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  1. Nick Danger

    Yellowstone just had an eruption

    If God hadn't meant for man to eat animals he wouldn't have made them out of meat. - Homer Simpson
  2. Nick Danger

    WE really need to get rid of this guy

    That's the trick isn't it ? It would be economic suicide to re-elect the Liberals, they need a slap-down in the worst way. But history tells us that with Conservative governments it's always the working stiff who ends up footing the bill, and we have some big bills to pay right now.
  3. Nick Danger

    WE really need to get rid of this guy

    I agree that JT is well past his "best before" date, but I'm not convinced that PP is the better way forward. It seems the way of the world in Canadian politics is not to elect new people as much as it is to fire the old ones, and invariably we end up with the same old crooks with new faces.
  4. Nick Danger

    Well that was entertaining!

  5. Nick Danger

    Objection to some astronomers.

    Must have used union labour.
  6. Nick Danger

    Ottawa gives final approval for Rogers $26B purchase of Shaw

    Market share. Here in the Okanagan Valley in BC, Telus and Shaw were the major players, with a scattering of also-rans who survived by having partnerships with one of the two big guns. So, no big change in the winds here, so far. There is still enough competition between Telus and Rogers/Shaw...
  7. Nick Danger

    And the hatchet jobs begin. CBC: Convoy donors gave more than $460K to CPC leadership race — and many were first-time federal donors

    Yup. His bio speaks of his devotion to Milton Freidman, a driving force behind neoliberal economics, and PP calls him a "seminal influence" in his life and politics.
  8. Nick Danger

    And the hatchet jobs begin. CBC: Convoy donors gave more than $460K to CPC leadership race — and many were first-time federal donors

    Not really, it just doesn't get much air time in conservative circles, where environmental and social issues tend to get scoffed at rather than seriously considered. Middle and lower class wages have been largely stagnant since neoliberal economics gained popularity in the eighties, Reagan in...
  9. Nick Danger

    And the hatchet jobs begin. CBC: Convoy donors gave more than $460K to CPC leadership race — and many were first-time federal donors

    That's the meat of right there, it's not good for everyone. It's good for the few at the top. Freidman style economics gave us four decades of stagnant wages for the middle and lower classes, a manufacturing sector devastated by shipping jobs overseas, and an environment in peril.
  10. Nick Danger

    And the hatchet jobs begin. CBC: Convoy donors gave more than $460K to CPC leadership race — and many were first-time federal donors

    If you look at PP's history right back into his teens, one thing stands out above all else, his political ambition. Next to that is his devotion to Freidman style economics which, as the past forty years have shown us is a failure for all but the privileged few.
  11. Nick Danger

    And the hatchet jobs begin. CBC: Convoy donors gave more than $460K to CPC leadership race — and many were first-time federal donors

    I think the point to be considered is that the far right is an important part of PP's overall strategy. By not turning his back on them as a lot of Canadians think he should, he avoids alienating them and many others on the right, but not as far right. It's all numbers, and PP is a shrewd...
  12. Nick Danger

    Pierre Poilievre’s callous courting of Canada’s ‘deplorables’ (left wing in full panic mode)

    In the past CPP payments were designed to equal one quarter of your average lifetime income. With the enhancement program now underway they will increase that to one third by 2025.
  13. Nick Danger

    Pierre Poilievre’s callous courting of Canada’s ‘deplorables’ (left wing in full panic mode)

    In my perfect little dream world the goal of any elected official, either in power or in opposition, would be to make life better for Canadians. If the CPC has a better idea there would still be some degree of victory in having the Liberals adopt that idea if victory is all that's important to...
  14. Nick Danger

    Pierre Poilievre’s callous courting of Canada’s ‘deplorables’ (left wing in full panic mode)

    Trudeau rode a wave of discontent, the "solution" to widespread dissatisfaction with the Harper government. There was no populism involved, at the time he was simply a more popular choice. All he had to do was be there. One could argue that the same situation applies for PP, but the populism...
  15. Nick Danger

    Pierre Poilievre’s callous courting of Canada’s ‘deplorables’ (left wing in full panic mode)

    It's obvious that he is a skilled politician and an effective speaker, but we've got possibly three years until the next election and sooner or later he's going to have to come up with some concrete policy suggestions. Right now he's playing a heavy populist hand of support for Canadians that...
  16. Nick Danger

    Pierre Poilievre’s callous courting of Canada’s ‘deplorables’ (left wing in full panic mode)

    There most certainly are some parallels between PP's leadership bid and the Trump presidential campaign, not the least of which was PP's deft application of the populist shtick in whipping up an emotional frenzy without any actual policy statements beyond vague references to "remove the...
  17. Nick Danger

    PIerre takes it - 68 percent on the first ballot and what a winning speech

    I can see the next three years (?) making for some great political spectating. PP is a skilled politician, he knows what people want to hear and when to say it. It will be interesting when he gets a little more specific on policy.
  18. Nick Danger

    Municipal and school board elections this fall but how many will care?

    I'm watching municipal elections with renewed interest in the light of the meteoric rise in housing costs. There is plenty of room to take action at the municipal level with things like financial encouragement for non-profit suppliers and housing co-ops. I live in an area of very high tourist...
  19. Nick Danger

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    If you watch it three times it becomes true. :)
  20. Nick Danger

    Canada to create team to counter Russian disinformation: Trudeau

    In a perfect world that's just how it would be. But in the real world there are those who activley work to destroy the credibility of any source that doesn't march in lockstep with their own vision of the way things should be. These are not the sort of people prone to picking up a book now and...