[Westerners generally sound like native Canadians with a far less pronounced accent.
Now I know you have dead ears, I've listened to native canadians talk since I was a
little girl, they sound nothing like i do, or any other 'non first nations person', they
have a definite sound all of there own, and it doesn't compare, and that is not a
criticism to first nations people, just fact, although if a first nation person went to
regular 'off reservation' schools, they talk the same as I.
I thought the exact same thing. A third of the city I grew up in is native. There were many natives in my schools. I knew lots of them. And I always thought their accent was very distinct.
Then I left the country and began to hear accents of Canadians - accents I couldn't hear before. And I heard that many Westerners have an accent that is similar to native Canadians. It is much, much more toned down, but it is definitely the same.