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  1. Nick Danger

    Go Woke, Go Broke..

    Those will come back as the vaccination program progresses and restrictions are lifted. I do agree though that too much free money like EI and the Covid Relief payments are keeping people out of the lower income job market like most tourist sector jobs. We've watched that for decades here in...
  2. Nick Danger

    Go Woke, Go Broke..

    This isn't something I've heard of. Can you elaborate ?
  3. Nick Danger

    Erin O'Toole Under Fire

    That's the tough spot O'Toole is in. Too close to center and he loses the far right within his party. Even now he is seeing dissent within the party ranks, and outwardly they are bleeding support to fringe parties like the PPC and Maverick party who see his current trouble as opportunity for...
  4. Nick Danger

    Erin O'Toole Under Fire

    Nailed it.
  5. Nick Danger

    Go Woke, Go Broke..

    How old are you ? I'm mid-sixties, and when I grew up the norm was stay-at-home moms while Dad brought home the bacon, enough to keep ahead of house payments, car payments, put food on the table and maybe take a family holiday in the summer or put a kid through college. What's the norm today ...
  6. Nick Danger

    Go Woke, Go Broke..

    Canada is nothing like Venezuela.
  7. Nick Danger

    Go Woke, Go Broke..

    I don't know about that, re-writing the english language to suit your own agenda doesn't sound particularly progressive. The dictionary definition of 'woke' was just fine until somebody perverted it to mean something else.
  8. Nick Danger

    Go Woke, Go Broke..

    There's a balance point in there somewhere. An under-regulated corporate sector has given us a vanishing middle class and poison rivers. Handing the keys to the hen-house to the foxes is a stupid bet at the best of times.
  9. Nick Danger

    GB News could kill off the woke MSM

    You're missing my point. You don't hear the left hollering communist and socialist all the time because those are slurs generally coming from the right. It was an attempt at irony. Racist/supremacist are no more applicable to everyone on the right than socialist/communist is applicable to...
  10. Nick Danger

    Ontario state-Internet gambling

    Complicated topic. Is not one measure of a society's state of evolution in how it looks after its less fortunate ? But in the case of addiction, the victim is often unable to see the problem, and the thought of forcing help upon them crosses some pretty big moral boundaries. Similar moral...
  11. Nick Danger

    #BidenLied - buyer's remorse sets in

    Which brings us back to a lack of integrity among our elected officials. Pretty much all our elected officials. I wish I had a solution. I thought that having enough independent of decent character MPs to constitute a swing vote might help keep the major parties in line, but people of decent...
  12. Nick Danger

    #BidenLied - buyer's remorse sets in

    I was talking about Alberta oil production in general, 85% of which comes from the oilsands. I'm not sure what you're talking about.
  13. Nick Danger

    #BidenLied - buyer's remorse sets in

    Not to my knowledge, heavy oil only there. I'm not talking about heavy oil at all, I'm talking about bitumen. Most of what is removed from bitumen when it is upgraded is sulphur, there are monster stacks of it at all the sites I have worked at where upgrading is performed. Some heavy metals...
  14. Nick Danger

    #BidenLied - buyer's remorse sets in

    Upgraders produce synthetic crude, any refinery can use that stuff. CNRL, Suncor Base Plant and the old Syncrude site at Mildred Lake all have on-site upgraders, as does Shell's Scotford refinery in Fort Saskatchewan. Bitumin needs a high conversion refinery and Canada only has one at present...
  15. Nick Danger

    #BidenLied - buyer's remorse sets in

    Alberta has the upgrading capacity to produce 1.5 million bbls/day of synthetic crude, virtually identical to light crude in that it can be refined in a conventional refinery. Most of that is now used as a diluent to ship bitumen to the US, but with adequate domestic distribution could supply...
  16. Nick Danger

    #BidenLied - buyer's remorse sets in

    Baffled by how politics gets in the way of common sense.
  17. Nick Danger

    #BidenLied - buyer's remorse sets in

    Yeah, I don't get this. Sure the oil industry is one big confusing jumble of corporate and political interests, but the US makes more oil than they use. WTF ? Same goes for Canada, We produce enough oil on our own to run the whole country and still have enough left over to export, our...
  18. Nick Danger

    #BidenLied - buyer's remorse sets in

    Exactly. Voting in anger rarely achieves the desired results in the long term. Politicians today know all to well that an angry voter is not a thinking voter, and that it's easier for them to give the voters a target for their anger rather than actually talk about why it would be better put...
  19. Nick Danger

    GB News could kill off the woke MSM

    It needs saying at this point that people of any political persuasion who can't express themselves without vulgarity and name-calling fulfill an essential service in society of keeping the uncivilized end of the bell curve firmly anchored.