7 Ways to Save the World


Electoral Member
Sep 27, 2006
I went to the l;and fil suite today ,Im shocked at the **** we throw out
Imashmed of the lazyboys ,plastic kids toys ,mattresses ,tires and all the stuff

Can we not just
turn off the commericals to buy stuff
only use what we need
give away thing that may be used by other
not keep up we the jones
not buy everylittle make your life easier clutter crap thing
buy used or reinvent what you have
build house with passive solar in mind
and use thermal mass heating ,
I dont want to vist the land fill site ever again
It hurts to see how stupid we are


New Member
Apr 16, 2007
We would save alot of energy, if light switch's game with timers. People should not use lights in the house during the day light hours when they can see what is in front of them. Ban dimmer switches because over the long run they are ineffective in saving energy. If your dimmer switch is warm it is actually using more power then a regular switch would.
Also build surge protectors on hydro meters to stop sudden surges of power into your house.. Every time you get a power surge, you are paying for it. I have a hydro box in my backyard, and it overheats all the time and gives off smoke. I reported it of course and they have not fixed the breaker yet. All that power being grounded out is such a waste.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
#juan, pardon on this kind of language, but read my posts carefully. Read my posts carefully. Read my posts carefully and think hard. Think hard. Think hard. Think very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very hard. These post ideas are to be linked together and put together. It says in my 1) point a) and b) to lower costs for people who buys items that are renewable. And not every hybrid is that costly. It may seem at first, however when you get the daily savings, then the original bulb with green will save you a lot of money. If you still do not understand, then I will have to give you the calculations of the two bulbs, the comparison of saving gas of a hybrid and a nonhybrid.

I've read most of your posts and from what I can tell, they are a hash of misinformation and nonsense. Fuel cells are an expensive waste of time at the moment. The only sensible thing you bring up is the use of solar photo-voltaic panels to charge batteries.


Message to all-Part I

Message to all-Part I
Okay. I guess #juan you only understand some of the stuff I am talking about. No matter. Even if 1. do not become true, time, resources, and people will make it true. Nature have its own pattern.

When I post the hydro-electric cycle, I was hoping to use get the message that: whatever comes in should be whatever comes out. During the process of whatever comes in and whatever comes out, there should be least amount of toxins made. Toxins: according to new green is amount released over what the earth can transform into new. If whatever comes in is not whatever comes out, the comes out stuff can be used for other purposes of industry until the trash business disappears and there are very few pollutants (under the earth's healing abilities).
I have good news and bad news.
The bad news is, platinum is expensive.

The good news is, people found a way to use platinum. Platinum and a certain type of silk can give more productivity. Also, during most chemical reactions, some sort of energy is released. We may use that energy instead of sticking with the traditional combustion engines.

I have some links to help people buy better friges and other sorts of items, which is on next post.

Killing People :violent3:
I do not hope people are killed or transported to another planet. If I do, then I wouldn't be posting in this thread. Earth without people is not earth's problem. If nothing is done to save the environment, the environment will first threat and then kill us. That is what I am trying to prevent.

Benefit to Earth:glasses8:
How will it benefit earth? That is a really easy answer. As you know, we are the top omnivores that live to be the ruler of the earth as we have every living beings and dead stuff under our control. I am sure in every living world, there is such a ruler. If we live in symbiosis with our environment, not only will our species survive and gain the paradise and wonder, but also the earth will not have to undergo another progress of pain. This progress of pain is using resources to discover the symbiosis between earth and dominant organisms such as people.

Transferring to another planet:-?
One, there is no other planet that is living that we can live in. Two, it will take years to reach that planet unless we travels thorough a worm hole. Three, if we keep on polluting the planet that we go to, then we have to find another planet.

Over population:shock:
Over population will take too much resources, and make the people's lives a little harder. Less resources, more famine and troubles. War and sacrifice, on the other hand can reduce the numbers and let us use less. This way people are going to be a little better because most people like to take and throw whatever. I do not like war or sacrifices because many higher power people use them for excuses of political and powers. Many not most.
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#juan, I think you do not understand. You only think in one way and that is technological. You do not think in terms of finiancial, environment, ecology, sociology, history, past, present, future, people's bravery, and whole lot of humanity, the exsistance of humanity, the exsistance of nature, and why we are still like this, why we are not into what we hoped to be, and all sorts of political powers and ups and downs. You do not link everything and you do not question everything. I know some of the stuff I say needs improvement. Instead of saying it is wrong, why don't you tell me what went wrong?


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
We need to tell the government to put lots of tax on energy wasting appliances and products so that the energy saving devices will be cheaper.


Council Member
Mar 9, 2007
We need to tell the government to put lots of tax on energy wasting appliances and products so that the energy saving devices will be cheaper.
The government would rather ban things then tax them. Otherwise we wouldn't be getting rid of the incandescent light bulb and people would still be able to smoke in public.


Running out of Name for titles.

I just hope someone come up with a new invention that is better than anything else and follows the everything is used, and reused. The earth constantly recycles the wastes by using bacteria. The bacteria make soil and plant use soil as form of nutrients. Then the nuturients get absorbed and the plants are eaten. Then the people and plants die and then the bacteria use the dead stuff to make nutrients and soil and then the plant take in the nutrients. It's really normal to recycle and well since few people do it, it will certainly give some extra money.

For got to add the mechanical, chemical, and consumer demands for the last post.

Yay for minority government!

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If you want to save the world and you have skills.
All people have to do is to give a contract to the most dominant or is going to be successful companies and the rest will follow their patterns. If those company accept, the globe will slowly be saved! Global warming is now a threat. Act Now!
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Increase da benefits@#&$!

I found some pages to rebates :)

Rebate o' Canada

Alberta Energy solutions

Farmlands and Oil:colors:​
To Albertans, I think the best result will be to encourage people there to more farming and farm lands. In the perfected world, there are a lot of farms, hospitals, shops, fun and people live as scattered yet connected. They hardly ever fights, yet if they do so it is a great mess.

Having more farmland is grander because without them, we would have to eat genetically modified food, which do not give us the appropriate nutrients for growth or survival.

Please give some sort of law to let farmland people to live and then, may be Alberta will be famous for something and let go of the oil boom.

In the future I bet oil will be extremely expensive and people will change to renewable energy anyhow.


I am sorry I cannot translate all of this into French. My French is horrible and I only know words like et a la le il elle and is fit for a grade 1 french student. I do not know how to get a good teacher. If any one is bilingual, please translate these pages to the best French for the French dominants.

Congratz to the company who uses Carbon dioxide to make into basic products and selling them to elsewhere. carbon dioxide + water with a specific base (keeping secrete for the sake of the industry). This is a great and gradual step. There are tons of great things around the sites comercial uses too.

Tip:Regular fridges for regular small storages. If you like to store big items, rooms that are fridges are best.

More to Come!
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Electoral Member
Sep 27, 2006
All new building should adhere to passive solar design --been around for ever why was it not implemeneted --cant make money off it

hot water tanks on roofs to collect sun power --we decorte our house with all kindas a wired crap why not

bussiness ,goverment, building, schools should be able to be light by the sun on most days no lights on

green roofs --

External environment - Energy-efficient landscaping materials, including the use of trees and plants can be selected to reflect or absorb heat, create summer shading (particularly in the case of deciduous plants), and create shelter from the wind.


OH! So other words, its a garden on top of your roof? :angel11: Not all solar farms have to be either on top of the roof! Right now our solar panels are progressing. It still give you some money out of it. If you do not know how to use them, then ask an expert or don't use them. Solar panels are most popular among small to medium items because inventors haven't figure out a way to get thing in it. :blob:

I support the green roof wheather it is the garden on top of your roof, or one the ground with a water drainage system or related. :glasses2:

How to clean up in oil spills:laughing8:​
1. bring a vacuum with you and just suck the contents of the oil spill. This way you wouldn't lose the oil into the river. Don't forget to remove certain water plants or your vacuum will not work as great! Sucked oil may also be resued! Having a vacuum actually save you money and trouble!
2. Use a soap to help water clean up oil (research on the properties of soap and oil)
3. Use one of those complex machines that cleans up oil spills.
4. Use hovercraft principle of air to pump the oil into a container (similar to a vacuum)
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Green roofs (the garden type that is!)!

Sam Sung's fuel cell and

Eco news on laptops!

Companies like Xreox and Hp!

they might help with the designs!

I once gave a hydrogen fuel cell seperation and connection by the energy researching center. This may be very cheap for both the solar and fuel cell part because once compounds are turned into ions, then they are more likely to attract with other unlike charges of molecules to fuse into something else. So, the split of water by the solar power and the reuse of connecting might someday be valued higher than ever!
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