Splitting of the Moon, an Amazing Story


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
The splitting of the Moon

The Quran includes some ayat that are plain, and other ayat that are ambiguous; the ambiguous ayat need interpretation.
Some Muslims in attempt to convince others or even to convince themselves followed some traditions that may not be correct or authentic.

The miracle of Prophet Mohammed was the Quran only; and he was not given any material or objective miracle.
That is because the past nations denied all the miracles wrought for them.

This is expounded in the aya 17: 59

وَمَا مَنَعَنَا أَن نُّرْسِلَ بِالآيَاتِ إِلاَّ أَن كَذَّبَ بِهَا الأَوَّلُونَ

The explanation:
(Nothing prevents Us from sending [the messengers] with miracles but that the ancients denied them )

So this aya declares that no material or objective miracle was given to Prophet Mohammed other than the Quran as a miracle.

About the fission of the Moon: there was no such fission or cleavage at the time of Prophet Mohammed; and it is only some misinterpretation of the aya 54: 1-2

اقْتَرَبَتِ السَّاعَةُ وَانشَقَّ الْقَمَرُ . وَإِن يَرَوْا آيَةً يُعْرِضُوا وَيَقُولُوا سِحْرٌ مُّسْتَمِرٌّ

The interpretation:
The Prophet passed by some disbelievers who mocked him, and said to him: "If you are truly a prophet of God, then cleave to us the Moon, then we may believe you!"
So this aya was revealed; its explanation:
(The hour [of their death] has become imminent [and then We shall punish them according to their mockery and disbelief],
and the moon was detached [from the earth in the past, and will split into two halves in the future, before Doomsday.]

Yet if they see a sign [as they requested] they turn away, and say: "[This is only] A magic!" continuously [: they will keep up saying: the Quran is only a magic].)

But in fact the Moon had cleft or detached from the Earth in the past, and it will cleave into two halves before Doomsday, which will be one of the portents of the approach of the Doomsday.
The Fission of Moon into two halves

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Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Some of these trenches cut across the surrounding plains, uplands, and craters and may record preferred directions of breakage of the lunar crust caused by internal stresses
Okay, now read that carefully and note what it says: breakage of the lunar crust caused by internal stresses, there's no indication the moon ever split in two. Like I said, they're local and regional near-surface effects, not cracks through the whole body of the moon. Same thing happens here, there's a fine example of it down the east side of Africa called the Great Rift Valley.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Though not nearly as exciting as splitting the moon in half and putting it back together again, here is some images of real things hitting the moon in real life, Scroll to the bottom and you will eventually find the video.

It seems these are some comets that fell on the Moon; see particularly the first two small upper images on the right side, where the tail of the comet is clearly demonstrated.

Refer to my first thread here on the Canadian Content Forum, under the title of "The protective role of the Moon."



Electoral Member
Sep 14, 2008
Okay, now read that carefully and note what it says: breakage of the lunar crust caused by internal stresses, there's no indication the moon ever split in two. Like I said, they're local and regional near-surface effects, not cracks through the whole body of the moon. Same thing happens here, there's a fine example of it down the east side of Africa called the Great Rift Valley.

cracks through the whole body of the moon . but

dark mare lavas flooded low areas in the outer part of the floor and covered the cracks. A peculiar "bull's eye" double crater on the crater floor has several counterparts elsewhere on the Moon. The origin of these double craters is a continuing puzzle.-K.A.H


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Bugs is an icon. Mr Bunny was insturmental in my formative years. I owe him a great debt of gratitude. I understand he's passed away recently. After a long battle with synthetic inks.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

picture of the day archive subject index

Credit: NASA
The lunar “sinuous rille”, Schroeter’s Valley.

Mar 15, 2006
The Moon and Its Rilles
Planetary scientists describe it as a stupendous channel cut by flowing lava. But on closer examination, Schroeter’s Valley and its many counterparts on the Moon refute all attempts to categorize them in such terms.
The long, winding channel pictured above is the most prominent “sinuous rille” on the lunar surface—160 kilometers long and up to 10 kilometers wide—large enough to be clearly visible in Earth-based telescopes. It is also up to 1300 meters deep—a profound contrast to any observed effect of flowing lava on Earth.
Long prior to the space age, Schroeter’s Valley was the subject of many speculations. But crucial details were unknown until the Apollo lunar exploration missions in the late 60s and early 70s, when orbiting craft enabled astronauts to take high-resolution pictures of the lunar surface. The photographs in the composite shown here were taken from the Endeavour Command Module of Apollo 15.
The seven frames look approximately south, revealing the crater called “Cobra Head” at the upper left, from which emerges a winding path that narrows until it disappears on the right. Only the edge of the crater Herodotus is seen at the top of the composite. (An image of Herodotus can be seen along with the famous crater Aristarchus in our March 10 Picture of the Day.
Sinuous rilles are defined as long, winding valleys, usually with steep walls and often emerging from a crater. Of these phenomena, the Moon presents countless examples at all scales. Two instances will be seen in the lower portion of our March 10 picture.
Early speculations based on telescopic observation envisioned “cracks” on the lunar surface. Then the astronomer William Pickering suggested flowing water. A series of other speculations followed, most of them excluded by the findings of the Apollo missions, until planetary scientists eventually settled on flowing lava as the agent. The “standard theory” today states that sinuous rilles were created by lava either flowing across the surface or beneath the ground to form a “lava tube”, portions of which eventually collapsed.
A considerably larger version of the above picture can be seen here, and unless you are already certain that such formations are well understood by planetary scientists, it is worth the look. The enigmas and contradictions of standard theory lie in details impossible to deny.
Both the width and length of the Schroeter’s Valley far exceed anything ever accomplished by lava on Earth. But the reverse should be expected. On the Earth, the atmosphere is insulating, allowing lava to retain its heat. In the vacuum of space, heat will be much more rapidly radiated away. On Earth, as lava flows for long distances (counted at most in a few tens of kilometers, not hundreds), the cooling at the surface causes a “roof” to form. It may then continue to flow as a “tube” beneath the surface. That is the only way the lava tube can achieve these comparatively modest lengths.
In an earlier Picture of the Day we showed the longest terrestrial example of a lava tube on Earth, associated with Barker’s Cave in Australia. It is 35 kilometers long and only about 35 meters in height. The contrast to the much larger lunar rilles could not be more stark And the only reason the Barker’s Cave lava tube could achieve its length is that, when the insulating crust was formed, the lava was able to retain its heat and continue flowing beneath the surface. No such event occurred in the case of Schroeter’s Valley: It would be impossible to sustain a kilometers-wide roof of rock; and there is no evidence of either a roof or of rubble from a roof’s collapse.
The moon has only about one sixth the gravity of the Earth, and it is gravity that gives flowing liquid its velocity, its erosive force and (most emphatically in the case of heated and melted rock) its ability to cover distance. Yet lunar rilles extend up to 300 kilometers—almost nine times the length of the “record breaker” on Earth.
The walls of Schröeter’s Valley are both steep and deep. But where did all of the lava go? A short-lived channel of water might narrow to a termination point without any overflow or outflow—it could simply be absorbed into the ground or evaporate into space. But flowing lava eating away surface material to cut a deep channel would have to show up somewhere. We should see either breeches in the deep walls or evidence of abundant outflow. But instead, the channel simply dwindles until it disappears. In considering the picture above, it is essential that one realize what planetary scientists themselves acknowledge: The rille did not create the maria in which it sits. It cuts through the pre-existing maria. It is as if the material that once occupied the channel simply disappeared.
The “flowing lava” seems to have possessed many remarkable features. Even as it cut so deep (nothing comparable will be seen in any lava flow on Earth—not even at the much smaller scale of terrestial lava flows), this rapidly moving, molten rock, could make turns up to 90 degrees without affecting the “bends in the river” in any way. Neither the extreme sinuosity nor the parallelism of the rille walls conforms to the behavior of lava erosion.
Consider, for example, the sharply pointed prominence in the most emphatic change of direction about a third of the way down the rille from Cobra head. If the lava had the power to create such vertical cliffs—up to 1300 meters deep—how did that sharp prominence survive?
Curiously, the "flow" of rilles on other worlds isn't limited to "downhill" like lava and water-carved channels on Earth. All fluid-erosion theories have chosen to ignore that the apparent mouth of the “stream” is on high ground, and the narrowest part of the channel is on lower ground. The situation should be exactly reversed. As an erosion channel lengthens, more and more spoil must be carried by the eroding fluid, and the channel must grow wider to accommodate the load. The cross-sectional area of any fluid stream must remain constant. Where it is deep it must be narrow, where it is shallow it must be wide. However, rilles do not conform to this rule. The famous Hadley's Rille, amongst others, simply disappears for a short interval, then reappears. Other rilles travel both up and down across considerable distances. The most extraordinary example is the Baltis Vallis on Venus, which rises and falls dozens of times, with some two kilometers separating its high and low points along its 6,800 kilometer length.
Once again, it is the things barely noticed, or forgotten, that provide the most telling clues. Within the meandering channel of Schroeter’s Valley is a much more narrow secondary rille. While planetary scientists are well aware of this rille-within-a-rille, almost nothing is said about its defining feature—a chain of small craters running virtually the entire length of the rille. Yet this feature is not uncommon. A nearby rille, Rima Prinz I reveals the same “preposterous” characteristic.
As a rule, the lunar rilles are much more heavily cratered than the surrounding maria, yet by their very presence on the maria they must be younger. Standard dating by “crater count” becomes preposterous. But what is the meaning of this non-random concentrations of craters along the rille’s paths?
The inseparable link between crater formation and rille formation—though substantiated on planets and moons throughout the solar system—becomes highly confused in standard treatments of the subject. Nevertheless, a unified answer has been available for decades, and the credibility of science may, in fact, depend on it.


Electoral Member
Sep 14, 2008
The splitting of the Moon

The Quran includes some ayat that are plain, and other ayat that are ambiguous; the ambiguous ayat need interpretation.
Some Muslims in attempt to convince others or even to convince themselves followed some traditions that may not be correct or authentic.

The splitting of the Moon

this not the ambiguous ayat interpretation.

No contradiction between the miracle of the moon and split the content of verse,

The difference is a sign the moon had not been requested by the Pagans may chose specific, but asked Ayatollah without specifying the moon, as in Sahih Al-Bukhari from Anas may Allah be pleased with him said: he asked the people of Mecca that to showed the Ayatollah then they to showed there split the moon

الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه، أما بعـد:
فلا تعارض بين معجزة انشقاق القمر ومضمون الآية الكريمة، ولله الحمد والمنة، وذلك لأن الآيات التي لم يرسلها الله تعالى وعلق الهلاك على التكذيب بها هي التي طلبها المشركون من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بأعيانها، وأما انشقاق القمر فلم تطلب منه عليه الصلاة والسلام، قال القرطبي رحمه الله في تفسير قول الله تعالى: وَمَا مَنَعَنَا أَن نُّرْسِلَ بِالآيَاتِ إِلاَّ أَن كَذَّبَ بِهَا الأَوَّلُونَ وَآتَيْنَا ثَمُودَ النَّاقَةَ مُبْصِرَةً فَظَلَمُواْ بِهَا وَمَا نُرْسِلُ بِالآيَاتِ إِلاَّ تَخْوِيفًا [الإسراء:59]: في الكلام حذف، والتقدير: وما منعنا أن نرسل بالآيات التي اقترحوها إلا أن يكذبوا بها فيهلكوا كما فعل بمن كان قبلهم، قال معناه قتادة وابن جريج وغيرهما، فأخر الله تعالى العذاب عن كفار قريش لعلمه أن فيهم من يؤمن وفيهم من يولد مؤمنا، وقد تقدم في الأنعام وغيرها أنهم طلبوا أن يحول الله لهم الصفا ذهبا وتتنحى الجبال عنهم، فنزل جبريل وقال: إن شئت كان ما سأل قومك ولكنهم إن لم يؤمنوا لم يمهلوا، وإن شئت استأنيت بهم، فقال: لا بل استأن بهم.
وأما انشقاق القمر فإنه آية لم يطلبها المشركون بعينها وإنما طلبوا آية دون تحديد فانشق القمر، كما في صحيح البخاري عن أنس رضي الله عنه قال: سأل أهل مكة أن يريهم آية فأراهم انشقاق القمر.
وبهذا تبين أنه لا تعارض يبن انشقاق القمر ومضمون الآية الكريمة ولله الحمد والمنة.
والله أعلم.

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Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
Seriously though what the hell would a medieval goat herder know about the moon anyway?

Perhaps he has some screeds on it being made of cheese or cows that like to jump it?


Senate Member
May 20, 2008
The translation:

Praise be to God and the prayer and the peace on messenger of Allah and on his family and accompanied him, as for after:
So conflict between miracle split of the moon and generous guaranteed the miracle, [wllh] the praising and the kindness, and that the miracles be soft which does not send her Allah rose and blood clots of the destruction on the denial in here it is which requested her the polytheist from messenger Allah her peace be upon him in important people, and mothers split of the moon is film requests from him peace be upon him, the Cordoban said have mercy him Allah in interpretation statement of Allah rose: What preventing our ['aan] the miracles send in except that lie in her first and coming our [thamuwda] [aalnnaaaqata] fortune-teller so wronged in her gestured the miracles send in to [taxwiyfAAaa] [[aal'israa']: 59]: In the talk deleting, and the estimate: What preventing our to the miracles send in which proposed her except that accuse of lying in her so perishes just as did in who their kisses were, his meaning said [qtaadt] and son [jryj] and changes them, magnificent Allah rose the suffering about [kfaa]�� Quraish for flag his that in them from guarantees adequate their from believer delivers, and progress leads in [aal'ane'aam] and changes her that them requested to Allah prevents to the row loves gold [wttnHY] the mountains about them, so hotel of Gabriel and said: Indeed wanted was what asked straightened you and for their shelter indeed [yu'mnwaa] do not give time, and indeed wanted [aast'anyt] in worry, so said: Yet [aast'an] in worry.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
The splitting of the Moon

this not the ambiguous ayat interpretation.

No contradiction between the miracle of the moon and split the content of verse,

The difference is a sign the moon had not been requested by the Pagans may chose specific, but asked Ayatollah without specifying the moon, as in Sahih Al-Bukhari from Anas may Allah be pleased with him said: he asked the people of Mecca that to showed the Ayatollah then they to showed there split the moon

The Bukhari was an excellent collector of prophetic traditions, and Qurtuby was an excellent commentator, as were other companions and family of the prophet and the early believers.

But they were not prophets; our prophet is Mohammed who had the Quran revealed to him from God - be glorified.

The Quran is superior to all of them, even to the prophet to whom it was revealed. In fact Prophet Mohammed was asked about the meaning of some ayat of the Quran and he could not know their meaning, and said: "I heard that from the angel as such; I don't know; God knows best about what He means."

The Quran includes many ayat that are ambiguous, specially to the pagan Arab contemporary to the Prophet - salam be to him. Such ayat will be evident in the future.

This is similar to the saying of Jesus Christ: "I cannot tell you now many things because you will not understand their implication, but when that soul of truth shall come, he shall tell you about all the truth; and whatever he hears, he will say to you; because he will not say anything from himself."

So this is the miracle: the prophet does not know the meaning of some of the Quran which is revealed to him; if he invents the Quran, then he will answer all their questions about the book that he compiled (according to the claim of the disbelievers.)

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Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
picture of the day

Credit: NASA
The lunar “sinuous rille”, Schroeter’s Valley.

Mar 15, 2006

The Moon and Its Rilles

The Moon separated from the earth at its early formation when both the Earth and the Moon were hot; then they started to lose their heat by heat radiation and by the eruption of volcanoes.

And because the Moon was hot it started to spin around itself, and its shape became almost spherical; then because the Moon is much smaller than the Earth, it lost its central heat before the Earth; therefore the Moon stopped its axial rotation, and now it circles around the Earth with only one visible face, while the other is invisible.

Then it lost more and more its heat until it shrunk in volume and contracted; so that some fissures, cracks and sinuous rilles appeared on the surface of Moon, like those on Mercury.
Cause of the Gravitation._

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