to all Christians...


New Member
Jan 14, 2007
Salvation is also a new standing, or headship in the "last Adam." Removed from headship of the "first Adam" and the doom of his fall, the saved one is now "in Christ" and a partaker of the character and standing of his new Head, the Son of God. There can be no fall in the "last Adam." To deny the eternal security of the believer is to challenge the eternal character of the riches of divine grace, and to assume that the very Son of God may fall in Whom we stand.

The first eight chapters of the letter to the Romans present the exhaustive divine statement concerning salvation, and this great portion of Scripture closes with an absolute declaration of security for the one who believes.


New Member
Jan 14, 2007
Saying the sinner's prayer is simply a way of declaring to God that you are relying on Jesus Christ as your Savior. There are no "magical" words that result in salvation. It is only faith in Jesus' death and resurrection that can save us. If you understand that you are a sinner and in need of salvation through Jesus Christ, here is a sinner's prayer you can pray to God: "God, I know that I am a sinner. I know that I deserve the consequences of my sin. However, I am trusting in Jesus Christ as my Savior. I believe that His death and resurrection provided for my forgiveness. I trust in Jesus and Jesus alone as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank you Lord, for saving me and forgiving me! Amen!"


Electoral Member
Jan 5, 2007
glad that's cleared up.

what happens if i cant remember all my sins? after all it's been 28 years...

For this length of time I think one needs time of reflection and a moment of prayer to ask God for help in remembering the sins. A time out for collection of thoughts. I would write down all that I can remember. Break it up into 3 sections, child,teen,adult and write down in brief shorthand style just reminders that would jog the memory. Then if a lengthly list, I would ask for an appointment for confession, otherwise simply go to the presbytery or Church. Afterward tear up the list and be done with it.

Now there is a possibility the priest will tell a person to forget the list and simply recite what he remembers, that is OK too, and that is good. What one doesn't remember will be forgiven. One needs to remember that Jesus is actually listening to the confession, and the priest is a stand in to administer the Sacrament.

The list is a matter of debate and some recommend that the penitent simply confess what he remembers, but I think it's good to be able to actually see the mess in the road of life that one has left behind.

Once complete, some think that nothing happens then, but one actually feels a load lifting from ones shoulders. A new experience of overwhelming desire to live life. This is the Holy Spirit within us who has finally returned home to our hearts, and a sign that evil has made his exit,(Scipture:seven spirits) and the one place where pride his warranted, has he now wears the badge of a true friend of God.

Sincere confession is not easy as it is humiliating and tests the soul. But a person who humbles himself is a virtuous person who stands in good stead with his Creator.



Jun 23, 2006
For this length of time I think one needs time of reflection and a moment of prayer to ask God for help in remembering the sins. A time out for collection of thoughts. I would write down all that I can remember. Break it up into 3 sections, child,teen,adult and write down in brief shorthand style just reminders that would jog the memory. Then if a lengthly list, I would ask for an appointment for confession, otherwise simply go to the presbytery or Church. Afterward tear up the list and be done with it.

Now there is a possibility the priest will tell a person to forget the list and simply recite what he remembers, that is OK too, and that is good. What one doesn't remember will be forgiven. One needs to remember that Jesus is actually listening to the confession, and the priest is a stand in to administer the Sacrament.

The list is a matter of debate and some recommend that the penitent simply confess what he remembers, but I think it's good to be able to actually see the mess in the road of life that one has left behind.

Once complete, some think that nothing happens then, but one actually feels a load lifting from ones shoulders. A new experience of overwhelming desire to live life. This is the Holy Spirit within us who has finally returned home to our hearts, and a sign that evil has made his exit,(Scipture:seven spirits) and the one place where pride his warranted, has he now wears the badge of a true friend of God.

Sincere confession is not easy as it is humiliating and tests the soul. But a person who humbles himself is a virtuous person who stands in good stead with his Creator.


who dictates the above? is it your own idea or is this outlined in the bible?


Jan 6, 2007
glad that's cleared up.

what happens if i cant remember all my sins? after all it's been 28 years...

Personally, the act of confession has never made any sense to me. If God is all knowing and powerful, then why would confessing my sins to a mere mortal priest make any difference? If I am a good person, and regret the sins in my life, He knows that. He knows I'm sorry... He knows I'll try to do better and find ways to make up for my short comings. Perhaps for some people it helps to get things off their chest, in essence, to have a counselor, but I have yet to need this.

I think if you're a good person hermann (you are aren't you? lol), then your 28 years of no confession don't put your soul in any particular peril.


Electoral Member
Jan 5, 2007
who dictates the above? is it your own idea or is this outlined in the bible?

The list idea was suggested to me and I used it myself after a long absence from confession and I found it a real eye opener. I found it easier to go step by step through the events of my life, and as that occured I found I could refect on the detailed incidences. It's not an easy thing to do and I won't do it again, but I'm glad I did it once. The rest is all Church dogma and Scriptural.

Jesus gave his Apostles and clergy the power to forgive sins and to retain them. On this authority, the Church inspired by the Holy Spirit outlined the process to be delivered to the congregation.

Catechism at:
Ref: Human Virtues, Paragraph C1804
Sacrament of Penance, Paragraph C1440-C1470

Good reading and Scriptural references at:
