Catholic Discussion


Jan 6, 2007
Sounds like a sweetie. I miss my kids at that age. That's when they still liked their father and me:) Wait till he's a teenager--hah hah hah

Now, I'll try to say this as diplomatically as possible. I love my little guy. He's brilliant, smart, and can be really funny. But he is the most antisocial little kid half the time, I really can't see much changing between now and his teenage years. His dad was much like him. miserable moody little kid, who mellowed as he got older. I'm hoping he'll mellow like his dad did, but I'm not counting on it!


Electoral Member
Jan 19, 2007
Now, I'll try to say this as diplomatically as possible. I love my little guy. He's brilliant, smart, and can be really funny. But he is the most antisocial little kid half the time, I really can't see much changing between now and his teenage years. His dad was much like him. miserable moody little kid, who mellowed as he got older. I'm hoping he'll mellow like his dad did, but I'm not counting on it!

Oh dear, he's starting early! Good luck!!!!

But even so, I bet his Mommy loves him to pieces!!


Electoral Member
Jan 19, 2007
Somewhat. The fact is, as has been noted, the Church believes it is following a mandate established by Christ. As our former Pope decreed, we feel we are not in a position to change anything God established.

Yes, I remember Pope John Paul and maming that decree.Upset allot of people at the time, didn't it?

Why do you think some women want to be priests anyway. No disrespect, but the priesthood has never seemed like a "good" job, too many hassles I would imagine.


Council Member
Nov 12, 2006
Somewhat. The fact is, as has been noted, the Church believes it is following a mandate established by Christ. As our former Pope decreed, we feel we are not in a position to change anything God established.
I will think about this and I'LL be back.


Jan 6, 2007
Oh dear, he's starting early! Good luck!!!!

But even so, I bet his Mommy loves him to pieces!!

Absolutely. Plus, it makes the times he is sweet and kind that much more special. lol. Like right now, he's so adorable! he just wants to snuggle up on th couch and visit. Is it wrong to be happy that your kid is sick? lol.


Electoral Member
Jan 19, 2007
Absolutely. Plus, it makes the times he is sweet and kind that much more special. lol. Like right now, he's so adorable! he just wants to snuggle up on th couch and visit. Is it wrong to be happy that your kid is sick? lol.

Nope. They get so sweet and needy, it's hard not to want them to stay that way:)


Electoral Member
Jan 19, 2007
Adam represents the Spirit breath of God. Eve represents the flesh. When God breathe His Spirit into the clay vessel, a living soul was created.

As long as we are in the flesh, sin will be there.
(End quote)

Maybe I am too sensitive but these quotes have materialized into EVE(the woman) = FLESH = SIN. Don't tell me that I am a feminist because I am not.

I took part of your post here because I had to get my big mouth in on this. I agree, the way AJ wrote that struck me exactly the same. I personally do not care for the implication that because I don't have boy parts I am somehow evil. I'm not certain this is what he meant though, he's hard to read at the best of times. But if this is what he meant, no way. If goodness is equal, so too must be sin. Male or female, there can't possibly be a difference!


Jan 6, 2007
That's the tightrope the Church has always had to walk Mary, being in the world but trying not to be influenced by it. Makes us highly unpopular, to say the least.

Shouldn't it also be taken into consideration though, that Jesus walked the earth within a society, and had to be influenced by it in the way He established His religion? If Christ had been born into today's society, I personally doubt that He would have excluded women from spreading His word. I think His choice was the only one He had at the time. To me, it is outmoded, but I can understand why the church follows it. I think as time moves on though, the church's hand will be forced. They will either have to end the constraints of celibacy or admit women to the priesthood if they wish to have priests in every church. It seems to me that deacons will have to be much more prevalent in our churches otherwise. Regardless, change is inevitable.


Electoral Member
Dec 13, 2006
Shouldn't it also be taken into consideration though, that Jesus walked the earth within a society, and had to be influenced by it in the way He established His religion? If Christ had been born into today's society, I personally doubt that He would have excluded women from spreading His word. I think His choice was the only one He had at the time. To me, it is outmoded, but I can understand why the church follows it. I think as time moves on though, the church's hand will be forced. They will either have to end the constraints of celibacy or admit women to the priesthood if they wish to have priests in every church. It seems to me that deacons will have to be much more prevalent in our churches otherwise. Regardless, change is inevitable.

but parts of the church already have married priests. thats what i dont get, how can they say its ok in one rite and not another?

but to the thread, do you think jesus was influenced by his culture? i mean, he was god, so wouldnt he be above those kinds of things? seems to me if he wanted women priests nothing on the planet wouldve stopped him from doing so. stories in the bible dont make me think he was afraid of public opinion.know what i mean?


Electoral Member
Dec 13, 2006
Somewhat. The fact is, as has been noted, the Church believes it is following a mandate established by Christ. As our former Pope decreed, we feel we are not in a position to change anything God established.

was people pushing the church to ordain women at this time? im wondering why the old pope came out against it and was thinking there mustve been pressure on the church at the does that mean we arent supposed to talk about it anymore/


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005

I don't have any response other than this concerning women's role in the Church.

The primary role it would seem for the birth of Christianity was the birth of Jesus Christ right?
How was this accomplished?
A woman gave birth to him - a human woman - if we are to believe the Scriptures.

Therefore I can only conclude God saw fit to give women a primary role in the church... and
humans have chosen otherwise.

Unless God saw fit to give woman the role of birthing only and that is why the church is so mired in women's rights and roles. Modern woman is far more accomplished than a vessel for childbirth.

I am not arguing what is now....because it is not my faith or belief system .... I am only pointing
out an historical event.


Jan 6, 2007
but parts of the church already have married priests. thats what i dont get, how can they say its ok in one rite and not another?

but to the thread, do you think jesus was influenced by his culture? i mean, he was god, so wouldnt he be above those kinds of things? seems to me if he wanted women priests nothing on the planet wouldve stopped him from doing so. stories in the bible dont make me think he was afraid of public opinion.know what i mean?

Well, the way I see it, is that he operated as he saw fit when it came to bringing wrath down on his own head, but he wouldn't have taken that same kind of risk with his followers, at least not so directly. that's just what I took from it anyway.


Electoral Member
Dec 13, 2006

I don't have any response other than this concerning women's role in the Church.

The primary role it would seem for the birth of Christianity was the birth of Jesus Christ right?
How was this accomplished?
A woman gave birth to him - a human woman - if we are to believe the Scriptures.

Therefore I can only conclude God saw fit to give women a primary role in the church... and
humans have chosen otherwise.

Unless God saw fit to give woman the role of birthing only and that is why the church is so mired in women's rights and roles. Modern woman is far more accomplished than a vessel for childbirth.

I am not arguing what is now....because it is not my faith or belief system .... I am only pointing
out an historical event.

but the apostles were all guys?


Electoral Member
Feb 9, 2007
Sadly the role of women in the church remains to be servants of men. The bible makes it abundantly clear that women must defer to their men. It goes back to the original myth that Eve, a myth herself obviously, came fro Adam's rib. How sad that religion must remain to be based on chauvinistic attitudes toward women. It will nedd to change that too in the 21st. century if it wants to survive in any decent numbers.


Electoral Member
Dec 13, 2006
I was thinking of the same thing. I know I am capable of it though, for I was a vegetarian for several years "back in the day". Only thing I'll miss is hamburgers, that is my weakness!

If not that, at least all sweets. It's good to make a show of sacrifice and use this time for cleansing and prayer, which is the intention of Lent.

as a new catholic im just trying to get this right. my priest says the idea of giving something up is to show god our sacrifices. so, why? i mean, why does god need to see a physical sign of these kinds of things?


Electoral Member
Dec 13, 2006
Sadly the role of women in the church remains to be servants of men. The bible makes it abundantly clear that women must defer to their men. It goes back to the original myth that Eve, a myth herself obviously, came fro Adam's rib. How sad that religion must remain to be based on chauvinistic attitudes toward women. It will nedd to change that too in the 21st. century if it wants to survive in any decent numbers.

yeah, whatever. it dosent seem to be doing too badly in the numbers department now, and anyway, the church isnt a popularity contest. know what i mean?


Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
there has been talk here of traditions. As much as all churches hole their traditions close to thier hearts..did not Jesus have a problem with traditions as they were earthly? That the Pharosis were more about tradition and pomp rather then the faith? Is there not a slipper slope here??


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
God needs to know that you are properly subservant to the faith, you need to make earthly sacrifices so your soul may some day enter the golden gates of heaven.