Bruce Allen not out of hot water yet


Electoral Member
Nov 24, 2007
Karrie, "The e-mail is a cut and paste job. The bit about the Hindi national anthem has been going around for years now."

Tracy, "The sad thing is this cut and paste job was I believe based on the American one. Substitute American for Canadian and Spanish for Hindi."

Lester, just what are you trying to pwn off here? Are you posting your spam to a discussion forum? If so, that's way lame.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
You have to think that do you? Well the statistics do not share your experiance. Child poverty has never been higher, medicare has never been in worse shape since it's inception, real income has been stagnant for two decades, hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs have disappeared, houseing continues to be a worsening problem, food banks enjoy increasing clientel,
labour protection has been steadily eroded similarly health and safty issues continue to be unaddressed and we could go on and on with serious deficencys in the social fabric not the least of which is a US recession which threatens to become a depression worse than the great one. Luxuries eh, well I'm sorry but that ain't all there is to life gents, luxuries do not feed and cloth and shelter or educate the needy of this nation, neither do they improve the general welfare nor contribute to maintenance the social fabric or desperately needed infrastructure. You are living in a dream world that you have worked for and are entitled to, but I can assure you that this is not the case for millions of Canadians who do not enjoy luxuries nor can they ever hope to.

Db, I have been retired for over twelve years now and during the last ten years of my working life my disposable income climbed steadily. I used to worry about my children (a son and a daughter)and how they would be able to afford to buy a house at today's prices. Well, they both own their own homes and my son and his wife paid their mortgage off in six years. Those luxuries you speak of are available to anyone wants to have them. I'm not living in a dream world, you are living in a nightmare world where only the rich can have those luxuries. It took me fifteen years to pay off my mortgage but if I had had a little more discipline, I could have paid the mortgage off a lot sooner. Think of what I could have had with another $600.00 per month for eight or nine years plus the compound interest. I didn't do it so I don't miss it.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
You have to think that do you? Well the statistics do not share your experiance. Child poverty has never been higher, medicare has never been in worse shape since it's inception, real income has been stagnant for two decades, hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs have disappeared, houseing continues to be a worsening problem, food banks enjoy increasing clientel,
labour protection has been steadily eroded similarly health and safty issues continue to be unaddressed and we could go on and on with serious deficencys in the social fabric not the least of which is a US recession which threatens to become a depression worse than the great one. Luxuries eh, well I'm sorry but that ain't all there is to life gents, luxuries do not feed and cloth and shelter or educate the needy of this nation, neither do they improve the general welfare nor contribute to maintenance the social fabric or desperately needed infrastructure. You are living in a dream world that you have worked for and are entitled to, but I can assure you that this is not the case for millions of Canadians who do not enjoy luxuries nor can they ever hope to.
It was easier to fund medical back then because they mortgaged the country like drunken sailors and left it for us to pay off.


Jan 6, 2007
Lester, just what are you trying to pwn off here? Are you posting your spam to a discussion forum? If so, that's way lame.

Unless of course he were to say something at the beginning of posting it, along the lines of, "I gotthis in an e-mail and thought it might spark some discussion." Then he's being totally upfront and honest about its origins.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
It was easier to fund medical back then because they mortgaged the country like drunken sailors and left it for us to pay off.

You're spouting neo-liberal rubbish from the likes of Rotten Reagan and Maggot
Thatcher. You don't seem to mind corporate socialism or direct gifts to corporations that provide nothing for the public good of Canada. If you want to see where the moneys gone have a look and whats been shoveled into the private sector through corporate welfare in the last thirty years.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Db, I have been retired for over twelve years now and during the last ten years of my working life my disposable income climbed steadily. I used to worry about my children (a son and a daughter)and how they would be able to afford to buy a house at today's prices. Well, they both own their own homes and my son and his wife paid their mortgage off in six years. Those luxuries you speak of are available to anyone wants to have them. I'm not living in a dream world, you are living in a nightmare world where only the rich can have those luxuries. It took me fifteen years to pay off my mortgage but if I had had a little more discipline, I could have paid the mortgage off a lot sooner. Think of what I could have had with another $600.00 per month for eight or nine years plus the compound interest. I didn't do it so I don't miss it.

I'm not argueing your entitlement to what you and your children have worked hard and long and honestly to get. You are not a billionaire or a transnational corporation are you. I'm simply stateing the economic reality of the majority of the people working and just getting by in North America. Everyone cannot do what you have managed through personal nitiative to do. Many cannot even afford school today, indeed they leave university and community colleges heavily indebted to the corporate banking system, many cannot afford to even begin familys let alone proveda the opportunitys that you and I had. The oportunitys of my youth and certainly yours were signifigantly better. Long term employment wages and benefits all were considerably better in the seventys than they have been for the last thirty years, and they continue to spiral down to the lowest common denominator. Do you really think I just pull this **** out of my hat or that I'm insane or just bitching because I enjoy being relegated to the fringe conspiracy club by mindless idiots? Well I don't. Not one word that I've posted in this thread is inncorrect.;-)


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
Language of immigrants shouldn't even be an issue,it's some of their native customs that have to be forgotten when they come to Canada..for example,female circumcism or raising goats in the back yard.


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
If that's what you're doing----one or two is okay:smile: It saves having to mow the lawn and the fertilizer is great for your plants.


Jan 6, 2007
Not to mention, it saves on having to have all your food trucked to you. A couple goats and a henhouse... every house should have them.

Okay, maybe not goats (man they wreck a lot).... a breeding pair of sheep so I can have lamb on a regular basis would be a better idea.


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
Just not next door to me:angryfire: I've been through that once in my old neighbourhood. Colwell had 6 of the filthy beasts and the smell was ghastly:x


Jan 6, 2007
lol. Well, if it was part of city planning, then you have manure bins for the city to haul away, and it wouldn't be such a big deal. ;-)


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
How do you know Mom? Really! They're paratroop boots anyway:roll: C. didn't believe in picking up any of the goat poo, or his dogs poo either..and he ran the little trailer park next door!