Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Has anyone got a link to show how 2007 ranks in terms of warmth?


New Member
Mar 7, 2008
Man, I've written pages about this already. So, I'll be quick.

Thousands of reputable scientists the world over versus a weatherman.

I'm not sure why one would feel that Oil Companies need their help, but honestly, mankind's contribution to global warming has been proven. We are reaping what we sow. I'm not going to list any sources just as I'm not going to try to convince you that the Earth revolves around the Sun. There's enough on the internet validating Global Warming. And then, of course, there's the few macho, renegade loudmouth skeptics

Global warming skeptics will hear one or two things, and then just to have an opinion, loudly and with much brashness utter those two things they've read just to bolster their ego.

If you care to step away from your partisanship, do some reading on the other side. Watch an "Inconvenient Truth" and "the Denial Machine"

The media has to maintain it's sense at best of maintaing balance. So, when some renegade weatherman wants a soundbite claiming that Global Warmingis a farce (and that he comes from the Planet Kludo), they'll give it to him.

But when thousands (literally) of scientists, the world over come to agree that

(i)we are causing, and can reverse global warming
(ii)the effects of global warming, understanding will be disastrous

Even you, my friend, I'm sure can be level headed enough to weigh the intellectual balance....

Thousands of reputable scientists the world over versus a weatherman


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Thousands of reputable scientists the world over versus a weatherman.

I'm not sure why one would feel that Oil Companies need their help, but honestly, mankind's contribution to global warming has been proven. We are reaping what we sow. I'm not going to list any sources just as I'm not going to try to convince you that the Earth revolves around the Sun. There's enough on the internet validating Global Warming. And then, of course, there's the few macho, renegade loudmouth skeptics

Global warming skeptics will hear one or two things, and then just to have an opinion, loudly and with much brashness utter those two things they've read just to bolster their ego.

If you care to step away from your partisanship, do some reading on the other side. Watch an "Inconvenient Truth" and "the Denial Machine"

The media has to maintain it's sense at best of maintaing balance. So, when some renegade weatherman wants a soundbite claiming that Global Warmingis a farce (and that he comes from the Planet Kludo), they'll give it to him.

But when thousands (literally) of scientists, the world over come to agree that

(i)we are causing, and can reverse global warming
(ii)the effects of global warming, understanding will be disastrous

Even you, my friend, I'm sure can be level headed enough to weigh the intellectual balance....

Thousands of reputable scientists the world over versus a weatherman
Some disagree.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
And some of them say the climate is warming, and some of them say carbon dioxide is part of the cause, and some of them think no warming at all from carbon dioxide, and some of them say there is no warming, and some of them think that any money spent on mitigation will be fruitless. The common thread? They all think we should spend no money at all on fixing the problem, indeed they are not of one mind on if there is a problem. There certainly is a weak consensus on their part. So the one common opinion by them is not a scientific position, but a political position. Speaks volumes...


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
I just wish that someone besides me would have cleared the 100's of cm of AGW that has fallen on my driveway this winter and is still falling as I post this.


Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
No, a second and an hour are units of time. Geologic time scales of course are made up of units of time, but they aren't differentiated by set time periods, they are unequal in their distribution of time. They are separated by events, mostly the arrival of new fossil assemblages. The time scales are millions of years and more, and we haven't been here more than 200,000 years. Even less time as recorded history. Saying we live in a geologic scale is meaningless, as geologic scales create sedimentary rock, fossilize animals, create petroleum and other minerals. They aren't being replaced as we use them.
The term "geologic time scale" only means that we are referring to an immensely long time frame. Just because it isn't of a fixed duration doesn't mean it can't compare. After all, a human time scale is also not of a fixed length.

But you do have a point. Such geologic time scales are so extensive that the little blip that represents our existence is insignificant. Perhaps it's a matter of using the wrong semantics. After all, the topic at hand is the imminent return of an ice age which has a 100,000 yr. rotation, considerably less than the geologic time frames you mentioned.

Look, I'm not saying there will never be an ice age, I'm saying there is no evidence that we're on the cusp of anything close to what would be considered an ice age.
Yes, I know, you mentioned that before. I contend that there is such evidence. That's what we're discussing.
The ice sheets and glaciers are still in retreat, some show signs of speeding up,
As would be expected until the next ice age actually begins. I didn't say that it was here, just that it was coming soon.

the Antarctic sheet is behaving exactly as was predicted by some of the very first climate models back in 1981,
Really?8O They predicted it would grow? I always thought they said it would melt.

and the multi-year ice in the Arctic was the smallest ever last summer.
Due to unusual winds that moved it into currents that took it south. And not necessarily the smallest ever, they've only been measuring since 1978, the tail end of a 30 year cooling, so the decrease would be expected.
Of course it grows back in the winter, that's what happens, but it isn't replacing the thick multi-year ice.
And this winters sea ice cover is greater than any time since 1980, right close to the end of that 30 year cooling. And 20% thicker than last year as well. Not to mention that Antarctic sea ice cover last winter was greater than ever measured before.
Species are progressing Northward in our hemisphere, not south.

No signs of an ice age on the horizon.
Your mistake is in using current trends to extrapolate an event that may not arrive for 10, 100 or even 1000 years. You won't find them predictive until the actual event occurs. My contention is that based on past events and patterns, we're due.


Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
Man, I've written pages about this already. So, I'll be quick.

Thousands of reputable scientists the world over versus a weatherman.

I'm not sure why one would feel that Oil Companies need their help, but honestly, mankind's contribution to global warming has been proven. We are reaping what we sow. I'm not going to list any sources just as I'm not going to try to convince you that the Earth revolves around the Sun. There's enough on the internet validating Global Warming. And then, of course, there's the few macho, renegade loudmouth skeptics

Global warming skeptics will hear one or two things, and then just to have an opinion, loudly and with much brashness utter those two things they've read just to bolster their ego.

If you care to step away from your partisanship, do some reading on the other side. Watch an "Inconvenient Truth" and "the Denial Machine"

The media has to maintain it's sense at best of maintaing balance. So, when some renegade weatherman wants a soundbite claiming that Global Warmingis a farce (and that he comes from the Planet Kludo), they'll give it to him.

But when thousands (literally) of scientists, the world over come to agree that

(i)we are causing, and can reverse global warming
(ii)the effects of global warming, understanding will be disastrous

Even you, my friend, I'm sure can be level headed enough to weigh the intellectual balance....

Thousands of reputable scientists the world over versus a weatherman

One weatherman????

We, the scientists and researchers in climate and related fields, economists, policymakers, and business leaders, assembled at Times Square, New York City, participating in the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change,

Resolving that scientific questions should be evaluated solely by the scientific method;

Affirming that global climate has always changed and always will, independent of the actions of humans, and that carbon dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant but rather a necessity for all life;

Recognising that the causes and extent of recently-observed climatic change are the subject of intense debates in the climate science community and that oft-repeated assertions of a supposed ‘consensus’ among climate experts are false;

Affirming that attempts by governments to legislate costly regulations on industry and individual citizens to encourage CO2 emission reduction will slow development while having no appreciable impact on the future trajectory of global climate change. Such policies will markedly diminish future prosperity and so reduce the ability of societies to adapt to inevitable climate change, thereby increasing, not decreasing human suffering;

Noting that warmer weather is generally less harmful to life on Earth than colder:

Hereby declare:

That current plans to restrict anthropogenic CO2 emissions are a dangerous misallocation of intellectual capital and resources that should be dedicated to solving humanity’s real and serious problems.

That there is no convincing evidence that CO2 emissions from modern industrial activity has in the past, is now, or will in the future cause catastrophic climate change.

That attempts by governments to inflict taxes and costly regulations on industry and individual citizens with the aim of reducing emissions of CO2 will pointlessly curtail the prosperity of the West and progress of developing nations without affecting climate.

That adaptation as needed is massively more cost-effective than any attempted mitigation, and that a focus on such mitigation will divert the attention and resources of governments away from addressing the real problems of their peoples.

That human-caused climate change is not a global crisis.

Now, therefore, we recommend –

That world leaders reject the views expressed by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as well as popular, but misguided works such as “An Inconvenient Truth”.

That all taxes, regulations, and other interventions intended to reduce emissions of CO2 be abandoned forthwith.

Agreed at New York, 4 March 2008

International Climate Science Coalition

Al Gore was invited to speak at the conference. They even offered his standard $200,000 fee. He refused.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
The term "geologic time scale" only means that we are referring to an immensely long time frame. Just because it isn't of a fixed duration doesn't mean it can't compare. After all, a human time scale is also not of a fixed length.

For all intents and purposes, it is, in comparison to geologic boundaries.

But you do have a point. Such geologic time scales are so extensive that the little blip that represents our existence is insignificant. Perhaps it's a matter of using the wrong semantics. After all, the topic at hand is the imminent return of an ice age which has a 100,000 yr. rotation, considerably less than the geologic time frames you mentioned.
It's not insignificant on our scales, which is the whole point.

Yes, I know, you mentioned that before. I contend that there is such evidence. That's what we're discussing.
So, again I'll ask for that evidence, as I have a few times already.

As would be expected until the next ice age actually begins. I didn't say that it was here, just that it was coming soon.
That's a pretty brave assumption. Do you know what the forcing was that caused the shift from warming to ice age? Is it more or less than our anthropogenic forcing?

Really?8O They predicted it would grow? I always thought they said it would melt.
Nope. That only enforces the idea if a lie is told often enough, people will accept it as truth. In 1980,
Martin I. Hoffert, et al. found that more water, such as the Southern ocean, would delay the warming response by decades. Then in 1981, Stephen H. Schneider and S.L. Thompson found that the delay would be longer than initially thought, that if we only used simple equilibrium models, that we would still be mislead in this decade(2000-2010). Then in 1988, Kirk Bryan et al. showed that there would be a slight cooling for 50 years, even while the rest of the planet warms. The models since then have all found the same thing, though with some changes. The models have, for instance, predicted that the Western Antarctic peninsula would warm. It's actually the fastest warming location on the planet.

Due to unusual winds that moved it into currents that took it south. And not necessarily the smallest ever, they've only been measuring since 1978, the tail end of a 30 year cooling, so the decrease would be expected.
So now changing winds aren't to be expected, even though climate is long term weather patterns? Funny, the predictions have mentioned changing wind patterns. Sea surface temperatures were also warmer that summer. But it does appear to be anomalous. That happens with seasonal weather ;)

And this winters sea ice cover is greater than any time since 1980, right close to the end of that 30 year cooling. And 20% thicker than last year as well. Not to mention that Antarctic sea ice cover last winter was greater than ever measured before.
Again, two anomolies back to back. The overall trend is still one of decreasing Arctic ice, and increasing Antarctic ice.

Your mistake is in using current trends to extrapolate an event that may not arrive for 10, 100 or even 1000 years. You won't find them predictive until the actual event occurs. My contention is that based on past events and patterns, we're due.
One thousand years away, could be even longer than that. Funny though how your ilk has suggested that current trends mean we're switching to a cooling phase, despite the long term trends.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
The models since then have all found the same thing, though with some changes. The models have, for instance, predicted that the Western Antarctic peninsula would warm. [/quote]Is there internet access to these models?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
You can go to GISS and use model E, or any of the other models they have there. You can download it, and the walk-through, and away you go.

You can also use the software on their site.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Major Highlights

NOAA: Coolest December-February Since 2001 for U.S., Globe
The average temperature across both the contiguous U.S. and the globe during December 2007-February 2008 (climatological boreal winter) was the coolest since 2001, according to scientists at NOAA's National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C. In terms of winter precipitation, Pacific storms bringing heavy precipitation to large parts of the West produced high snowpack that will provide welcome runoff this spring.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Icebergs Melting, Seals Disappearing, Arctic Warming

by <A href="">AmerPundit |

This just in from the Washington Post:
The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consul Ifft, at Bergen, Norway.
Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers, he declared, all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met with as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm.
Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared. Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts, which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds.
Wait a second…Huh. Upon further review, that article is from November 2nd…1922. Yeah, as in 86 years ago and counting.
That was one of the original alarms, before people decided the problem was actually global cooling, then all of a sudden again decided the problem is warming. How long before the next man-made global warming/cooling scare changes?
“No, seriously! We’re sure this time…uh, we think.”
1922. Must’ve been the year of the SUV.
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