" I am born again", are you?


The Padre
Oct 27, 2006
I think you have to be atheist or belief in something more.

In this issue there is no middle ground.

So if your not sure, and don't want a relationship but still wonder (this is a big crowd, they usually come to a realization in their old age) ... you do fall in the belief in something more group.

Of course there is a middle ground. What a preposterous statement that is West! Agnosticism, for example, is a middle ground that many have chosen to adopt.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Very interesting. We had a gathering here at Chateau Sinister last night, and evidently somebody was at my computer without my knowledge. I don't keep a head count on who's in what rooms. I didn't write either of the two previous posts in here with my name on them. Obviously it was somebody familiar with my thoughts on this subject, as that quite credibly sounds like me, and familiar with this place, but that could have been any one of almost a dozen people, so odds are pretty small I'll ever figure out whodunnit. My browser is set up for auto login here, with this site prominently bookmarked on the toolbar. Think maybe I'll change that, and my password. And I think I'll do a search on all my posts for the last 24 hours. Who knows what little horrors might have been dropped in here with my name on them.

Ah haa, I knew there was something wrong, that's why I suggested you get "some" sleep, you sounded
very tired and irritated, "you just didn't sound like "you".


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Heaven is "what" you want it to be. I don't need "big" happenings, to make me happy, never have, so heaven for
me is what I make out of my life "right here on earth.
I believe if you are expecting to find some sort of heaven after you die, you will be very dissapointed,
(well, not really, cause you'll be dead).
Your heaven is right under your noses, create it for yourselves, and
also, call it whatever you want, just do it.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Very interesting. We had a gathering here at Chateau Sinister last night, and evidently somebody was at my computer without my knowledge. I don't keep a head count on who's in what rooms. I didn't write either of the two previous posts in here with my name on them. Obviously it was somebody familiar with my thoughts on this subject, as that quite credibly sounds like me, and familiar with this place, but that could have been any one of almost a dozen people, so odds are pretty small I'll ever figure out whodunnit. My browser is set up for auto login here, with this site prominently bookmarked on the toolbar. Think maybe I'll change that, and my password. And I think I'll do a search on all my posts for the last 24 hours. Who knows what little horrors might have been dropped in here with my name on them.

Hhahahahh do you forget when you get into the whiskey Dex hahahahahah, if you change the password then both versions of you will have one hahahaha:lol:

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
D -- That's a chilling thought. There should be mechanisms in place to prevent postings by masqueraders. Are there site moderators here to catch/prevent this kind of thing? Nonetheless, the comment made to which I responded has merit.
Well, no harm done this time, or I don't think so. There are ways to trap fakers, but there are three machines in my house behind a router and firewall so they all show the same address to the outside world. Andem's confirmed that they all came from my house, from one or more machines here, but there's no technological way to trap somebody logged in as me at one of them. I've since changed my password and removed the auto login setup. A salutary lesson: you think you can trust people, but who knows what they'll get up to after a couple of drinks.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
...you just didn't sound like "you".
Thanks, I appreciate that. I believe there was some merit in the opinions expressed, but I certainly would have phrased them more diplomatically.

And no beave, I wasn't into the whiskey last night. The host at my house stays sober.

But we're hijacking this thread. Carry on...


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Well, no harm done this time, or I don't think so. There are ways to trap fakers, but there are three machines in my house behind a router and firewall so they all show the same address to the outside world. Andem's confirmed that they all came from my house, from one or more machines here, but there's no technological way to trap somebody logged in as me at one of them. I've since changed my password and removed the auto login setup. A salutary lesson: you think you can trust people, but who knows what they'll get up to after a couple of drinks.
Hell, I thought was was harsh for you.

That's why I addressed your post.

Usually I just agree and move on, lol.


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
But you assumed I was referring to a religous event.

I was not, I was referring to a change of heart, in Dex's case, it could very well be that he followed a scientific thought process, then found it to be lacking or wanting in some major way, so he made a conscious decission to alter his actions or thoughts likewise. No spirituality, just the need for change.

Another anology could very well be...

A nerd, feeling small and weak, takes it upon himself to workout, bulk up and become buff.

A criminal, does time and realizes it sux, so makes the effort to avoid committing criminal acts, or getting caught at the least.

A highschooler, that gets leftout or ignored, without conscious reason, slowly morfs or evolves into a new persona. One that is more out going or noticable.

Being "born again", need not be a religious experience.

I understood you correct. I understood you as saying not a spiritual event. So I responded to you on those terms.



Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007

Born again is an interesting concept developed by the radical Jesus freaks that just want to convert prospective Christians to their beliefs to be more specific they want their money to do the Lords work or so they say.

There are hundreds of Christians churches in North America and they have a different definition of Jesus but God only had one son that died on the cross for us.

The Christians say the same words if you don’t believe in our Jesus and pay our tithes then you are dammed.

So if anybody who professes to be Born Again he or she is one step closer to hell.

Christianity was supposed to guarantee us peace on earth and good will to our brothers and sisters but because of the power and money grab by the different Christian religions including born again sects the true meaning has been lost and Christians are fighting other Christians for their religious supremacy.

I firmly believe that when Jesus returns he will try to save the Jews again because his so called people the Christians never got it and they never will.



Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
Born again is an interesting concept developed by the radical Jesus freaks that just want to convert prospective Christians to their beliefs to be more specific they want their money to do the Lords work or so they say.>>> Liberalman

Well, liberalman, born again is not a concept but a real thing. To really understand what that is, it has to either be accepted on faith or get educated on it in order to believe it.

There are hundreds of Christians churches in North America and they have a different definition of Jesus but God only had one son that died on the cross for us.>>> Liberalman

Well, they all know He died but many don’t know the significance of it.

The Christians say the same words if you don’t believe in our Jesus and pay our tithes th
en you are dammed. >>>Liberalman

They say that: yes, and if they really understood why, then they would not be so easy to condemn.
I was there, I know.

So if anybody who professes to be Born Again he or she is one step closer to hell. >>>Liberalman
Well, you might have a point there in that you may not know how true that is. To be born again is to be more aware of sin around us, thus making it harder to shed the lustful desires of the flesh.

Christianity was supposed to guarantee us peace on earth and good will to our brothers and sisters but because of the power and money grab by the different Christian religions including born again sects the true meaning has been lost and Christians are fighting other Christians for their religious supremacy.>>> Liberalman

Christianity can be any belief under that name, but a true Christian is one who possesses the will to be at peace with his or her brothers due to the regeneration, the new creature in Christ.
Human nature being what it is, chooses to do what human nature wants instead of what Christ wants. Therefore, we have fallacies in all churches.

I firmly believe that when Jesus returns he will try to save the Jews again because his so called people the Christians never got it and they never will. >>>Liberalman

Well, I will give you the first part of that sentence as correct, and the second part as incorrect.

Here are the reasons why: 1st to the Jews it was given to declare to the world the laws of God (Ten Commandments) and be the vehicle by which the Son of God was to make His presentation to the world as Savior of the world.

But, the problem was that God wanted both Jews and Gentiles and would have none to be dammed forever.

So in short, God caused the Jews to reject Jesus, so that they could offer Him for a sacrifice for the world.

So now you have neither Jew nor gentile but one in Jesus. The Gentiles have no problem accepting Jesus as the promised Messiah, and the Jews as yet have not.

But the time will come when they shall it Him and become converted, or born again as well.



Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
What allot of us don't know is the why are we in the flesh!

Many think that the flesh is all there is in life. That after being born once, is all there is to it.
But if after reading an account of the creation, subsequent stories and human actions describing the creators goals in the whole matter, we can come to an understanding of what has really transpired in the creation of mankind.

Everyone existing on this earth is born once to our former parents and are of the sons of mankind.

Therefore we exist solely for ourselves to the pleasure of ourselves. This of course is enmity to the creator. Thus, the creator would not and will not have none of it.

But, please understand that He didn’t do it with out proper cause.

For you and I to exist as gods, (meaning knowing good and evil and having a choice), we had to be born of the flesh.

This then automatically caused a separation (Death of the soul) upon gaining knowledge. Meaning: eating of the fruit of knowledge. (Tree)

This separation, called spiritual death, is what Christ came to reverse. To: create a situation by where this gap between heaven and earth could be bridged.

Bridging the gap to an already condemned humanity is the good news. It is called born of God, or born again of God: But spiritually.

That is why many Christians cannot understand this already condemned terminology, and therefore render it as meaning that unless one comes to Christ, one would be condemned to hell.

If we could understand that we are all already condemned, then we could seek a way of salvation.

So it can be said, if one doesn’t believe in Jesus, one is condemned already. Meaning, that one has not yet become alive with life from God, or better said, born again from God.

If this is not quite clear to you, ask me where you need to understand something about it.



Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
You're in heaven now China, this is the fabled garden and the dreaded hell. Your glass must always be half empty and half full, that is balance, without the one you would not know the other.Without light there is no shadow, without wisdom no ignorance, no small no great.

What you are describing is duality and where there are opposites, there must be the consciousness of incompleteness. The mind is caught up in opposites, such as punishment and reward, good and bad, past and future, gain and loss. Thought is caught up in this duality, and therefore there is incompleteness in action. This incompleteness creates suffering, the conflict of choice, effort and authority, and the escape from the unessential to the essential.Is this forum your escape from that "which is" , darkbeaver?


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
China, you are taking bigger steps on the road to self-awareness. Keep your head high, walk on!

And what about you ,tamarin


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
You're in heaven now China, this is the fabled garden and the dreaded hell. Your glass must always be half empty and half full, that is balance, without the one you would not know the other.Without light there is no shadow, without wisdom no ignorance, no small no great.

What you are describing is duality and where there are opposites, there must be the consciousness of incompleteness. The mind is caught up in opposites, such as punishment and reward, good and bad, past and future, gain and loss. Thought is caught up in this duality, and therefore there is incompleteness in action. This incompleteness creates suffering, the conflict of choice, effort and authority, and the escape from the unessential to the essential.Is this forum your escape from that "which is" , darkbeaver?

There is no escape, not even in death.:smile: