Dips would have to go first, but in the end, you'll need an economic argument to determine if it's even practical
Dips are on very shaky ground reinforced only by 3 Green seats. While Greens may be good for retired folks, they are absolutely useless for anyone supporting a family.
The ndp are good for families
in both cases, neither generate revenues
The ones who need doctors and nurses and teachersThe ones on welfare maybe!
Or civil servants
That is just sadIn order to GENERATE revenues there's two choices...………………..mine something or kill something!![]()
Got some numbers, just so a volume is known and can be compared to 'others'. Exports after you keep what you need to feed yourself. That is how most people end up extinct, they rely on imported food rather than growing their own. It has happened enough that people should catch onto what program is being run.We still mine , log and fish . We have cattle ranching and farming . Tourism will not go away . B. C. is a rich province and would survive just fine without the rest of Canada .
Alberta is one of Canada's least socialistic provinces! T-bones can be an idiot at times!
Hey retard, if you have a diverse economy there are no downturns.BC has a diverse economy which is how it manages to power through all these downturns.
Alberta is a one horse economy and a downturn in that sector devastates them.
Boom and bust.
That would make him matrix-free rather than fully eaten by it. He is what happens when you cave into people that should be subjects and not owners."at times" you're being way to generous
I think he is smoking way to much peyote these days
Well if there is an Alberta Saskatchewan split from Canada , what would the point be to remain in confederation separated by 1000 or more kilometres ?Sounds good to me.
Best of luck
That is just sad
Well if there is an Alberta Saskatchewan split from Canada , what would the point be to remain in confederation separated by 1000 or more kilometres ?
Who/what is being killed, the free spirit in all Canadians??But unfortunately a fact of life, any other activity just spreads money around.