What is your fascination with correlations? The depth of your statistical knowledge appears to be as profound as your understanding of logic and climate science for that matter.
A correlation is not enough evidence on its own for a conclusion.
You're deeply ignorant about models too, likely from reading things like that magazine article and accepting it without question.
No actually, I have found some problems with it but overall he made an excellent presentation IMO. He had better make a good argument too because the readers of that magazine will not let any error go unnoticed.
Just to show you how little you know, being accurate to +/- 100°C would mean that the model projection misses within a margin of 200°C. Many of the models projected out to 2100 are in the range of 2-4.5°C of added heat given that the status quo continues. How the hell can they be off by 100°C in either direction? The only way they could be is if something catastrophic happens, and then the model is no longer a valid tool because the conditions have been changed from that which the model assumes. Asinine :roll:
That was +/- 100°C over 100 years, not just +/- 100°C which means over 100 years the models will be acurate to within 100°C (not 200°C). They could be out 100°C or 2°C but the point is that there is no way to know. The models could as easily predict global cooling as warming.
Over 10 years the models are accurate to +/- 10°C. This means the models are really only accurate to predict very short term weather (1 year to within +/-1°C).
In other words the models are so inaccurate that they do not corroborate the correlated data.
Which means there is no evidence only speculation. Anything could be causing GW.
Again, it seems the only statistic you know is correlation, which is the most basic, so I'm not surprised.
That is the only evidence there is!!!! And its sketchy at best and
probably completely wrong!
What evidence should I use? It's the only evidence there is. Surely you don't think I should
wish carbon is the culprit? That would be silly. You know, don't you, that wishing a thing to be true and the thing being true are completely different things?
Of course it matters. Only an ignorant fool would say such a thing. These are the end results of many of those experiments that you say don't exist to verify observations and predictions. It's entirely relevant because you have it in your mind that without global climate models, a climate scientist can't analyze data and find causality, and weight it accordingly. I doubt you've even heard of principle components. Fool.
We know global warming is happening. We know carbon traps heat. We don't know that carbon is causing the warming. That is speculation. So what I mean is that in the context of our argument all your data is doing is confirming what we already know. It isn't demonstrating a correlation - it just isn't; because there isn't one!
experiments that prove the earth is warming do not prove why it is warming, only that it is and experiments that prove pollution traps heat do not prove why there is more heat only that there is more.
If any of these experiments proved a correlation then we would have a model that would predict the warming.
There is no model so there is probably no correlation. Factor in the probability that many planets would simultaneously start warming at the same time and we have that there absolutely is no correlation - which BTW the models
DO PROVE because they don't work
They were not discovered on Venus, Venus simply confirmed predictions associated with greenhouse gases. Radiative physics was being used well before we had measurements of the Venusian atmosphere.
I'm afraid not,
the evidence came first and not from earth the theory was speculated on by
Carl Sagan and found a home in Al Gore.
I would point out that plant life loves carbon and thrives under such conditions. 500 million years ago the earth had some 20 times the carbon levels and we didn't turn into Venus!!!!
Think about that for a minute... seriously.
Hah, some models maybe. Others not so much. What you don't seem to be capable of understanding is that not all models in any one discipline are cut from the same cloth. You're quite happy to generalize and lump them all together.
Your right; only the good models are so inaccurate. More accurate ones don't exist:
" So many processes have to be considered in the carbon cycle that it is extremely difficult to keep them in mind, and impossible to calculate without building a computer model to simulate them. Scientists interested in the carbon cycle have built a number of such models over the years. Such models can have between 50 and 100 interacting equations describing all the different processes of the carbon cycle that are relevant to the problem of how carbon dioxide changes through geologic time.
To what extent should the answers generated from such models be trusted? Consider this: if there are a dozen processes which we need to understand, and we only grasp each process within an error of 20 percent, the sum-total of the error adds to more than 200 percent! That is, if we now state that the content of carbon dioxide in the air so many million years ago had to be X, the true answer could be anywhere between 3 times X (200% more than stated) and X divided by 3 (200% less). Even if we make the reasonable assumption that half of the errors will cancel, we still get roughly a factor of two error on either side of the uncertainty statement. Thus, at the present state of knowledge, computing the answers will get us ballpark estimates and overall trends but not much more."
- Source
Notice the focus on carbon cycles? Why is that do you suppose? Bad science and biased funding? I think so. Notice also the apologetic reasoning that, though the theory can't make a prediction (he falsely says it can predict general trends which is a wanton lie), it is still true!?!?!
Hose $hit!!!!
You see, when popular hysteria controls funding for peoples lively hoods those people become obliged to feed the hysteria or lose their jobs.
So you continue to say, but that doesn't make it true. I now know that's the only statistic you know, and that you've read very little on the statistics used in climate science. If you had of said that once, I might have suspected that you were just being disingenuous. But three times now in this post alone?
The only validity a theory has is its ability to predict and the GW theory can't predict anything!!!!!!!!! Apologies don't count!!!! Science would still believe in ether and creationism if that were the case!
You and eanassir should write a science book together :lol:
You're about half a decade at least behind. Fun with stats, global warming is correlated with pirates and Republican Senators. But there is no causative relationship is there? If you read any papers from say the American Geophysical Union, or Geophysical Research Letters, or Science, or Nature, you'd know that no paper is submitted to show a relationship in climate with only correlations. Every scientist worth their salt knows why not to do that, it won't be accepted and published for starters. Every statistics student knows this after one month. Try to keep up.
I have read the papers and done so critically. All they have is correlations and broken models with fudged predictions! That's it, thats all!
If they said "we think" or "we have an idea" that carbon may be causing global warming they would be staying true to their art. Instead they are prostituting themselves to popular opinion and pandering to ignorance with stories of horror. Not all, there are a handful of scientists that are staying true but they are a rare breed indeed apparently!
I suppose they figure: what the hell? The worst thing to come of our deception is that the planet will become cleaner. This is the only cause we can control anyway. I think they need to consider the economic impact of their deceit.
they don't have the same symptoms at all. You're comparing apples to oranges.
Warming isn't a symptom of a problem? Then why are we having this conversation? everything is peachy keen right?
That's one part of it. More important is human technology and knowledge.
That doesn't even make sense.
It's far worse for our economies to do nothing.
You know that how? Is it in your crystal ball? Or is this another broad assumption? You seem to be good at those ;-)
Think on Zzarchov's questions. It's an extension of the precautionary principle.
Please, I can only deal with one conspiracy nut at a time.