to all Christians...


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia

I dont get WHY you people get off on watching someone get TORCHURED! Its sick its demented........use your words and let people sleep at night!


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005

I dont get WHY you people get off on watching someone get TORCHURED! Its sick its demented........use your words and let people sleep at night!


The forum is titled "Christian Discussion". If you don't like it, you don't have to read it, or watch it. If anything, you are torturing yourself.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
There is nothing in Newjet's post that indicated what the vid contained so it's kinda hard to tell whether one would like it or not without watching it.

True enough. The vid, I'm quite sure, is an excerpt from the movie, "The Passion of Christ", and you can stop watching it whenever you want. If you keep watching though you find it unpleasant, it is self-flagellation.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
Well I flagged the post because I thought it was uncalled for and disturbing but Im sure christians are used to that kind of exposure whats a Pagan to know eh? And publically humiliating me was in the spirit of things so I'll just go back to my corner. Dont see what it would hurt to put a discaimer on it but what do I know? Oh and I just checked....My PMs work fine ;)


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Well I flagged the post because I thought it was uncalled for and disturbing but Im sure christians are used to that kind of exposure whats a Pagan to know eh? And publically humiliating me was in the spirit of things so I'll just go back to my corner. Dont see what it would hurt to put a discaimer on it but what do I know? Oh and I just checked....My PMs work fine ;)


Nothing I said should have publically humiliated you. I simply pointed out to you that it was a Christian Discussion forum. I found that movie quite violent, and like L Gilbert, I quit watching. Don't make more of this than it is.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia

Nothing I said should have publically humiliated you. I simply pointed out to you that it was a Christian Discussion forum. I found that movie quite violent, and like L Gilbert, I quit watching. Don't make more of this than it is.

Yes sir...........I like being here I wouldnt wanna tick anybody off by having my own feelings :)


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
Why...isn't the idea that you should be justly fearful of a vengeful angry god who loves you and will forgive you for everything except not submitting yourself to this availability to fear and guilt...?


Electoral Member
Jan 5, 2007
please share this video with friends and family that are not saved

if you are age 17 or under you need to view this with an adult « click link to view

Prayer alone will not guarantee salvation.

1/ Everyone had the credentials to attain heaven at the instant they were baptized. It became one of maintaining that state from that point on.

2/ Every person needs to confess grevious sins and receive absolution to attain heaven, that is without exception. Absolution places the person in a state that was attained through baptism. So the slate is cleaned once again, and becomes one of keeping that way until called by God. It is a Sacrament, or a tool given to us through Jesus's love.
(Incidentally, a cleared slate doesn't necessarily guarantee instant access to heaven. Some may need to go through a purification process first, either here on earth or both. But, at least there is a hope. That "other place" has no hope. The best analogy I heard was that if you break your mom's treasured vase, she forgives you, but you need to spend some time in your room to make up for it. (Scripture: forgive 77 times 7.)

3/ Jesus made it possible to BE saved, and regained friendship with the Lord through our redemption. So he opened the door to the possibility, not the door to heaven. In other words he cleared the path to the door where there was none, not put you in the living room. If that weren't so, anyone who steals,kills,etc would still be saved and gain heaven.



Jan 6, 2007
Prayer alone will not guarantee salvation.

1/ Everyone had the credentials to attain heaven at the instant they were baptized. It became one of maintaining that state from that point on.


nicely put Andy. I was once told by a 'born again Christian', how all I would need to do is embrace Jesus once, be born again, and I would be guaranteed a place in heaven from that point on. It was an apalling view to me. I found it to be a view that would have ruined the way I practise my religion daily. I model most of my beliefs and the way I practise on Catholicism, and for me, I'd rather have to strive each day to be worthy. I'm a better person for being 'born again' every day, to a new attempt to acheive more. To never have anything to strive for again in my life would be a let down, not a comfort. I think in the end, it's the total of one's good deeds and positive energy that determines where you'll end up.... not one prayer or one single choice.


Jun 23, 2006
Prayer alone will not guarantee salvation.

2/ Every person needs to confess grevious sins and receive absolution to attain heaven, that is without exception. Absolution places the person in a state that was attained through baptism. So the slate is cleaned once again, and becomes one of keeping that way until called by God. It is a Sacrament, or a tool given to us through Jesus's love.
(Incidentally, a cleared slate doesn't necessarily guarantee instant access to heaven. Some may need to go through a purification process first, either here on earth or both. But, at least there is a hope. That "other place" has no hope. The best analogy I heard was that if you break your mom's treasured vase, she forgives you, but you need to spend some time in your room to make up for it. (Scripture: forgive 77 times 7.)


So if you die just before u go into a confessional... does that mean your slate wasnt clean and you dont go to heaven? how often should we go? why dont we just wait till we're 50 or so and then wipe the slate whenever we feel like we're ill?


Electoral Member
Jan 5, 2007
nicely put Andy. I was once told by a 'born again Christian', how all I would need to do is embrace Jesus once, be born again, and I would be guaranteed a place in heaven from that point on. It was an apalling view to me. I found it to be a view that would have ruined the way I practise my religion daily. I model most of my beliefs and the way I practise on Catholicism, and for me, I'd rather have to strive each day to be worthy. I'm a better person for being 'born again' every day, to a new attempt to acheive more. To never have anything to strive for again in my life would be a let down, not a comfort. I think in the end, it's the total of one's good deeds and positive energy that determines where you'll end up.... not one prayer or one single choice.

Indeed, Heaven needs to earned.



Electoral Member
Jan 5, 2007
So if you die just before u go into a confessional... does that mean your slate wasnt clean and you dont go to heaven? how often should we go? why dont we just wait till we're 50 or so and then wipe the slate whenever we feel like we're ill?

If you died on the way to confession, or died the day before you intended to go, then that would constitute confession by desire and you would be forgiven out of desire to make ammends. But, things like opportunity would be considered for as well. In our modern days and relative leisure compared to third world countries, God provides every opportunity to make it possible. If one died while an opportunity existed, then it would be left in the hands of God has no man can say for sure his state with God, but it doesn't look good if a person put off confession for TV's playoffs. The gist is if we are truly remorseful, then nothing else would occupy our minds and get in our way other than to seek reconciliation, especially since it is God we offend.

Some will wait a long time before confessing. But it should be remembered that part of that gift of redemption is that Jesus comes to bats for us as our celestial rep. It could be a certain person was destined to be judged on a specific day, but Jesus came in at the last minute to buy some more time for him has he is confident he may have a change of heart. It should always be remebered that nothing occurs, not even every breath we take without God's permission (grace).

Doing things when we feel like it may work for our temporal world where we have some control of events, but in the matter of Devine decision we have no control. Jesus prepared us by warning us to keep ourselves clean, and that he will do his part, but cannot guarantee he can do everything for us if we don't help ourselves. (Scripture: Fig Tree). So we are reminded in the Rosary's 3Rd decade of the Mystery of Light to "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand.", meaning we never know when we are called.

There is provision for those who are ill to have a confessor at hand just by calling the nearest parish, and they can also receive the Sacrament of Extreme Unction at the same time, and for those at liberty any priest will be pleased to hear confession. There is always one available.
