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  • gotta run for a bit, but, I'll be back in a half hour or so. If you aren't around, have a good evening, and I'll chat you up more tomorrow!
    what a quiet wall you have Eagle. tsk tsk. I've apparently been shirking my duties as friend, of posting inane and senseless chatter. I will try to smarten up. ;-)
    Admit it, you added me just so you could read all the gossip about you on my wall, didn't you.

    You've survived here since 2005? This place is the worst example of Canadian culture and intellect that I've ever witnessed. I'm here still however.

    And you're American? That's wonderful. About 300 million of my best neighbours are American. And America is on her stride still, stronger than ever, and dragging the world with her, albeit kicking and screaming.

    For America's next trick, a woman or a black president would do nicely. You say you're already on that?
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