Message to all-Part I
Message to all-Part I
Okay. I guess #juan you only understand some of the stuff I am talking about. No matter. Even if 1. do not become true, time, resources, and people will make it true. Nature have its own pattern.
When I post the hydro-electric cycle, I was hoping to use get the message that: whatever comes in should be whatever comes out. During the process of whatever comes in and whatever comes out, there should be least amount of toxins made. Toxins: according to new green is amount released over what the earth can transform into new. If whatever comes in is not whatever comes out, the comes out stuff can be used for other purposes of industry until the trash business disappears and there are very few pollutants (under the earth's healing abilities).
I have good news and bad news.
The bad news is, platinum is expensive.
The good news is, people found a way to use platinum. Platinum and a certain type of silk can give more productivity. Also, during most chemical reactions, some sort of energy is released. We may use that energy instead of sticking with the traditional combustion engines.
I have some links to help people buy better friges and other sorts of items, which is on next post.
Killing People :violent3:
I do not hope people are killed or transported to another planet. If I do, then I wouldn't be posting in this thread. Earth without people is not earth's problem. If nothing is done to save the environment, the environment will first threat and then kill us. That is what I am trying to prevent.
Benefit to Earth:glasses8:
How will it benefit earth? That is a really easy answer. As you know, we are the top omnivores that live to be the ruler of the earth as we have every living beings and dead stuff under our control. I am sure in every living world, there is such a ruler. If we live in symbiosis with our environment, not only will our species survive and gain the paradise and wonder, but also the earth will not have to undergo another progress of pain. This progress of pain is using resources to discover the symbiosis between earth and dominant organisms such as people.
Transferring to another planet:-?
One, there is no other planet that is living that we can live in. Two, it will take years to reach that planet unless we travels thorough a worm hole. Three, if we keep on polluting the planet that we go to, then we have to find another planet.
Over population:shock:
Over population will take too much resources, and make the people's lives a little harder. Less resources, more famine and troubles. War and sacrifice, on the other hand can reduce the numbers and let us use less. This way people are going to be a little better because most people like to take and throw whatever. I do not like war or sacrifices because many higher power people use them for excuses of political and powers. Many not most.