Are Muslims better in outcome?


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
You have it backwards bloomer, you are the ones who supports them by not exposing whose orders they obey.

Satan and the other fallen angels are in the front row in hell. You are as green as they come aren't you? You should have been trained a little longer before being let outside.

Well goes to show you stupidity and in-breading are also an issues with Muslims.. you're living proof.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
All the present Jews will lose (in the Next Life.)
All the present Christians will lose.
Most of present Muslims will lose.

Ah man....I'm not sure if I want to open this can of worms
or not, but now I'm curious.

In your world, the Jews are screwed 'cuz they're not Muslims.
That means the Christians are also screwed 'cuz they're
not Muslims. But why with most of present Muslims will lose?

In your head, are most of the present Muslims dialed into the
wrong branch or sect or interpretation of your faith, but you
aren't....or what?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
That may have been a typo, may have meant breeding!
Ya think??

Ah man....I'm not sure if I want to open this can of worms
or not, but now I'm curious.

In your world, the Jews are screwed 'cuz they're not Muslims.
That means the Christians are also screwed 'cuz they're
not Muslims. But why with most of present Muslims will lose?

In your head, are most of the present Muslims dialed into the
wrong branch or sect or interpretation of your faith, but you
aren't....or what?
For what it's worth all Gentiles will be judged by God by the 14 description in the 7 Churches that best fits them


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Ah man....I'm not sure if I want to open this can of worms
or not, but now I'm curious.

In your world, the Jews are screwed 'cuz they're not Muslims.
That means the Christians are also screwed 'cuz they're
not Muslims. But why with most of present Muslims will lose?

In your head, are most of the present Muslims dialed into the
wrong branch or sect or interpretation of your faith, but you
aren't....or what?

Selfsame is bat**** crazy.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Ya think??

I know JLM does, I know you don't.. any other questions?

You really are stupid aren't you? Rhetorical question.



Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
Ah man....I'm not sure if I want to open this can of worms
or not, but now I'm curious.

In your world, the Jews are screwed 'cuz they're not Muslims.
That means the Christians are also screwed 'cuz they're
not Muslims. But why with most of present Muslims will lose?

In your head, are most of the present Muslims dialed into the
wrong branch or sect or interpretation of your faith, but you
aren't....or what?

When God sends a messenger (which means: apostle), He wants people to believe in him and follow and obey him.
The obedience of this apostle or messenger in in fact the obedience of the One Who sent him.

When God sends His envoys: (the messengers or apostles), then people should believe in all His apostles, so believing in some of them and unbelieving in others is not accepted.

This is like e.g. Canada sends its envoy to a certain country, and the government of that country does not welcome him and does not regard him but ignores him.

Another example: When US sends a delegate of ten men to a certain country, and that country accepts some of the delegate and rejects the others.
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Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
Ah man....I'm not sure if I want to open this can of worms
or not, but now I'm curious.

In your world, the Jews are screwed 'cuz they're not Muslims.
That means the Christians are also screwed 'cuz they're
not Muslims. But why with most of present Muslims will lose?

In your head, are most of the present Muslims dialed into the
wrong branch or sect or interpretation of your faith, but you
aren't....or what?

Second part of the reply:

1- Muslims believe in God as One God without associate, equal, son or parents.

2- Moreover, they believe in all the messengers and prophets of God with discrimination. Including Moses, Jesus in addition to Mohammed.

3- In addition, to believing in all the heavenly books revealed by God: like the Torah of Moses, the Books of the prophets, the Psalm of David and the Gospel of Jesus in addition to the Quran revealed to Mohammed.

4- Also they believe in the Next Life, then the Judgment and Requital, then Paradise or Heaven and Hell.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Second part of the reply:

1- Muslims believe in God as One God without associate, equal, son or parents.

2- Moreover, they believe in all the messengers and prophets of God with discrimination. Including Moses, Jesus in addition to Mohammed.

3- In addition, to believing in all the heavenly books revealed by God: like the Torah of Moses, the Books of the prophets, the Psalm of David and the Gospel of Jesus in addition to the Quran revealed to Mohammed.

4- Also they believe in the Next Life, then the Judgment and Requital, then Paradise or Heaven and Hell.
Never met a fanatic that didn't think he/she wasn't the only truth. Save me Selfslime I'm out on a limb and am in neeeeeed,,,of the salvation only you can provide. :).