Buoy IS pronouned Booee. You have to differentiate it from the deck hands...Boy would be a deck hand. Wouldn't want to mix those 2 up.
Just about everybody I know mispronounces February, card sharp, federal and prostrate. My pet peeve is irregardless.
Did you mean prostrate ( a position) or prostate (the male gland).
I can almost get past mispronunciations, what really irks me is when people use the wrong word.
Ex: My assignment for the new course I'm taking asked to prove that the insurance payable account was in fact $13100. It clearly stated BEFORE any adjustments were made.
So I said No, it isn't $13100.00 Because without adjustments the amounts did not add up to that.
Turns out I was wrong...they meant any current adjustments. Not previous period adjustments. Piss me off. The teacher said "it could have been worded better"