You're good. One day, in my travels, because hubbie wants to go to the old south(he's a Confederate history nut) I hope to sit with you and have tea
REALLY????? Id LOVE that!!! I love meeting people
You're good. One day, in my travels, because hubbie wants to go to the old south(he's a Confederate history nut) I hope to sit with you and have tea
So I went to a "shrink" today and they put me on anti-depressants. After my own heart attack, the loss of my younger brother 4 years ago to a heart attack, the imminent closure of the plant and a sort of uncertain future, plus a lot of mistrust with site leadership I suppose it's not surprising. Lot of sh!t going on in my life. Oh well. Give the meds a few weeks to kick in and should be feeling much better. Going to get some counselling through work for grief. Been 4 years since he passed away. Should be over the overtly emotional stage by now. Wish me luck.
REALLY????? Id LOVE that!!! I love meeting people
Yes, he's talking about a summer trip to Richmond, I have about as much interest in war history, of any country, as I do in mating with a snail Sooo, I thought, go meet Self!
LOL theres girl stuff to do. The art museum, poe museum if your into him. Shopping LOL
Count me in! I'm dead serious. Let him wander around battlefields. You and I, let's shop and look around;-)
REALLY????? Id LOVE that!!! I love meeting people
Count me in! I'm dead serious. Let him wander around battlefields. You and I, let's shop and look around;-)
be ready to meet me I will be there in next month for 15 days
What's up with that? Travel miles from home, and the first things you gals wanna do is hit the malls?
Odd, considering you usually leave places that have malls-as if a pair of jeans in a different city is totally different from the ones you can buy at home