I want to experience reality .


Hubba Hubba
Apr 18, 2005
Das Kapital
I keep a dream journal. And in the past 5 years I keep a journal. Memory is tainted by emotion. My Sis is my memory keeper for most my life. I cant remember most of my adult life and only bits of my childhood.

Memory was never a problem for me, I remember the most redundant things. Preception on the other hand, was a major liability. :laughing7:

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
When we demand an experience of reality —as we all do, don't we?— to experience it we must know it and the moment we recognise it we have already projected it and therefore it is not real because it is still within the field of thought and time. If thought can think about reality it cannot be reality. We cannot recognise a new experience. It is impossible. We recognise only something we have already known and therefore when we say we have had a new experience it is not new at all. To seek further experience through expansion of consciousness, as is being done through various psychedelic drugs, is still within the field of consciousness and therefore very limited.
So we have discovered a fundamental truth, which is that a mind that is seeking, craving, for wider and deeper experience is a very shallow and dull mind because it lives always with its memories.Your thought .
I experience things I've never encountered before. Like the various aspects of getting older, for instance. I don't think I've seen one sunset the same as any other sunset in my life.
I think about air. I breathe air. It must be a reality.
Everytime we went out on a fire call it was different than any other we went out on.


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
Said, Keats said it best: Do I wake or dream?
I do write down dreams in my journals. I've even read up on lucid dreaming. I think dreams are amongst our last frontiers. Someday we'll have the ability to record them as they happen.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
My favorite is astral.....Ive tripped a certain friend out by telling him the contents of his bathroom right down to the picture on the wall LOL He called me a Witch for weeks.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Witch is a derogatory term...
Really? I didn't know that. I know it is to some people, notably certain kinds of committed monotheists who are inclined to thunder out damfool things like "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" while ignoring everything else around it about stoning adulterers to death and killing the leaders of other faiths and burning down their churches, and trying to get the Harry Potter books banned from school libraries. I find it hard to care what they think. I've always thought it was just a label for a person with a particular set of beliefs and practises. Does it offend you to be called a witch?


Council Member
Apr 20, 2006
To seek further experience through expansion of consciousness, as is being done through various psychedelic drugs, is still within the field of consciousness and therefore very limited.

Are you speaking about this from experience? :)

Anyhow, our senses are the only thing that allows us to perceive reality, and until we find another way to do it, we should rely on them, and be happy about it. You experience reality everyday of your life - you wake up in the morning, and everything is real till you fall asleep at night. Everything that is perceivable is real, that is my point of view.


Council Member
Dec 13, 2006
Northern California
An understood illusion is a perceived reality, based on knowledge and experience.

Example: A man with tattoos on his arm is perceived by knowledge of and a bad experience to be somewhat evil.

What then, needs to be changed is the understood illusion to: by way of new knowledge and a new experience, and voiding the old illusion, instituting a change of heart.

In the example above, a different man with tattoos on his arm stopped to help out when my engine wouldn’t start out in the middle of nowhere.

Now there is a new knowledge and new experiences that renders the old adage, to: “not all man with tattoos on their arms is somewhat evil”.

So, reality is real and is looked at through the eyes of knowledge and experience, (using the five senses) causing the heart to react.

So, by hearing of new knowledge and understanding wrought from the experience of another individual, such as a Godly person, (Jesus) one’s heart may change to a new reality.
That regardless of what something is, there is something greater (spiritual) that can overpower it, or being above it.

So if evil is evil continually a reality, we don’t have to be on the same level but above it.

That becomes the new reality even though even though the old still exists.

In other words, evil will always be amongst us to temper us. But we can rise above it with new understanding.



Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Ok guys,let's go back to reality.Observe that thought cannot come upon the new; but when thought is silent, then there may be the new—which is immediately transformed into the old, into the experienced, by thought. Thought is ever shaping, modifying, coloring according to a pattern of experience. The function of thought is not to be in the state of experiencing but to communicate. When experiencing ceases, then thought takes over and terms it within the category of the known. Thought cannot penetrate into the unknown (you can't think about something you don't know) ,and so it can never experience reality.Disciplines, renunciations, detachments, rituals, the practice of virtue ,all these, however noble, are the process of thought; and thought can only work towards an end, towards an achievement, which is always the known. Achievement is security, the self-protective certainty of the known. To seek security in that which is nameless is to deny it. The security that may be found is only in the projection of the past, of the known. For this reason the mind must be entirely and deeply silent; but this silence cannot be purchased through sacrifice, sublimation or suppression. This silence comes when the mind is no longer seeking, no longer caught in the process of becoming. This silence may not be built up through practice. This silence must be as unknown to the mind as the timeless; for if the mind experiences the silence, then there is the experiencer who is cognizant of a past silence; and what is experienced by the experiencer is merely a self-projected repetition. The mind can never experience the new, and so the mind must be utterly still. The mind can be still only when it is not experiencing, that is, when it is not terming or naming, recording or storing up in memory.This recording is a constant process of the different layers of consciousness, not merely of the upper mind. But when the superficial mind is quiet, the deeper mind can offer up its intimations. When the whole consciousness is free from all becoming, which is spontaneity, then only does the immeasurable come into being. The desire to maintain this freedom gives continuity to the memory of the becomer, which is a hindrance to reality. Reality has no continuity; it is from moment to moment, always new, always fresh. What has continuity can never be created.The upper mind is only an instrument of communication; it cannot measure the immeasurable. Reality is not to be spoken of; when it is, it's no longer reality.

Dexter Sinister .....
[/FONT] I wonder where our two children came from...______________________________________________________

.....I don;t know Dexter, but as long as they're happy..
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Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Are you speaking about this from experience?
