Bruce Allen not out of hot water yet


Council Member
Sep 28, 2007
Ardrossan, Alberta
I received this email today and thought it would be worthy of discussion:

Subject: FW: I agree, do you ?

Bruce Allen not out of hot water yet.

VANCOUVER/CKNW(AM980) - Despite being given a show of support by Vancouver 2010 organizers, embattled music manager and CKNW editorialist, Bruce Allen is not out of hot water just yet as the fallout continues from his recent commentary indicating immigrants to
Canada should 'fit in,' or 'go home.'

Richmond Liberal MP, Raymond Chan, is set to file an official complaint with the CRTC (Cdn Radio Television Commission) about Allen's recent 'reality check'
alleging the piece was discriminatory.

Chan is also demanding an official apology and a retraction of the comments.

It's time we all get behind Bruce Allen, and scrap this Political Correctness crap. His comments were anything but racist, but there are far too many overly-sensitive 'New Canadians' that are trying to change everything we hold dear.

For example, our National Anthem:
Don't know what your opinions are, but I certainly agree. --- I am sorry, but after hearing they want to sing the National Anthem in Hindi - enough is enough. No where or at no other time in our nation's history, did they sing it in Italian, Japanese, Polish, Irish (Celtic), German, Portuguese, Greek, or any other language because of immigration. It was written in English, and should be sung word for word the way it was written. The news broadcasts even gave the translation -- not even close!!!

I am not sorry if this offends anyone, this is MY COUNTRY - IF IT IS YOUR COUNTRY SPEAK UP ---- please pass this along!!!
I am not against immigration -- just come through like everyone else. Get a sponsor; have a place to lay your head; have a job; pay your taxes, live by the rules AND LEARN THE LANGUAGE as all other immigrants have in the past -- and


PART OF THE PROBLEM. Think about this: If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone-----YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM !!!!

Will we still be the Country of Choice and still be
CANADA if we continue to make the changes forced on us by the people from other countries who have come to live in CANADA because it is the Country of Choice??????

Think about it! IMMIGRANTS, NOT CANADIAN'S, MUST ADAPT. It is Time for
CANADA to Speak up. If you agree - pass This along


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Agree one hundred percent!

It is the rules we have that has made this country the country of choice. Personally, I accept and welcome anyone who wants to join us and make a life for him/herself. Those who want changes right off the boat and don't like what we have can literally, Go back to where they came from! The sooner the better.


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
I used to feel that way, then I arrived in Germany and found so many people speaking English to me. Heck, there was a staff meeting today and the language was in English. I find it weird to say to an immigrant, "Fit in or don't come," since you are basically asserting that only Canadians can immigrate to Canada.

Our country should change as our people change. This is just as true if we didn't have immigrants.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Phuck Bruce Allen and the rest of the brain dead profilers, it's one big happy planet or nothing.
Blind patriotism is for fools. Canada's a big country it ain't english anymore and that's what I respect about it. National anthem, give me a break.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Yes I have, and multicultural is what I like, the more diverse the better, or would you rather be buried by American popcult forever, Canada has to build a culture and abandon the Yankee garbage.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Most people who come to Canada come to have a better life than what they had in the country they came from. I hate to burst your bubble Beaver but it isn't one big happy planet out there and my attitude has nothing to do with blind patriotism. If it was one big happy planet, what would be the point in immigrating? Most Canadians would rather immigrants tried to fit in rather than build a little country within a country enclave where everybody speaks Hindi, or some other language. (like a large part of Surrey) If people don't speak English they will have a harder time availing themselves of the services that are available. We are offering a better place. The least immigrants can do is show us a bit of respect and learn the language.


Jan 6, 2007
The e-mail is a cut and paste job. The bit about the Hindi national anthem has been going around for years now. As for Bruce Allen, well, he wouldn't be doing his job as an op-ed writer if it didn't piss people off once in a while. He's chosen his line of work, and has lawyers who know his rights. I don't feel a huge urge to rush to his defense, especially not knowing the context of the entire piece, even though I value free speech

But, 'fit in or go home' would mean we should all be living like the original First Nations people. Or, if fitting into the modern culture, that Muslim women can't wear the Hijab. That we should all eat nothing but hamburgers and french fries, and steaks. I like new splashes of culture arriving. It makes a country much more interesting.
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Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Yes I have, and multicultural is what I like, the more diverse the better, or would you rather be buried by American popcult forever, Canada has to build a culture and abandon the Yankee garbage.

In the case of Toronto then you would notice there is no defining culture. Cultures in large cities like Toronto basically segregate people to certain neighborhoods based on their race. I certainly haven't seen any effort from the various races here to build a common culture together, most are happy to live with their own type and pretend they are back home.


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
The sad thing is this cut and paste job was I believe based on the American one. Substitute American for Canadian and Spanish for Hindi.

As is often the case, I think Karrie's post is a great one. I lived in Toronto and Vancouver before moving down here, and I liked both of them just fine. People who don't like them will always have Peterborough and Kamloops:) Immigrants will need to learn the language to function well in society. That's incentive enough in most people.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
"PART OF THE PROBLEM. Think about this: If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone-----YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM !!!!

Will we still be the Country of Choice and still be
CANADA if we continue to make the changes forced on us by the people from other countries who have come to live in CANADA because it is the Country of Choice??????

Think about it! IMMIGRANTS, NOT CANADIAN'S, MUST ADAPT. It is Time for
CANADA to Speak up. If you agree - pass This along "

I'am part of the problem am I well that's to bad. This is racist red-neck crap, it's from the bottom of Canada not from anywhere near this countrys best performance. If we are to stupid to reproduce we have to promote immigration, we have to spend to make education available we have to provide more money and effort to promote integration, not less. I have watched sucessive governments ignor the problems of immigrants , I have watched professionals from other countrys sweep floors and drive cabs because they were kept out of association after asscociation, denied acreditation and spit on and blamed for everything under the sun. They're a perenial target of small minds who can't find anything better to bitch about, a convienient target for every problem.
Guess what I don't mind offending bigots and rascists. This country is made up 90% of immigrants of all languages and races and that's the way I like it. They will adapt in time, that's inevitable.

Let me remind you of days gone by Juan, when the Italians, Portugeuse, Dutch, Germans, Chinese, Ukrainians and the French all of them huddled in small enclaves for decades because they got the same treatment thats being advocated here in this thread. You know what that puts the common in common bigotry I wish them well in racist bigoted Canada, where if they ain't the same they ain't right. I don't care if they don't speak english or they dress differently or they eat differently. What Canada will become is what's important, not what it was. To stop diversity is to stagnate and die, to try to insist and or impose uniformity is regressive, we'll be stuck with a goddamn monarch on our bloody money for ever. Learn what language?
French? English? Chinese? All of those and the many more are what makes this place unique and diverse enough to survive and thrive in the new world that's coming. Diversity or death, that's me motto, sorry if it ain't what everybody else thinks but that's the way it's going to be, get used to it or immigrate back to the homeland yourselves.Where ever the hell that was or is.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Db, as usual you're over the top again. Like any of us you have a right to your opinion and so do I. A doctor coming to this country must have studied in an accredited university and he must speak our language. That is the way it should be and it's not bigoted or racist. Immigrants to this country know beforehand whether their education will be accredited so they have the choice to come here or not. It is not something that is sprung on them after they arrive.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Db, as usual you're over the top again. Like any of us you have a right to your opinion and so do I. A doctor coming to this country must have studied in an accredited university and he must speak our language. That is the way it should be and it's not bigoted or racist. Immigrants to this country know beforehand whether their education will be accredited so they have the choice to come here or not. It is not something that is sprung on them after they arrive.

Is a freakin broken arm different in a forigne language or how about stiches or aspirin. They do not know beforehand I have listened to many storys of qualified people being sucked into Canada only to end up slinging burgers because of protectionism, I need lots of surgery what the hell do I care about the surgeons language I'll hopefully be out cold. And that includes MDs and engineers. This country desperately needs immigrants out birthrate has been steadily falling for years, and I simply don't care about thier colour or what they speak eat or wear or who or what they worship or where they live or who they hang with. You do have your right to your opinion and so do I, if I've been offensive to you personally I'm sorry, I have strong feelings about the subject and I've heard some pretty rotten dirt these last few years that no Canadian should be proud of, and I ain't.


Council Member
Sep 28, 2007
Ardrossan, Alberta
My grandparents were immigrants, paternal grandparents were Swedish and Irish and my Maternal Granparents were German and English, we really don't have any customs in our family that were practiced in the old Countries - they fit in- we fit in, Canadian culture is an evolving dynamic each new immigrant adds to it and after two or three generations most of the old culture is gone, replaced by the Canadian way - our way, if people want to keep their culture alive they must do it for themselves- they cannot expect the rest of us to pay for it as I don't expect for anyone to pay for mine.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
There is no static Canadian culture or cultures. I have seen this issue inflated and inflamed based on fictions over and over again, similarly I have seen the poor the homeless and the mentaly ill dumped on and blamed unjustly time and again by right wing reactionary elements and religious fundementalist, I have seen and heard people moan and whine about the horrific ammounts of money spent on each of those social issues and that in itself is a goddamn lie, relativly speaking we spend peanuts, insignifigant sums to address all these issues but always there's someone inflating the cost with absolutly no basis in fact and driving a wedge in between the races and languages for political gain. Now I don't know what cultural treasures you see being threatened by immigrants, what is it? Because when I grew up we were half british and half yankee for christ sake tellivision was one of the two, cars were one the two education was half of each, so for the exception of snow and hockey we don't really have a defined Canadian culture, we have a hybred culture based predominantly on those two empires. And for the last twenty years it's been pure American, we can't even get our own films in theaters or our literature on shelves and we all buy Chinese manufactured goods and eat imported foods, we don't make our cloths shoes furniture electronics or much of anything else for that matter, so spare me the line about our culture because we sold most of it down the river years ago all that's left is some illusion and a crusty old national tune that a fraction of us can hum along to. Of course that's my opinion Lester and that's all it is. my pardon for expressing it but there it is.;-)


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Beave, because we buy Chinese made goods we can afford them, even the guy at McDonalds. If we produced everything we made the costs would rise above what those making it could afford to spend. How many Chinese factory workers can buy a vehicle, or a TV set? Would you like the average Canadian to trade places with them?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Beave, because we buy Chinese made goods we can afford them, even the guy at McDonalds. If we produced everything we made the costs would rise above what those making it could afford to spend. How many Chinese factory workers can buy a vehicle, or a TV set? Would you like the average Canadian to trade places with them?

Kreskin we used to do most of those things in this country with the result of a better standard of living than we don't enjoy now. We can barely afford the Chinese stuff now, don't believe me ask the yanks. We are trading places with the Chinese as we speak.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Kreskin we used to do most of those things in this country with the result of a better standard of living than we don't enjoy now. We can barely afford the Chinese stuff now, don't believe me ask the yanks. We are trading places with the Chinese as we speak.
We have far more luxuries today than we ever did at any time.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
We have far more luxuries today than we ever did at any time.

Absolutely. If I go back just one generation maybe one or two of my relatives had made a trip to Europe. I have been to Europe almost a dozen times, to Africa a couple times, I've been to every state I care to visit and all the Canadian provinces. I have to think things are getting better.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
You have to think that do you? Well the statistics do not share your experiance. Child poverty has never been higher, medicare has never been in worse shape since it's inception, real income has been stagnant for two decades, hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs have disappeared, houseing continues to be a worsening problem, food banks enjoy increasing clientel,
labour protection has been steadily eroded similarly health and safty issues continue to be unaddressed and we could go on and on with serious deficencys in the social fabric not the least of which is a US recession which threatens to become a depression worse than the great one. Luxuries eh, well I'm sorry but that ain't all there is to life gents, luxuries do not feed and cloth and shelter or educate the needy of this nation, neither do they improve the general welfare nor contribute to maintenance the social fabric or desperately needed infrastructure. You are living in a dream world that you have worked for and are entitled to, but I can assure you that this is not the case for millions of Canadians who do not enjoy luxuries nor can they ever hope to.