Secret of Space: Nasa 's biggest secret

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
What preposterous crap, but hardly a surprise. The forces of irrationality and stupidity know no limits, and there's been a depressingly large influx of them on this board lately.
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Reactions: Outta here


Council Member
Sep 28, 2007
Ardrossan, Alberta
Well , so we all don't sh*t our pants. There are dozens of earth like planets within spittin distance of us (cosmologicaly speaking if you could spit forty light years) i'm on the fence , can't say there are , can't say there aren't


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
And the purpose of keeping these Space Serpents a secret is?

because NASA does not wish us to know about contacts that have already taken place
did you watch the

Secret of Space: NASA 's biggest secret [p1]

Quote: Creatures in space
Space Serpents
NASA Secret Space
alien flying Saucers

Secret of Space: NASA 's biggest secret [p2]

Secret of Space: NASA 's biggest secret [p3]

in its entirety if so look at

nasa secret photo album (Real Deal)
Photos from nasa employees




Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
What preposterous crap, but hardly a surprise. The forces of irrationality and stupidity know no limits, and there's been a depressingly large influx of them on this board lately.

you are a buffoon Dexter Sinister, so any info i give you will be disregarded by you ,so apart from giving us your opinion, which i may add is not needed here,take your doubting mind else where, until such time as you have a comment worthy of my attention, if not shut it .:bootyshake: regardless of what you may think to be relevant in the forums, i see very few of your own, do you go around dismissing others threads because your not smart enough to make one of your own ,or is it because your so senile that the alzheimer's is set in too far, and you are UN able to have a rational thought with out all your cynicism.????


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
What preposterous crap, but hardly a surprise. The forces of irrationality and stupidity know no limits, and there's been a depressingly large influx of them on this board lately.

you are a buffoon Dexter Sinister, so any info i give you will be disregarded by you ,so apart from giving us your opinion, which i may add is not needed here,take your doubting mind else where, until such time as you have a comment worthy of my attention, if not shut it .:bootyshake: regardless of what you may think to be relevant in the forums, i see very few of your own, do you go around dismissing others threads because your not smart enough to make one of your own ,or is it because your so senile that the alzheimer's is set in too far, and you are UN able to have a rational thought with out all your cynicism.????

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
Quandary - Dexter has been a long time contributor to this forum. If you do a search of his posts you'll find he does his research and provides a wealth of knowledge to many many discussions here.


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
Quandary - Dexter has been a long time contributor to this forum. If you do a search of his posts you'll find he does his research and provides a wealth of knowledge to many many discussions here.

sorry zan but all he ever does is sprout dissent, in all of my threads he does not look at the stuff i post, or discuss any thing about them in any way, all he does is say things like
What preposterous crap, but hardly a surprise. The forces of irrationality and stupidity know no limits
does this add any of this mans supposed knowledge, no it is just trolling and if you want my opinion on this sort of behaviour i would rather he kept his comments to himself ,Ive posted many links here and for this man to say that it is all preposterous crap, with out anything to prove it is, or show that it is ,then this is just his biased opinion, which he is entitled too, but why should i have to listen to it,just because he does not like me,and has a grudge, he does the same sort of thing in China's threads ,there is no debating with his obviously closed mind.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Quandary, I've posted links to real science sites in some of your threads that properly explain your errors--the Planet X/Nibiru thread comes to mind--and your response is inevitably the same kind of mindless name calling and vituperation. It was clear early in your history here that your life is ruled by paranoid conspiracy theories, you are scientifically illiterate, entirely too credulous, and unable to think critically. You're really not worth the trouble of knocking down anymore. Nothing you say is worth taking seriously.


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
Quandary, I've posted links to real science sites in some of your threads that properly explain your errors--the Planet X/Nibiru thread comes to mind--and your response is inevitably the same kind of mindless name calling and vituperation. It was clear early in your history here that your life is ruled by paranoid conspiracy theories, you are scientifically illiterate, entirely too credulous, and unable to think critically. You're really not worth the trouble of knocking down anymore. Nothing you say is worth taking seriously.

Sure. That was 5 years ago. It didn't show up, did it. Doesn't that tell you anything? Such as, these people have no idea what they're talking about?

Are you telling us that Planet X DID show up in the spring of 2003 as those people believed it would? I guess every professional and amateur astronomer on the planet somehow missed that close approach, and somehow a massive gravitating object entered the inner solar system and didn't disrupt the orbit of anything already here. How is this possible, Oh Knower of All?

if this is what you call debate then your an idiot


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
if this is what you call debate then your an idiot

If that is what you call debate YOU sir, are an idiot.

Seriously Quandry, what do you expect, the first page had a question:

If this is a top secret, why is it on the internet.

You didn't debate the question, you pretty much just said "Shut up! I am right!"

Why should people debate with you when you don't debate. You post a claim, then tell other people "Shut it! I am right and you are wrong".

Thats not debating.

So, lets go over this. How did this information get out to the general public, ie , me.

Please show how it went down the pipeline, after all, if it went through someone with a history of fraud it wouldn't be very credible now would it.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
What preposterous crap, but hardly a surprise. The forces of irrationality and stupidity know no limits, and there's been a depressingly large influx of them on this board lately.

Is it a rational universe? And if not, how futile is it for us to continue using the rational screwdriver on an irrational universe screw? I know it's off topic but. Maybe China would hazard a comment.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
If that is what you call debate YOU sir, are an idiot.

Seriously Quandry, what do you expect, the first page had a question:

If this is a top secret, why is it on the internet.

You didn't debate the question, you pretty much just said "Shut up! I am right!"

Why should people debate with you when you don't debate. You post a claim, then tell other people "Shut it! I am right and you are wrong".

Thats not debating.

So, lets go over this. How did this information get out to the general public, ie , me.

Please show how it went down the pipeline, after all, if it went through someone with a history of fraud it wouldn't be very credible now would it.

Must we continue to urinate on each other for little or no good reason? Why can't we try harder to be polite and not insult each other? Diversity is wealth, the mind with turning room considers the closer circle. twit:lol:


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
If that is what you call debate YOU sir, are an idiot.

Seriously Quandry, what do you expect, the first page had a question:

If this is a top secret, why is it on the internet.

You didn't debate the question, you pretty much just said "Shut up! I am right!"

Why should people debate with you when you don't debate. You post a claim, then tell other people "Shut it! I am right and you are wrong".

Thats not debating.

So, lets go over this. How did this information get out to the general public, ie , me.

Please show how it went down the pipeline, after all, if it went through someone with a history of fraud it wouldn't be very credible now would it.

Look Zzarchov i dont mind debating anything with you Dexter Sinister does not wish to debate as he say he does but in truth he does nothing of the sort. right your question...???

If this is a top secret, why is it on the internet

I suspect that the government has its own private secure internet thats is not on the same network as our internet that is why there has been no leak of top secret data or info and pics on aliens. we need to find an insider who has access to it and download its files on to external hard drive but i suspect even the hard drives are diffrent from the ones we use some sort of holographic memory system they are also working with quantum computers not the old binary systems. even if the inside person was able to get the info he wouldn't be able to leave the building all the equipment is imbedded with rfid chips that set off sensors and self destruct the data when it is tampered with. The question is how can we penitrate tihis system?

so what make one person more important then the other and who choses who gets acsess to this info? and are these networks connected around the globe with other top secret government networks or is it a united states defense network? so i guess the the top level tier of the network is related to the alien issues?


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
If this is a top secret, why is it on the Internet
ever heard of the free press .??? Or people work on the inside ,or whistleblowers people who risk there lives and often get killed after they have told there store's i suppose people who do say anything truthful are wary


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
Must we continue to urinate on each other for little or no good reason? Why can't we try harder to be polite and not insult each other? Diversity is wealth, the mind with turning room considers the closer circle. twit:lol:

My sphinctor control spam center has alerted me to this posting. As an ancillary function this control center also picks up any references to yellow rain.

There was a Prime Minister of India who admitted to drinking his own urine on 60 Minutes to an incredulous but happy Mike Wallace.

Former Indian Prime Minister Morarji Desai practiced urinotherapy. He was in excellent health until his death at the age of 99.,9171,915683,00.html?iid=chix-sphere

I refer you to URINOTHERAPY.

And now you may return to your regularly scheduled adnoidal programming.


Dec 19, 2006
Vancouver Island
Quandary I highly suggest you take a look at some of the more critical websites out there. Try skimming through the "Bad Astronomy" forum ( lots of people there do their best to give evidence for and against various pseudoscience and "conspiracy" theories. Learning how to think critically would probably enrich your experience on this forum... and many others for that matter. A good scientist (and thus someone who can argue these things properly) does his/her best to find the facts!

You'd be taken seriously if you could prove you actually did some research, and not just copy and paste the crap you see on various websites you want to believe.


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
Quandary, I've posted links to real science sites in some of your threads that properly explain your errors--the Planet X/Nibiru thread comes to mind--and your response is inevitably the same kind of mindless name calling and vituperation. It was clear early in your history here that your life is ruled by paranoid conspiracy theories, you are scientifically illiterate, entirely too credulous, and unable to think critically. You're really not worth the trouble of knocking down anymore. Nothing you say is worth taking seriously.

I've posted links to real science sites in some of your threads that properly explain your errors

no you haven't like Ive pointed out

your response is inevitably the same kind of mindless name calling and vituperation

because there is no reasoning with your closed mind dexter

It was clear early in your history here that your life is ruled by paranoid conspiracy theories

another of your quaint ways of saying nothing and now you are call names in a way that you think everyone who reads it will agree,
if you call..
Chem trails
Stop Bill C-51 !
Senate Votes to Abolish 4th Amendment (HR6304 UPDATE)
Why The Towers Fell
So The Race Begins
Urgent Warning:
Your Cell Phone (is it bugged or could it be)

H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007

any of these paranoid conspiracy theories then you my friend better do some investigation of your own ,like i said countless times you wander about from thread to thread, basically denouncing anything that does not fit in with your rose tinted glasses view of the world , i would love to debate planet x with you, but fail to how this can be done when you refuse to look at any evidence Ive posted ,admittedly i cant be certain of it my self until it enters our solar system ,but like i say you go to one debunking site and believe every word they say, but refuse to admit any sites i have put may have any truth to them..???

This said you are

scientifically illiterate, entirely too credulous, and unable to think critically You're really not worth the trouble of knocking down anymore. Nothing you say is worth taking seriously
this all apples to you m8 not me


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
ever heard of the free press .??? Or people work on the inside ,or whistleblowers people who risk there lives and often get killed after they have told there store's i suppose people who do say anything truthful are wary

Ok, so who are these whistleblowers, why is there no actual proof released?

It takes about 20 minutes to type up "official documents", I can do it. So how come no actual proof has been whistleblown?

There is simply no proof I've seen yet that passes a basic test of credibility. Please feel free to post some though, as well as why you think its credible, why you think its not credible, and why you think that their is more evidence of it being credible than not.

You really need to have an open mind before you start a real debate.

You are very close minded, you need to be willing to accept you may be wrong, listen to countering evidence, refute it with your own evidence etc.
Last edited:


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
Quandary I highly suggest you take a look at some of the more critical websites out there. Try skimming through the "Bad Astronomy" forum ( lots of people there do their best to give evidence for and against various pseudoscience and "conspiracy" theories. Learning how to think critically would probably enrich your experience on this forum... and many others for that matter. A good scientist (and thus someone who can argue these things properly) does his/her best to find the facts!

You'd be taken seriously if you could prove you actually did some research, and not just copy and paste the crap you see on various websites you want to believe.

Thank you AmberEyes i am aware of this site and other also, do you honesty think that these top scientists and NASA people would tell you the TRUTH have you heard of MAJESTIC 12 ???? i doubt it i cold post quit a few defiant sites that prove ,some things Ive said in my posts some agree some don't ,overwhelming evidence for aliens and UFOs have been documented and under the freedom of information act we can now read some of the past records , but do you think that highly classified info would be allowed to be published ...i doubt it , so we have to rely on other sources that will be discredited as nut jobs , because that's the way they can suppress the things being told to you ...!!!!