You can not leave the moon's position in relation to the sun out of the equation.
The entire solar system is just that, a SOLAR system. The earth is not the center of it, and is not the basis by which the rotations of celestial bodies are measured. They are measured by drawing an imaginary fixed point, (ie, the center of the sun) and then watching the dance of the planets and satellites, while holding that point still. Because we are moving too, we can not assume that simply because something is facing us constantly, it is not moving as well. It would be like driving down the highway, and assuming that the car in front of you had stopped, merely because it was maintaining a constant distance from you.
You can not leave the moon's position in relation to the sun out of the equation.
The entire solar system is just that, a SOLAR system. The earth is not the center of it, and is not the basis by which the rotations of celestial bodies are measured. They are measured by drawing an imaginary fixed point, (ie, the center of the sun) and then watching the dance of the planets and satellites, while holding that point still. Because we are moving too, we can not assume that simply because something is facing us constantly, it is not moving as well. It would be like driving down the highway, and assuming that the car in front of you had stopped, merely because it was maintaining a constant distance from you.