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  1. Retired_Can_Soldier

    The Liberals are Wagging the Dog

    And have been since Trump was elected. Oh no, 51st state! Trump is talking about taking over Canada! Only we can save you! The fact of the matter is that the president of the United States is a shoot-from-the-hip guy who enjoys watching people run around with their hair on fire, and the...
  2. Retired_Can_Soldier

    There are only two genders that I'm aware of

    This is why Canada and Western society are in the toilet right now. I know I said this before, but it's time for the Canadian government to get back to work on the priorities of running a country. The Neo-Socialist experiment was a failure. Budgets don't balance themselves. The carbon tax does...
  3. Retired_Can_Soldier

    Singh is so pathetic its hilarious and pathetic and sort of sad, but in a "fuck you" sort of way.

    Who the fuck cares what this guy says? Anyone? Bueller! Bueller! Now that Trudeau has departed, meet Canada's top numb fuck.
  4. Retired_Can_Soldier


    Leadership By Gen. Rick Hillier The Canadian dream, so wonderfully launched in 1867 with the partnership that was the Dominion of Canada, is dead. Killed by ideology masking as leadership. Slaughtered by economic suicide posing as climate control. Bled by crushing taxes wasted on scandalous and...
  5. Retired_Can_Soldier

    The Truth about Residential Schools.

    There is no denying that horrible shit happened at the residential schools, but the propaganda surrounding this detracts from the actual issue. Now, activists want it to be against the law to question anything. If they get their way. This video would be illegal to post.
  6. Retired_Can_Soldier

    Freeland Follies

    Beyond being part of Justin Trudeau's Doomsday Cult. What is wrong with her? She bounces around like a tweaker.
  7. Retired_Can_Soldier

    Trudeau takes a shot but...

    Trudeau criticized Pollievre for not taking a security clearance that would have given him access to the names of compromised or possibly compromised Conservatives. Pollievre's resistance has been clear from the outset. The resistance comes in the form of a disclaimer attached to that clearance...
  8. Retired_Can_Soldier

    Mike Bullard is dead!

    RIP Mike Bullard I wasn't a huge fan, but he could be funny. CBC was sure to mention him allegedly threatening his ex-girlfriend.
  9. Retired_Can_Soldier

    Liberals bring out the Knives

    Liberal MPs are sharpening their knives as a breakaway group of MPs (likely fringe-anti-trans-mysognists) have signed a super secret document calling for Justin Trudeau to resign. The best thing they can do for their party is to call an election and finish their term with Trudeau. If I were a...
  10. Retired_Can_Soldier

    Conspiracy Theory - Trump Assasination

    So let's for a moment suspend reality and entertain the idea of conspiracy theories. This isn't a serious thread, so lighten up and float your crazy. Here's mine. Thomas Crook was a true believer and sacrificed himself so that Donald Trump would win the election. His family is in it up to...
  11. Retired_Can_Soldier

    Supreme Court Ruling on if a sitting president can be charged.

    So, hypothetically, if Biden took a gun and shot Trump, he wouldn't go to jail because he's in office?
  12. Retired_Can_Soldier

    Three Days a Week?

    Are you fucking kidding? Three days a week in the office? How dare you! What a bunch of self-entitled assholes. Is there a way to fire them and replace them? Useless. Pariah's on the system? Nah, I'm just kidding.
  13. Retired_Can_Soldier

    The prime minister is a...

  14. Retired_Can_Soldier

    We have lost our minds.

    Last year, somebody broke into my rig, not once, but twice. The first time they stole about $2500.00 of my personal items. Tools were the biggest ticket, but they also stole an old laptop, clothes, bedding, work boots, and a picture of my oldest grandson. The second robbery occurred while we...
  15. Retired_Can_Soldier

    Haniyeh accused Israel of acting in "the spirit of revenge and murder."

    You can't make this shit up. The leader of the Islamic Death Cult HAMAS is calling "No Fair!" in response to Israel killing three of his sons and four grandkids in Gaza, while his coward ass hides in Iran.
  16. Retired_Can_Soldier

    JK Rowling

    You know, I've read everything she's written and pretty much everything the Trans community has attacked her for, and quite frankly, I'm on her side. A trans woman is not a woman from my perspective. I'm willing to accept someone saying they're a trans woman, but if you aren't given the sex...
  17. Retired_Can_Soldier

    The hypocrisy of Politicians and Media alike.

    The point in the case would be the passing of Brian Mulroney. I'm sorry, folks, but these media groups and Liberal politicians talking about what a great prime minister he was have certainly done an about-face when Chretien was prime minister. That seemed to be Jean's goal, along with liberals...
  18. Retired_Can_Soldier

    Crisis in CAF Recruiting

    While driving, the other morning I was listening to Edmonton radio station, 630 CHED. They announced they would be speaking to a Major about the recruiting issues the CAF is facing. So, I waited and when the Major came on they introduced him as retiring in six weeks and he chuckled. He was out...
  19. Retired_Can_Soldier

    Canadians arent as woke as you think

    Interesting article:
  20. Retired_Can_Soldier

    Justin Trudeau announces he will step down as Liberal Leader

    The story broke late Thursday evening, and most news outlets still haven't picked it up yet, but Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced he would not be seeking reelection and will be stepping down as leader as soon as a new leader is found to lead the Grits into the next election. When asked if...