A win for the LGTBQ community


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Considering Trump's removing of the health care issue on Friday, this is a good win and needed.
I wish every Anti-Trans wackadoodle would just stop obsessing with what's under the 'dress' of a Trans Woman. It's kind'a eww for all of us.
Puts me in mind of a story I heard on BFBS many, many years ago. In London (England) a man approached a Scot in a kilt and said something to the effect of "I've always wondered if it's true what they say about what Scots wear under their kilts, and now I'm going to find out" and attempted to lift the Scot's kilt.

The story didn't say whether the Englishman found out what Scots wear under their kilts, but he did find out what a sgian dubh is, and how it works.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I'm worried that forbidding discrimination in education, employment, housing, and public accommodation will lead to transgender terrorists destroying civilisation.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
You may want to research this issue. Most people have no problems with Transgendered people that legitimately want to be accepted as equals.
However, to deny there is a huge problem in the LGBT community with men trying to manipulate the system for personal gain, power, or sexual perversions is wrong.
Do you really support a person who was born a man, competing in woman's sport? That is cheating.
Do you really support people who identify people who identify as women, but still have male sexual organs, obsessed with getting into female only spaces, like rape crisis centres, women's change-rooms, and women's prisons?
I've noticed that many people that are Trans activists seem to have a huge problem with misogyny. They label any female who disagrees with them as "TERFs" try to dehumanize them, and encourage violence against born females.
Well, I'm sure denying them health care will fix the problem.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
You may want to research this issue. Most people have no problems with Transgendered people that legitimately want to be accepted as equals.

However, to deny there is a huge problem in the LGBT community with men trying to manipulate the system for personal gain, power, or sexual perversions is wrong.

Do you really support a person who was born a man, competing in woman's sport? That is cheating.

Do you really support people who identify people who identify as women, but still have male sexual organs, obsessed with getting into female only spaces, like rape crisis centres, women's change-rooms, and women's prisons?

I've noticed that many people that are Trans activists seem to have a huge problem with misogyny. They label any female who disagrees with them as "TERFs" try to dehumanize them, and encourage violence against born females.

LOL - you're telling me to research the issue... as if I don't know?

I don't deny there's issues in the GLBT+ community but guess what, it's not just the Trans people who have issues in the GLBT+ community. Idiocy is not exclusionary. I've seen Lesbians say that because they're Lesbians, they can't be homophobic, but they are. I've seen Gay men say the same.

Did you know that in the GLBT+ community, Bi people are up there with Trans people as the most maligned group IN the community? Thankfully I've never experienced it but I know others who have.

I absolutely believe men who try to get into anything female related is wrong.

But we're not talking men, we're talking Trans Women, who are women, not men.

And why are you so focused on Trans Women? I mean what about Trans Men? Stop focusing on the male genitalia, my gods, that's just gross.

And TERFs are radical feminists - Lesbians and otherwise - of varying types but they in the end boil down to the same BS those who are anti-Trans are - they obsess with the male genitalia Trans Women have... oh, and they freak the fuk out over Trans Men because they are Men instead of women, as if being a woman is a wonderful fukin thing... *eyeroll*.

Basically most anti-Trans stuff can be summed up this way - stop obsessing with diks. Really; if you have one, go stare at your own in a mirror to get over it. If you don't (TERF), then STFU and go obsess over something else.


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Men are responsible for almost all mass murders.

Ergo, all men are mass murderers.

Girth logic.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
LOL - you're telling me to research the issue... as if I don't know?
I don't deny there's issues in the GLBT+ community but guess what, it's not just the Trans people who have issues in the GLBT+ community. Idiocy is not exclusionary. I've seen Lesbians say that because they're Lesbians, they can't be homophobic, but they are. I've seen Gay men say the same.
Did you know that in the GLBT+ community, Bi people are up there with Trans people as the most maligned group IN the community? Thankfully I've never experienced it but I know others who have.
I absolutely believe men who try to get into anything female related is wrong.
But we're not talking men, we're talking Trans Women, who are women, not men.
And why are you so focused on Trans Women? I mean what about Trans Men? Stop focusing on the male genitalia, my gods, that's just gross.
And TERFs are radical feminists - Lesbians and otherwise - of varying types but they in the end boil down to the same BS those who are anti-Trans are - they obsess with the male genitalia Trans Women have... oh, and they freak the fuk out over Trans Men because they are Men instead of women, as if being a woman is a wonderful fukin thing... *eyeroll*.
Basically most anti-Trans stuff can be summed up this way - stop obsessing with diks. Really; if you have one, go stare at your own in a mirror to get over it. If you don't (TERF), then STFU and go obsess over something else.

You have ignored addressing everything girth has mentioned.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
You have ignored addressing everything girth has mentioned.

Cause I've addressed them before, ad nauseam.

For someone like him, it won't matter anything that I say in the end.

Which is why my point is not to dissuade what he says, rather to point out the real reason it's an objection is that Trans Women have diks and how dare they have diks and if they didn't have diks they'd be no issue because Trans Men aren't an issue at all.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Cause I've addressed them before, ad nauseam.
For someone like him, it won't matter anything that I say in the end.
Which is why my point is not to dissuade what he says, rather to point out the real reason it's an objection is that Trans Women have diks and how dare they have diks and if they didn't have diks they'd be no issue because Trans Men aren't an issue at all.

And I call bullshit. I couldn't care less if the do a partial or a full transition. What I do care about are psychopaths that use the existing laws concerning trans persons to promote and extend their sick agendas.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
And I call bullshit. I couldn't care less if the do a partial or a full transition. What I do care about are psychopaths that use the existing laws concerning trans persons to promote and extend their sick agendas.

It doesn't matter what you call it.

And honestly what you think are 'sick agendas' or whatever doesn't matter either.

I don't deny there are people who COULD use Trans laws to do things they shouldn't, but guess what, if they are, they're STILL doing illegal things and should be dealt with accordingly.

The existence of Trans laws does not make or break someone doing something illegal.

If a man steps into a woman's bathroom and assaults or rapes someone, that is STILL illegal, regardless of Trans laws.

And before you throw out this "if they throw on a dress-" no, just stop with YOUR bullshit.

A trans woman doesn't "just" throw on a dress and "pretend" to be a woman.

Again, stop focusing on diks. Seriously... it's gross...

Unless diks are your thing and then take it private, okay?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
It doesn't matter what you call it.
And honestly what you think are 'sick agendas' or whatever doesn't matter either.
I don't deny there are people who COULD use Trans laws to do things they shouldn't, but guess what, if they are, they're STILL doing illegal things and should be dealt with accordingly.
The existence of Trans laws does not make or break someone doing something illegal.
If a man steps into a woman's bathroom and assaults or rapes someone, that is STILL illegal, regardless of Trans laws.
And before you throw out this "if they throw on a dress-" no, just stop with YOUR bullshit.
A trans woman doesn't "just" throw on a dress and "pretend" to be a woman.
Again, stop focusing on diks. Seriously... it's gross...
Unless diks are your thing and then take it private, okay?

Ok, fine. You live in your fantasy world where men dont take advantage of this.

What this does, is present an unnecessary black mark on transwomen.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Ok, fine. You live in your fantasy world where men dont take advantage of this.

What this does, is present an unnecessary black mark on transwomen.

Actually I don't live in a fantasy world where men MIGHT take advantage of it.

I don't deny it could happen.

I don't even deny it might have.

But there are very, VERY few/small cases of it and in the end, that is NOT a Trans issue. It's a man being a criminal issue.

It doesn't give a black mark on Trans Women at all, because a man who does something like that is and never was a Trans Woman.

Stop obsessing over Trans Women diks.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Actually I don't live in a fantasy world where men MIGHT take advantage of it.
I don't deny it could happen.
I don't even deny it might have.
But there are very, VERY few/small cases of it and in the end, that is NOT a Trans issue. It's a man being a criminal issue.
It doesn't give a black mark on Trans Women at all, because a man who does something like that is and never was a Trans Woman.
Stop obsessing over Trans Women diks.

The only one obsessing about "diks" is you. By minimizing the issue, you aren't doing anyone any favors.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Until they get full gender reassignment surgery, they will be MEN.

So you're actually admitting it's about Trans Women having diks.

Good! I'm surprised you admitted this but good on you. Now if you could just stop you might be all right.

Let it go, Girth. Let the images of Trans Women diks go.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Until they get full gender reassignment surgery, they will be MEN.
I have never heard of any issues with Transgender Men (female to male) causing any kind of problems. It's an exclusive to Males (most are heterosexual BTW), who actually have untreated mental illness, personality disorders, or deep sexual perversions, who are defunding rape crisis centres and other female-only spaces. As well as cheating at sports. No matter what progressives say, born males have a huge advantage against born females in sport.
The acronym "TERF" is meant to dehumanize all women (straight and gay) opponents. It's like calling a Jew "kike" or a Black man the N-word.
More progressive garbage.
Over 80% of people polled say Trans persons who are born men, should NOT be competing in women's sports. It's scientifically proven that it gives these people an unfair advantage. You can't argue with facts. Try as you may.

Stop talking, you're not helping.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The only one obsessing about "diks" is you. By minimizing the issue, you aren't doing anyone any favors.

I don't obsess about Trans Women diks.

Trans Women are women, dik or not.

Nor am I minimising the issue. I've already pointed out I've had the argument to ad nauseam and what I've learned over repeated 'discussions' is that in the end, it's all about Trans Women having diks.


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
You seem to be obsessed with penises, which does not surprise me.
The silent majority is with me. 80% in fact.
Maybe start a relationship with Avro. You too could both use a good screwing.

You pay for prostitutes.

Nuff said.