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  1. TrapperSnapper

    The Climate Summit in Copenhagen Must Be Cancelled!

    Really? And, who's adding the hominems?
  2. TrapperSnapper

    The Expanding Earth

    I have a plasma cutter, why doesn't the sun collapse when I turn it on, after all it's volts/amps/watts etc. If I let go of it, my foot hurts, could that by some mischance be due to a spurious gravitational effect.
  3. TrapperSnapper

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Did you look up Chandlers Wobble?Maybe if we experience a sizable shift, Copenhagengate will collapse in on itself and the consensus will end up as just a plain old census.
  4. TrapperSnapper

    Socialists in a Panic

    Are not socialists always in a panic about something.
  5. TrapperSnapper

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Then you would have to believe the energy companies are purposely making it warmer. Gores only campaign is to get rich on the backs of fools who participate in cap&trade. Given the recent climategate fiasco I'm surprised anyone believes in anything the climate "science" is purporting.
  6. TrapperSnapper

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Nature, with help from the jolly green giant........or try "Chandlers Wobble".
  7. TrapperSnapper

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Ha yes, but this only applies to social misfits. Fudge and data are not the same. Agw science will soon be seen as the latest failed reality TV show.
  8. TrapperSnapper

    Death knell for AGW

    8-) Sorry about the garbage, just wanted to crypticisize the cryptic. My apologies to all.
  9. TrapperSnapper

    Death knell for AGW

    Enjoy the warmth while it lasts By Lawrence Solomon Thank your lucky stars to be alive on Earth at this time. Our planet is usually in a deep freeze. The last million years have cycled through Ice Ages that last about 100,000 years each, with warmer slivers of about 10,000 years in between...
  10. TrapperSnapper

    Death knell for AGW

    Or the fact that it's dark for approx' 6 months. Check out how ozone is produced.
  11. TrapperSnapper

    Death knell for AGW

    Global anyone? Care to explain how the O3 molecule miraculously avoids the polar regions?
  12. TrapperSnapper

    Death knell for AGW

    Excepting for those that are now dead.
  13. TrapperSnapper

    Death knell for AGW

    Lol All those examples are small change. So you are saying man can alter things on a global scale?
  14. TrapperSnapper

    Death knell for AGW

    It gets warmer, then it gets cooler, then it gets warmer......... Why argue about it. What is frightening is the sheer arrogance of man, to think that man can change the actions of mother nature.
  15. TrapperSnapper

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    Well some did, and then there's........
  16. TrapperSnapper

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    And your point is?
  17. TrapperSnapper

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    Maybe someone should tell AlGore the ice is floating, if it melted the sea level would fall. I wonder if he's talking about metres or meters. Maybe he should give up this AGW thingy and run for president, he would do much better.
  18. TrapperSnapper

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    Second law of thermodynamics. Lets have lots of hurricanes to convert heat to kinetic and cool things down a little. Anyways, my cabbages need more CO2 to attain a higher level of entropy.
  19. TrapperSnapper

    Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    My first post ladies and gentlemen.... AGW is a crock....... There, now I feel better.