
The Red Cross Visited The Camps Regularly
By the way, the Red Cross kept meticulous records and they indicate the total deaths in all the camps over the course of the war was 272,000, and only 1/3 were Jews...again, this is according to the Red Cross.
June 7, 1979. Pope John Paul II praying for the big "4 million" lie and blessing 2 1/2 million non-existent victims. The Poles bestowed "Holocaust" medals posthumously to non-existent martyrs.
[SIZE=+2]Pope praying before false plaques [/SIZE]
Gerald Ford, the President of the United States, also paid homage to the lie, as have hundreds of Presidents, Prime Ministers and dignitaries from around the world - for years!
LOOKS like 4 million was taken seriously. But One can't take you seriously. You provide lies.
These camps are all over Europe. There is no good reason to save any of them.
I don't agree. The record of the holocaust is well documented and there is no reason to have anything but a respectably sized, tasteful, shrine dedicated to those who died. I was in Germany for almost four years and I liked the German people and I see no reason to keep beating them over the head about Hitler's camps. The average German didn't even know about the camps until after the war, and if some did know, what could they do about it?
We have provided credible sources. YOU are the one that has not provided any sources.(Sigh)
First of all, Ford is hardly a historian. Neither was the Pope.
Secondly WHERE ARE THEY????????
In POLAND, communist Poland to be exact.....
What did you expect? Ford to do several months of historical research, then spit in the faces of his Polish hosts by calling them liars????
Grow up.
Find a CREDIBLE source.
Good luck with that.
As long as there are nut jobs that say the sun doesn't exist, it helps to have somebody that can point it out in the sky. With all the evidence that exists, there are still complete and utter morons that claim the Holocaust never happened. Keep the camps.
We have provided credible sources. YOU are the one that has not provided any sources.
Your point Colpy was that no one took the 4 million lie seriously. President Ford paid hommage to 4
million and you point is that Ford and the Pope are not historians. Who cares. The point is Colpy that the President and the Pope believed the lie or at least paid hommage to the lie. 4 million was used at the Nuremberg trials. No historians there either. I am grown up, Colpy. I don't need good luck . The facts have been presented. Where are your facts Colpy? Good luck!
"The most precise figures for the destruction of European Jewry during the Second World War are as follows: total population in 1939 - 9,415,840; lowest estimate of losses - 5,596,029; highest estimate - 5,860,129"
Let the Jews cough up the $130M (on their own) over and above what is donated these days.As long as there are nut jobs that say the sun doesn't exist, it helps to have somebody that can point it out in the sky. With all the evidence that exists, there are still complete and utter morons that claim the Holocaust never happened. Keep the camps.
Quote: "The most precise figures for the destruction of European Jewry during the Second World War are as follows: total population in 1939 - 9,415,840; lowest estimate of losses - 5,596,029; highest estimate - 5,860,129"
Just imagine this genius gives a numbers down to one person 5,596,029; highest estimate - 5,860,129" but then gives a range of 264,100
Colpy the Genius has solved it all with one little quote from one source
Which has been contradicted by many other sources
Now were people gassed in Gass chambers? Where are these millions of bodies and ashes? They sublimed, right Colpy. Within a few years the 6 million lie will be exposed by little men with little minds who took soil samples and found undisturbed areas where bodies should have been, gas chambers that could not be, and numbers that add up--Difficult to gain sympathy of the world and build a nation on lies and then found out.
You have proven nothing Colpy. You have yourself stated that population numbers are all inaccurate and now all of a sudden this is gospel. The truth will come out
By repeating what he was told to say.And, BTW, how do you think Dr. Ferguson gained standing in three of the best universities on earth??????????????
By repeating what he was told to say.
How do you thing some very respected professors lose their tenure these days, by speaking the truth that they can verify through documented sources.
By repeating what he was told to say.
How do you thing some very respected professors lose their tenure these days, by speaking the truth that they can verify through documented sources.
Okay, here you go, as I've quoted before, and you have ignored:
Dr. Niall Ferguson is hardly a conventional thinker, nor an sycophant to the conventional wisdom: his contention is that Western Civilization is in steep decline, pushed over the edge by population growth and technology in the third world, and by our own arrogance........he decries the Nuremberg Trials as institutionalized revenge.......
Dr. Ferguson is Professor of History at Harvard University, a Senior Research Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford University, and a Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institution, Sanford University.
That means he holds high standing as an Professor of History at three of the best universities on earth.
That means he is a CREDIBLE source.........
His book is not about the Holocaust, but it does deal with the subject at some is what it boils down to:
From The War of the World Twentieth Century Conflict and the Descent of the West, by Niall Ferguson, page 470.
Match can't. Because the purveyors of Holocaust denial are little men, liars or idiots all, few with any relevant training or credentials, and those that hold some semblance of a professional link to history (few, so very few of them) are not among the respected of the profession, they simply have a lunatic agenda......
The silence is deafening....
It is just crazy to me that with the millions of pieces of evidence (pictures, eyewitness acounts, documents, etc) people still debate this one. Even the former commandant of Auschwitz admitted what happened there. If I'm not mistaken, he wrote his autobiography while waiting to be hung. You would never get that amount of evidence in a criminal trial nowadays.