Death knell for AGW


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
quoting Scott Free: You see. That's where we differ. I know the science is bogus.

That is complete nonsense. If you knew anything about science, you wouldn't be having this argument.

Scott you have said, "we don't know what is causing global warming" The obvious correction is that "you don't know what is causing global warming". The IPCC scientists have put forward their findings and you want to disagree with them even though you don't understand the science enough to agree or disagree.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
So go back and reread what I've already posted you lazy sod.

What's lazy? I've already dealt with your drivel, as well as others like Juan and Zzarchov have. But I can go through your crap again, that which I haven't responded to.

Everywhere including other planets! :roll:

Seriously, GW is obviously horse $h!t.

Well, we already have dealt with the other planets. Unfortunately for your weak argument, the theory behind GW is not dependent on different conditions that have caused an increase in heat content on other planets. The same physics is involved of course.


I'm not the one having trouble with this very simple logic. The Earth, Mars and Jupiter are all warming up. I am not so stupid that I think we are the reason. If you can explain how my carbon emissions are causing global warming on Mars and Jupiter then I will concede you have a point.

But you are stupid enough to think that changes in dust on Mars causing 'purported' warming, and Jupiters internally driven temperature change, although different, and different from our own planet, are enough to throw out over 100 years of radiative physics, the same physics that is used to claim climate change on other planets.

Simple logic indeed.

I remember when this GW stuff started. Scientists discovered that green house gases were the cause of high temperatures on Venus. Some speculated that temperatures on Earth could be affected by the same gases. Someone got a grant and boom here we are.

I didn't realize you were alive in the 1800's. Geez you are an old fart aren't you?

The point is that the concept of GW wasn't even born here and didn't have anything to do with Earth. Some scientist went for a grant and built on an established theory. Science is very vulnerable to this kind of folly - it really is a culture of following the guy with the longest beard.

You're just proving your ignorance now.

Read this for a good history, rather than your silly conspiracy nonsense.

Earth is not Venus and the fact that two other planets are also heating up means GW for Earth is false. Maybe not entirely but definitely mostly.

Again, your faulty logic. How many analogies does it take for you to realize that argument is logically invalid?

Our emissions here on Earth are no where near bad enough to turn us into Venus and never will be because of anything people do.

That's not even the claim of what might happen in the future. That is your straw man argument.

The whole planet is in this mess simply because some scientist somewhere wanted a grant to do a study and a US politician with a partisan agenda decided to panic the world.

The whole planet is doing just fine. Living things are in this mess because of the ignorance of our species.

I don't think so:

Planets all have the same furnace: the sun. Planets differ by atmosphere not by furnace. So if the temperature is rising on all the planets then obviously the increase has to do with the furnace (source of heat, the sun). Since planets all have different atmospheres it is extremely unlikely and utterly improbable that many planets would all experience warming due to new planetary conditions; even if all the planets were suffering from global warming (which seems probable from the evidence) the reason could not be (nearly zero probability) that all their atmospheres are simultaneously changing to capture more heat. The planets are warming up because of another factor; a factor that they all share in common; like the sun, proximity to it or some other as yet unknown factor. It isn't because of our carbon emissions - it just isn't. Carbon emissions from pollution are an isolated atmospheric condition of earth and not a condition shared by all the planets.

But Jupiter is warming from internal dynamics. That alone shoots your theory dead in the barrel. Do you even read this stuff before sticking your foot in your mouth?

I think we're going to have to learn how to live with it since we don't have any idea what is causing GW. Likewise there is nothing we can do to stop it. We are subject to natures cycles, she is not subject to us; this is even more true now since this cycle seems to be solar system wide.

You don't have any idea. Those who work in the field do. Those who read the journals might have a chance.

Like I asked before, do you even read primary documents, or is it all some foolish conspiracy crap?

Perhaps reducing carbon would help for now but there is no reason to think such a policy will help in the future or assist the other planets going through the same thing.

Who wants to assist other planets? They're doing just fine, and in case you didn't notice, as far as we know this is the only planet with any life on it. The only planet with eco-systems comprised of myriad living things. The only planet that responds biotically to imbalances in nutrient cycles. Why should I give a crap about dust storms on Mars?

I think we're better off trying to assist people who are in trouble because of climate change instead of creating a new economic bubble to line the global elites pockets with even more cash.

See, you're so out of touch with the science, you don't even know what the policy debate is shaping up like. Learn about cap and dividend, and revenue neutral taxes. The global elites are doing just fine as it is now, I doubt they care how much petrol costs, or food.

I don't think channeling inflation into GW technology will work any better than it did to channel it into housing. Eventually people will catch on.

You're clueless about economics too. GW technology means infrastructure. In case you haven't noticed, over the past half century infrastructure spending increases have always been a great stimulus to economies.

What we need, more than anything else, is a sustainable global economic model. That really might save our environment and the planet.

Well thanks for that Captain Obvious.

I didn't say that. What I said is that we don't know that removing it would do anything about GW because we don't know what is causing GW.

Again, you don't know. Doesn't mean the rest of us have our heads in the sand.

So my original argument was that it makes no sense, in times of economic hardship and corporate migration east, to further straddle our economies with the burden of reducing emissions when the east isn't even slightly interested in doing the same. There is no proof that our doing such a thing is going to keep change from happening because, clearly, we are not the cause of the change in the first place.

That's a legitimate concern, one that doesn't deal with the science.

There's no possibility that things can get better when the solution is to ignore it. Trade agreements? Tariffs?

I disagree, it has everything to do with what is happening here. The odds of three planets all simultaneously heating up in the same decade for different and unrelated reasons is so vastly remote that it can not be a coincidence. It is simply so improbable that it can not happen. There is and must be a common reason for the increase in temperature.

You're ignorant. What do we have in common with those planets, besides a measured heat content that is increasing? If it's happening on these three, why not the rest? Why isn't the Moon warmer? Or Mercury? Or Venus? Why do they not show similar trends (the actual warming trends aren't at all the same, and can't possibly be due to an increase in solar radiation due to the magnitudes of change, and distance from the sun?)

So what could be causing all these planets to warm up? All your arguing is that the completely improbable is probable, therefore your probably wrong. Smart money would bet against you.

There's a number of bets right now. Smart money is on warming. I already offered one to one of your ilk here on this site. Feeling lucky punk?

I tend to think that maybe there are forces at work or extra planetary environmental factors at work that we don't know about. Is the sun warmer; are we closer; is there another factor?

I see...and those extra forces must also cancel out the forcing impact of increased greenhouse gases. So, it must be a positive forcing, but come with a negative feedback enough to swamp the signal from greenhouse gases. That's highly unlikely. If the DSCOVR is ever launched we'll know. Again I'm betting against you on that possibility.

But to say planetary bodies in our solar system are warming up and it has nothing to do with the sun, that every occurrence of warming (including moons) is due to localized conditions and has nothing at all to do with common conditions, is a logical fallacy and in gross error; just like saying curbing green house gas emissions will stop GW is a logical fallacy and a gross error. It may help slow it down (I will agree with that) but it will not stop it because it isn't the cause, therefore it hasn't the ability to stop it.

You just don't understand the difference between an increasingly intense sun, and increasing greenhouse gases trapping the radiation we already are exposed to.

I thought you said we don't know what the cause is? You think you can rule out greenhouse gases? I'd like to see that. You're the one claiming the theory is bunk, but all you have is empty rhetoric. Again I ask, what primary documents have you read? Did you read the papers discussing climate change on other planets? That's a rhetorical question, the answer is no, or you wouldn't hoist it like some kid at a science fair without knowing what the details even look like.

Seriously, any actual disagreements with science besides logical fallacies like non-sequitur, straw men, and red herrings? Do you even know where to begin with the science? Or do you use purely faulty rhetorical devices in place of observation and empiricism?


Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
What's lazy? I've already dealt with your drivel, as well as others like Juan and Zzarchov have. But I can go through your crap again, that which I haven't responded to.

You haven't "dealt" with anything. You completely dodge my main arguments. I think because you don't understand it. Have you considered going into law enforcement?

Well, we already have dealt with the other planets. Unfortunately for your weak argument, the theory behind GW is not dependent on different conditions that have caused an increase in heat content on other planets. The same physics is involved of course.


You have just completely missed my point!?!?! My argument has nothing at all to do with individual conditions on other planets.

But you are stupid enough to think that changes in dust on Mars causing 'purported' warming, and Jupiters internally driven temperature change, although different, and different from our own planet, are enough to throw out over 100 years of radiative physics, the same physics that is used to claim climate change on other planets.

Simple logic indeed.

Don't be an idiot. Are you one of those people who buys lottery tickets? It seems your understanding of odds would make you prone to the "someone has to win" logic. :lol:

I didn't realize you were alive in the 1800's. Geez you are an old fart aren't you?

It was the early 1990's if i remember correctly.

You're just proving your ignorance now.

Read this for a good history, rather than your silly conspiracy nonsense.

I am going off of experience and what I saw; as it developed. I don't need a revisionist version since I was there.

Again, your faulty logic. How many analogies does it take for you to realize that argument is logically invalid?

Again, study the odds and probability of what your proposing - or don't and go buy more lottery tickets.

That's not even the claim of what might happen in the future. That is your straw man argument.

No, that was a claim made both by a documentary on Venus that supposed it's conditions on earth and one by every bleeding heart liberal hippie wannabe like yourself "save the world!" The world isn't in trouble dumb dumb.

The whole planet is doing just fine. Living things are in this mess because of the ignorance of our species.

I don't think you can keep up with a simple conversation? I was talking about social conditions when I said "mess." Seriously Tonington :roll: Due try and keep up.

But Jupiter is warming from internal dynamics. That alone shoots your theory dead in the barrel. Do you even read this stuff before sticking your foot in your mouth?

No it doesn't. But I don't live in a binary world of exclusive stimuli. I would try and explain what I mean but frankly your not up to it.

You don't have any idea. Those who work in the field do. Those who read the journals might have a chance.

Like I asked before, do you even read primary documents, or is it all some foolish conspiracy crap?

I do read journals, I don't read conspiracy crap, except for the "journals." I read objectively, examine the evidence and think about the hypotheses. I break it down into reasons and conclusions. Then if it doesn't add up I dig further.

I find people like you fascinating. How is it that when faced with "scientists" and "evidence" you freeze like a deer in headlights? Do you seriously think these people are some how your superior?

You have seriously failed.

Who wants to assist other planets? They're doing just fine, and in case you didn't notice, as far as we know this is the only planet with any life on it. The only planet with eco-systems comprised of myriad living things. The only planet that responds biotically to imbalances in nutrient cycles. Why should I give a crap about dust storms on Mars?

I was being sarcastic.

You should care about the other planets because their warming proves your an idiot.

See, you're so out of touch with the science, you don't even know what the policy debate is shaping up like. Learn about cap and dividend, and revenue neutral taxes. The global elites are doing just fine as it is now, I doubt they care how much petrol costs, or food.

You've lost me here... what are you snivelling about? what you have just said has nothing to do with what I said.

You're clueless about economics too. GW technology means infrastructure. In case you haven't noticed, over the past half century infrastructure spending increases have always been a great stimulus to economies.


I don't understand economics? :lol:

Well thanks for that Captain Obvious.

Your welcome, Captain Moron.

Again, you don't know. Doesn't mean the rest of us have our heads in the sand.

Yes you do because you think you do know, when clearly you don't.

That's a legitimate concern, one that doesn't deal with the science.

There's no possibility that things can get better when the solution is to ignore it. Trade agreements? Tariffs?

As if you would know a legitimate concern if it slapped you in your brainwashed monkey face.

What I meant was (not that you'll be able to get this right either): If we are going to try and create a new economic bubble out of "green energy" we need all countries on board or we will destroy our economies.

You're ignorant. What do we have in common with those planets, besides a measured heat content that is increasing? If it's happening on these three, why not the rest? Why isn't the Moon warmer? Or Mercury? Or Venus? Why do they not show similar trends (the actual warming trends aren't at all the same, and can't possibly be due to an increase in solar radiation due to the magnitudes of change, and distance from the sun?)

We don't know if they're warmer. More research is needed. Perhaps an atmosphere is needed to feel the effects of warming?

There's a number of bets right now. Smart money is on warming. I already offered one to one of your ilk here on this site. Feeling lucky punk?

The bet isn't on whether the world is warming or if carbon traps heat but what is causing the warming. You really are a f***ing idiot aren't you?

I see...and those extra forces must also cancel out the forcing impact of increased greenhouse gases. So, it must be a positive forcing, but come with a negative feedback enough to swamp the signal from greenhouse gases. That's highly unlikely. If the DSCOVR is ever launched we'll know. Again I'm betting against you on that possibility.


You just don't understand the difference between an increasingly intense sun, and increasing greenhouse gases trapping the radiation we already are exposed to.

Holy f**k... go buy some lottery tickets...

I thought you said we don't know what the cause is?

You don't have any idea what I've said.

I'm pretty sure your one of those people that thinks as long as he continues arguing he'll look intelligent.

Well, it hasn't worked, you look like a horses ass. :p

I'm sure you'll find support amongst others that can't understand my point either. Perhaps you should discuss my short comings the next time your all around the lottery booth?


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
You see. That's where we differ. I know the science is bogus. I have tried to explain this but you seem to want to think you can save the world in the face of obvious fact. While you suspect I'm some kind of libertarian I suspect your some sort of guilt ridden liberal who needs to message his ego by thinking he can make a difference. Stark reality and in particular that of our own existence is a difficult pill to swallow.

Science like anything else man made is prone to mistakes but they are made so much worse if people believe in science like a new religion.

The vast majority of people will always believe what they want to believe. It is our failing as a species; 1 part ape and one part lemming.

You haven't shown he is wrong.

You made a counter-statement,

It was shown to be in error,

You decided "screw the facts, I know Im right"

Your last line is the most accurate part of your post (and the most Ironic).


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Ok Scott Free, time for you to stop dodging your own question:

Ignore global warming. Basic facts.

Carbon damages private property.

Why should I allow you to throw carbon into the air and damage my private property, without you paying for it?

Why should you not be taxed for causing an activity that causes damage to private property?

No answer? Funny that.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
You haven't "dealt" with anything. You completely dodge my main arguments. I think because you don't understand it. Have you considered going into law enforcement?

No I understand, you're delusional! :p

I haven't dodged a thing.

My argument has nothing at all to do with individual conditions on other planets.

Obviously...or you'd know how wrong you are.

Don't be an idiot. Are you one of those people who buys lottery tickets? It seems your understanding of odds would make you prone to the "someone has to win" logic. :lol:

Nope. Better to keep my money in my pocket.

It was the early 1990's if i remember correctly.

It began before the early 90's. It's only been since the 90's that more people have become aware of the issue.

I am going off of experience and what I saw; as it developed. I don't need a revisionist version since I was there.

It's not revisionist at all. You can get those facts from text books, and you weren't around for a whole lot of that scientific history.

Again, study the odds and probability of what your proposing - or don't and go buy more lottery tickets.

Odds against your logical fallacy? Maybe you need to study some probability...

No, that was a claim made both by a documentary on Venus that supposed it's conditions on earth and one by every bleeding heart liberal hippie wannabe like yourself "save the world!" The world isn't in trouble dumb dumb.

Right, your straw man. The world is fine, I know this, I've told you this.

I don't think you can keep up with a simple conversation? I was talking about social conditions when I said "mess." Seriously Tonington :roll: Due try and keep up.

It's called twisting your words. What, rhetorical devices are fine for you and not me? I can keep up with you just fine, in fact I'm slowing myself to comprehend the ludicrous inane arguments that seem to have caught your ignorant brain in the vice.

No it doesn't. But I don't live in a binary world of exclusive stimuli. I would try and explain what I mean but frankly your not up to it.

Of course it does. You're trying to make some argument about one furnace heating all the planets. Well that's fine, but it's not the cause of the climate change on Jupiter, ergo you're one mechanism for the different planets is flawed from the start. I suspect you don't actually read the details, so long as the headline can be twisted to fit your bias that seems to be fine.

I do read journals, I don't read conspiracy crap, except for the "journals." I read objectively, examine the evidence and think about the hypotheses. I break it down into reasons and conclusions. Then if it doesn't add up I dig further.

Yet you can't realize what you're spouting doesn't add up. I suggest you read some more, then come back when you have something substantive.

I find people like you fascinating. How is it that when faced with "scientists" and "evidence" you freeze like a deer in headlights? Do you seriously think these people are some how your superior?

You're easily amused. You seem to think you're the only one who has any critical thought bouncing around in your head. I know I'm not the only one. Maybe you've been taken with solipsism.:roll:

I was being sarcastic.

You should care about the other planets because their warming proves your an idiot.

No, that other planets are warming does not prove I'm an idiot. If I claimed three planets are warming and without knowing what is happening on other planets, then said that the cause therefore must be the same, when those who have published the details give us the reference needed to know otherwise, well then I'd be an idiot.

You've lost me here...

Not really surprising.

You were going on about helping those in trouble, and not the elites. Well I gave you enough clues. Anyone who knows how to use google could figure that out.

Who is typing for you?:p

I don't understand economics? :lol:

Apparently not. Maybe you know enough to pay your bills at the pharmacy...

Yes you do because you think you do know, when clearly you don't.

I know more than you on this subject, and what I know is a drop in a bucket.

As if you would know a legitimate concern if it slapped you in your brainwashed monkey face.

What I meant was (not that you'll be able to get this right either): If we are going to try and create a new economic bubble out of "green energy" we need all countries on board or we will destroy our economies.

See, now there you go, showing how much you really don't know. Why would anyone want to create a bubble? Changing over infrastructure is not a bubble.

We don't know if they're warmer. More research is needed. Perhaps an atmosphere is needed to feel the effects of warming?

Idiot. Venus does have an atmosphere, much heavier than ours.

The bet isn't on whether the world is warming or if carbon traps heat but what is causing the warming. You really are a f***ing idiot aren't you?

I know exactly what the bet is about. I haven't made one with you, and you have no idea what the bets are I'm talking about.

Getting testy? Go take your meds.

Holy f**k... go buy some lottery tickets...

See, you can't even respond to simple statements. You're lame.

You don't have any idea what I've said.

Sure I do, I quoted you saying that we don't know what's causing it, but you think you know enough to say what it is not. You even imply that it's the sun. That is testable, and it's failed.

I'm pretty sure your one of those people that thinks as long as he continues arguing he'll look intelligent.

Well, you're wrong. There's a real shocker :p

Well, it hasn't worked, you look like a horses ass. :p

How witty of you.

I'm sure you'll find support amongst others that can't understand my point either. Perhaps you should discuss my short comings the next time your all around the lottery booth?

What's funny is you think you have this brilliant point that none of us can see. We've all read it, and it's crap. Like I said, elementary school students could spot the problem with your miniature train of thought.

Anyways, I wasn't responding to simply to keep up some pointless tête-à-tête. I asked you about your claims of what in the science is bogus, then you called me lazy. So I replied to the rest of your junk. So, now why don't you actually list what you think is bogus. That should be easy enough. But you'll probably skip over that.

Easy enough challenge?

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
I'm not sure what is giving you difficulty Tonigton?

I agree the planet is getting warm.

I agree that carbon is contributing a role. Like wearing a blanket in the hot sun.

I disagree carbon is the reason for GW and, in fact, it is provable that it isn't by statistical analysis.

I disagree that curbing carbon output will stop global warming - the reason is simple; a bunch of planets are warming up, the odds: 1 in 36 trillion. That means GW isn't being caused by us. It's just a fact buddy - get over it.

Also a paper in the journal Climate Research, 2001;which identified uncertainties in climate energizing that were 10 (that is TEN) times greater than CO2 emissions. And pointed to errors in the IPCC which is used to predict GW.

Now when I combine my probability with the insignificance of CO2, I am left knowing that Al Gore is full of crap - his message was political, hyperbole and bad science.

There is a correlation between carbon and warming based on the Venus studies which is indisputable. Carbon will warm an atmosphere but that doesn't mean carbon is the reason the atmosphere is warming. Is any of this sinking into that little pea brain of yours?

You can find a correlation between people who wear helmets and break their arms. In places where helmets are required the incidence of helmets and arm breaks increase significantly. Does that really mean wearing a helmet increases your chances of breaking your arm? Does the law increase your chance of breaking your arm? Or is this an irrelevant correlation? Or is the cause and effect a coincidence? The correlation bogus? Just like your GW.
Last edited:


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Carbon is life.


You aren't allowed to put your life (your person, your plants, your pets your farm animals) on my property.

Carbon is destructive.

Why am I paying for your garbage damaging my property?


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
I'm not sure what is giving you difficulty Tonigton?

I agree the planet is getting warm.

I agree that carbon is contributing a role. Like wearing a blanket in the hot sun.

I disagree carbon is the reason for GW and, in fact, it is provable that it isn't by statistical analysis.

How, You make a statement but don't show it.

I disagree that curbing carbon output will stop global warming - the reason is simple; a bunch of planets are warming up, the odds: 1 in 36 trillion. That means GW isn't being caused by us. It's just a fact buddy - get over it.

Mind explaining where THAT number comes from?

Also, you still aren't saying whats warming all those planets. Its not the sun, because then EVERY planet would be warming. But only some are..

Also a paper in the journal Climate Research, 2001;which identified uncertainties in climate energizing that were 10 (that is TEN) times greater than CO2 emissions. And pointed to errors in the IPCC which is used to predict GW.

Now when I combine my probability with the insignificance of CO2, I am left knowing that Al Gore is full of crap - his message was political, hyperbole and bad science.
Yes Al Gore is crap, but he isn't a scientist either, but where are you pulling your probability from. Cause it seems like thin air.

There is a correlation between carbon and warming based on the Venus studies which is indisputable. Carbon will warm an atmosphere but that doesn't mean carbon is the reason the atmosphere is warming. Is any of this sinking into that little pea brain of yours?
So your logic is, adding carbon warms the atmosphere. We are adding carbon, but that isn't why our atmosphere is warming?

Your lying to yourself. EVEN IF (big if), its not the main reason its warming, its a contributing factor. Your house may not be burning because your throwing gasoline on it, but if you don't want it scorched to ash, you should still probably stop.

You can find a correlation between people who wear helmets and break their arms. In places where helmets are required the incidence of helmets and arm breaks increase significantly. Does that really mean wearing a helmet increases your chances of breaking your arm? Does the law increase your chance of breaking your arm? Or is this an irrelevant correlation? Or is the cause and effect a coincidence? The correlation bogus? Just like your GW.

Depends, if there is a scientific process that shows say, the helmet design in question blocks vision and causes more car accidents, then yes, it could be causing broken arms.

thats why we have a scientific method.

I notice you still aren't answering my damn question, no good answer?

YOUR carbon emissions damage MY property. Why am I being forced to pay for your littering?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I'm not sure what is giving you difficulty Tonigton?

I agree the planet is getting warm.

I agree that carbon is contributing a role. Like wearing a blanket in the hot sun.

I disagree carbon is the reason for GW and, in fact, it is provable that it isn't by statistical analysis.

That last sentence is what gives me difficulty. You have not yet shown that to be true, while many, many people from various academic backgrounds have. I've read an awful lot about this, I learn the principles that back it up every day at school. It doesn't make me a climatologist, but I can understand crappy stats when I see them. So, by whose statistical analysis? This is where you link what you have.

I disagree that curbing carbon output will stop global warming - the reason is simple; a bunch of planets are warming up, the odds: 1 in 36 trillion. That means GW isn't being caused by us. It's just a fact buddy - get over it.
How do you know it's 1 in 36 trillion? What kind of calculation is that? What assumptions are built into that analysis? What do you know is fact without determining uncertainty, and comparing to the patterns in the universe? Without any of these things, you can't say what is likely.

Also a paper in the journal Climate Research, 2001;which identified uncertainties in climate energizing that were 10 (that is TEN) times greater than CO2 emissions. And pointed to errors in the IPCC which is used to predict GW.
Have anything else besides a description? Like the title of the paper perhaps, or the author?

I don't automatically trust all papers. For instance I want to examine their statistics, treatments, and see whether the conclusions are warranted by the work itself.

The IPCC not only predicts global warming, but measures it, quantifies it. In fact it underestimates many parameters of our warming climate because of the nature of the IPCC.

Now when I combine my probability with the insignificance of CO2, I am left knowing that Al Gore is full of crap - his message was political, hyperbole and bad science.
But your probability right now is meaningless. In science you have to show how you got your answer fella, otherwise your stat is a meaningless waste of ink or pixels. :cool:

And by the by, using the Gore ad hominem is a sure sign of desperation. After all he isn't a scientist, and I've never quoted his work when discussing the worth of climate science. I may have quoted him when discussing his movie, but that's a whole other pile of beans.

There is a correlation between carbon and warming based on the Venus studies which is indisputable. Carbon will warm an atmosphere but that doesn't mean carbon is the reason the atmosphere is warming. Is any of this sinking into that little pea brain of yours?
It's more than just a correlation. Correlation doesn't even mean causality. It does mean that it is causing some of the warming. I've never said it causes all. Hack your straw man all you want. Is that sinking in?

Do you happen to know what climate sensitivity is?

You can find a correlation between people who wear helmets and break their arms. In places where helmets are required the incidence of helmets and arm breaks increase significantly. Does that really mean wearing a helmet increases your chances of breaking your arm? Does the law increase your chance of breaking your arm? Or is this an irrelevant correlation? Or is the cause and effect a coincidence? The correlation bogus? Just like your GW.

I believe I responded to this known caveat above, and this problem isn't as cut and dry as your leading questions assume. Cause and effect aren't coincidence, correlations can be, but cause means causality, you know, A lead to B...

Do you want a Hero cookie or something for that? I also wrote a thread about that in here.
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Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
I notice you still aren't answering my damn question, no good answer?

YOUR carbon emissions damage MY property. Why am I being forced to pay for your littering?

You don't think your carbon emissions harm your property or mine? I'm not sure what your asking here?

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Maybe what he says is "fact" because it says so in the Bible. Same sort of idea as the "fact" that the Christian exists. Absolutely nothing tangible to prove it; just the say so of the book is enough, right?
This is hilarious, guys.
BTW, in terms of climate, I would think that suppositions & hypotheses from 2001 would be a wee bit archaic simply because of the fact we know more than we did.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I think this topic is too difficult for you Tonington.

Nothing like a friendly debate. How about you meet me in the Articles and Debates section for more formalized debate? We could ask some members to be the judges panel, or maybe the moderators would be up for it.

If you think you're up for it, we can discuss what the parameters of the debate will be.

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
Nothing like a friendly debate. How about you meet me in the Articles and Debates section for more formalized debate? We could ask some members to be the judges panel, or maybe the moderators would be up for it.

If you think you're up for it, we can discuss what the parameters of the debate will be.

I thought we just had one? I don't require anyone acting in the capacity of judge. I'm well aware of how this debate turned out.

I'm growing tired of repeating myself. My evidence is incontrovertible and I can't understand why anyone would have trouble with that. I can only conclude that is because I haven't explained it well enough or you don't understand it. You haven't once given an argument as to how my probability theory is wrong except you think it is, has to be, and despite the odds it is happening; so thats your proof which is only proof GW is wrong; so IMO that isn't an argument but wish thinking.

Your evidence is correlated data which is great except there are too many variables that invalidate it; not the least of which is probability. Also carbon is one of the least energizing variables so why focus on it? Because Al Gore (inventor of the internet) thinks so? That just isn't good enough for me.

There is a great article in the latest issue of Skeptic called "A Climate Of belief." The author thinks very much as I do and I highly recommend it. Like me he doesn't doubt GW but he doubts the popular believed cause of it. He has different reasons but his and mine make a pretty concrete case that carbon as the cause is complete whooey.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
I thought we just had one? I don't require anyone acting in the capacity of judge. I'm well aware of how this debate turned out.

I'm growing tired of repeating myself. My evidence is incontrovertible and I can't understand why anyone would have trouble with that. I can only conclude that is because I haven't explained it well enough or you don't understand it. You haven't once given an argument as to how my probability theory is wrong except you think it is, has to be, and despite the odds it is happening; so thats your proof which is only proof GW is wrong; so IMO that isn't an argument but wish thinking.

Your evidence is correlated data which is great except there are too many variables that invalidate it; not the least of which is probability. Also carbon is one of the least energizing variables so why focus on it? Because Al Gore (inventor of the internet) thinks so? That just isn't good enough for me.

There is a great article in the latest issue of Skeptic called "A Climate Of belief." The author thinks very much as I do and I highly recommend it. Like me he doesn't doubt GW but he doubts the popular believed cause of it. He has different reasons but his and mine make a pretty concrete case that carbon as the cause is complete whooey.

Illusions of grandeur.......Ignorant rantings