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  1. coldstream

    Climate Change Deniers - Can Anything Change Their Minds

    The more discredited the pseudoscience of AGW becomes, the more hysterical and desperate the claims of the AGW lobby. It is now no more than a laughable concoction of incoherent and inconsistent sophistry and absurdity that must be continually restated as its predictions and 'models' fail. It...
  2. coldstream

    Climate-Denier Scientist Caught Accepting Bribes from Koch Brothers

    It's all worthy of Joseph McCarthy, a witchhunt is support a political and philosophical hegemony, intended to enrich and empower the trading and financial culture that is fully invested in the fraud. Carbon credits are only one instrument of the scam, the more important is the control of the...
  3. coldstream

    The Intermittent Little Ice Age

    I was watching CBS News the other day, when the top story was the historic cold weather covering almost all of the eastern half of the country. The news anchor, Scott Pelley, felt compelled to end the newscast by telling us all this frigid weather had NOTHING to do with debunking the AGW...
  4. coldstream

    Georgia woman orders 'Whopper' of a death row final meal

    Too much fat and cholesterol in that i would say.
  5. coldstream

    New Years Resolutions For Climate Scientists

    Yes.. futile hope, i guess, some clarity, honesty and sanity in the AGW camp. But i think they likely are unsalvageable lost souls.. quite beyond reason.
  6. coldstream

    Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    That about sais it all for AGW science culture.. accept our pseudo science, regardless of its obvious deceptive and contrived outcomes.. or get blacklisted from every accredited educational institute and from every mainstream media outlet in the world. It's a form of Climate McArthyism. Check...
  7. coldstream

    99.999% certainty humans are driving global warming: new study

    Well it comes with a lot of baggage doesn't. Once you buy into the 'A' in AGW a whole political agenda, in fact the socio-political philosophy of radical anti-human environmentalism, comes into play. They know that. And this statement, thrown out as so much of AGW propoganda is, without an...
  8. coldstream

    99.999% certainty humans are driving global warming: new study

    I guess they upped that from the 99.998% certainty that they'd trumpeted before.. since nobody with an ounce of common sense believed that. Nobody believes them because they have no science.. no evidence.. and no history of delivering on their dire predictions. So they are left with bumping...
  9. coldstream

    Photons know a few tricks that physicists don't.

    is a photon a particle.. a unit of energy.. a wave. some think there are gravitons as wells. Gravity and light define the major forces in nature.. electro magnetism.. and nuclear (strong and weak) forces.. would be molecular assemblies of photons and gravitons (i like the word plutons...
  10. coldstream

    BBC: Esa's Cryosat mission sees Antarctic ice losses double

    Funny how reports of the return of the ice packs to the Arctic has disappeared from the mainstream media... after it was touted that they were gone forever. I wonder what they'll come up with when the normal cycles bring back the ice back at the South Pole. I know they'll come up with something...
  11. coldstream

    Climate Change Research Axed in Australia

    It'll show over time. Harper is a Free Trade ideologue with little complexity or integrity. Abbott is quite a complex fellow. A former Catholic seminarian who's likely to be more nationalistic.. and pro life. Harper gives lip service only to the the true Conservative cause.. in order to...
  12. coldstream

    Climate Change Research Axed in Australia

    We need a Tony Abbot in Canada. An independent thinker, free of ideological contrivance.. who can rely on his reason and common sense to address issues. Harper, Trudeau, Mulcair are all shills for ideologies. We are not well served.
  13. coldstream

    The dimensions of denial

    When you can't prove your case.. you develop a case against those who deny it. It obfuscates the tawdry pseudo science of AGW with conspiracy theories and innuendo. It only shows how sleazy and dishonest the AGW lobby has become.. and how desperate.
  14. coldstream

    Scientists in cover-up of ‘damaging’ climate view

    You will see more and more of this as AGW theories fail to live up to any scrutiny. It's not 'Slower' warming rates they are worried about.. Its the entire corroded structure of warming period.. much less the completely fabricated anthropogenic carbon based warming... that is collapsing. Which...
  15. coldstream

    There is no such thing as "climate science"

    In some ways the resorting of the AGW community to threats, dismissals might be a sign of just how discredited their organization has become. Like all cults and bureacracies.. they react to criticism and even to honest inquiry with violent aggression. The fabric of their 'science' is so...
  16. coldstream

    AGW Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.

    Uhh.. it's Climate Change now.. not AGW. Come on.. get with the program.. EVERYTHING proves that.. and its ALL due to human carbon emissions... trust us. :roll:
  17. coldstream

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    I watched as both CBS and PBS in the States went into full damage control in the face of the coldest winter in a 100 years.. blaming it all on Arctic Warming if you can believe it. They conveniently ignored the resurgence of the Arctic ice pack.. essentially confirming predictions that it...
  18. coldstream

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    The current arctic spell in North America is now the coldest since the 1880s in many cities (like NYC). Oh.. right the new narrative.. is 'Climate Change'.. so this fits right in, just ignore those previous predictions.. now ANYTHING proves AGW. :roll:
  19. coldstream

    How the GW myth is perpetuated

    Another year of record setting cold... even the laughable and desperate attempts of the AGW Fraud to change the narrative to 'climate change' and blame all this on carbon seems to be increasingly threadbare. It won't stop them.. because this is a cult.. irrational and credulous to a psuedo...
  20. coldstream

    Death knell for AGW

    The AGW con industry has continued its tactic of releasing completely misleading and incendicary public provocations.. in slick, methodical rollouts intended to maintain a high level of anxiety and confusion in the public mind. The latest is the 'bulletin' reported on the major news casts of...