Quebec as a Nation

Do you recognized Québec as being a nation ?

  • Total voters


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
This is exactly how this will play out, the Provincial Government of Quebec will undoubtedly use this in a court of law as they did with the "Distinct Society" status, to infringe on the rights of all non french people in Quebec. I can see the damage now. I can see the infringement on Native peoples, Anglophones, etc.

Get it? It's what they do best, take something just this side of vague, and drop it on the bench of a loony left liberal judge and, shazzam, laws get bent, broken and manipulated to their will. Or whine rather.


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
Separatist know they have a small window of opportunity here. With immigration, the number of french separatest is shrinking. People who immigrate to Canada want to stay in Canada. Also, now is a big chance with a weak, stupid prime minister in power. Why is it whenever a conservative becomes PM Quebec gets the opportunity for more power?


Council Member
Feb 16, 2005
Separatist know they have a small window of opportunity here. With immigration, the number of french separatest is shrinking. People who immigrate to Canada want to stay in Canada. Also, now is a big chance with a weak, stupid prime minister in power. Why is it whenever a conservative becomes PM Quebec gets the opportunity for more power?

Do not be so optimistic... Bill 101 has proved to be quite effective and you'd be surprised how 2nd generation immigrants in Quebec are open to the idea of independance/sovereignty/...seperation...

Everytime I read posts on Quebec I am always surprised of all the assumptions and generalisations... You wouldn't believe the diversity of opinions I hear on the subject of Quebec's independance... Quebec is brewing right now... Nothing is quite clear...

What I can't stand are those who think Quebecers are being brainwashed by the seperatists... We're not a bunch of sheep.


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
Quebecers are being lied to by the separatists. But enough dont buy it. Thats why Quebec has voted twice to stay in Canada. Despite a muddled question second time around. The question was, "Do you agree that Quebec should become sovereign after having made a formal offer to Canada for a new economic and political partnership within the scope of the bill respecting the future of Quebec and of the agreement signed on June 12, 1995?"


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
In the 1995 referendum, after the election, controversy arose over whether the scrutineers of the chomeday, Marguerite-Bourgeois and Laurier-Dorion ridings, had intentionally discarded numerous 'No' ballots without valid reasons. Do you want these people leading a Quebec country? Sounds like a repressive state to me.
The report of the DGEQ concluded that some ballots had indeed been rejected without valid reasons. The majority of the rejected ballots were 'No' votes.


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
It's certainly one of the most shameful days in Canadian history. There's little to demarcate a nation within a nation from a nation without. Andrew Coyne in today's National Post got it right. This move will "fan the flames" it was meant to put out. Canada is near the end of the road. A nation has rights and its stewards will insist upon them. By legislating nationhood for Quebec, we can't equally be assertive about our own.


Electoral Member
Jan 11, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
It means nothing. A nation is simply a large group of people that hold a common history / religion / language / etc. The bill does nothing, means nothing. It is a waste of time and money. Thats it, thats all. There is no Pandora's box. There is nothing for this to lead too.

As someone stated previously, thanks for stating the obvious Stevo.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
It means nothing. A nation is simply a large group of people that hold a common history / religion / language / etc. The bill does nothing, means nothing. It is a waste of time and money. Thats it, thats all. There is no Pandora's box. There is nothing for this to lead too.

As someone stated previously, thanks for stating the obvious Stevo.
People said the same thing about "Distinct Society", until French only signage was upheld in court with the "Distinct Society" clause as the hammer driving the nails in the coffin of non French Quebecers.

This is an end to the means, thsi is going to open the doors to court cases that range from distinct laws to international relations. I'll bet the farm on it.


Electoral Member
Jan 11, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
People said the same thing about "Distinct Society", until French only signage was upheld in court with the "Distinct Society" clause as the hammer driving the nails in the coffin of non French Quebecers.

This is an end to the means, thsi is going to open the doors to court cases that range from distinct laws to international relations. I'll bet the farm on it.

Its different. Its all in the definition of the word 'nation.' Thats why they were willing to use it. Its like calling the Jews a nation. Its just a fact, it isn't legal leverage.


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
Diddo I agree with Gonzo and Bear, the language police remind me of Nazi Germany also and what about the English and Immigrants and the Natives the true owners of this " Nation"? Me thinks the Seperatist are putting the cart before the horse I hope they have to clean up the horse **** at the end of the day.:pukeright: :pukeright:


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Its different. Its all in the definition of the word 'nation.' Thats why they were willing to use it. Its like calling the Jews a nation. Its just a fact, it isn't legal leverage.
Distinct society was supposed to be just a title too. Look what happend there.

Do you think this bigger title is somehow different?

This will lead to court cases involving the terms "self governance". I gaurantee it.


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
LRG, shame on you! Actions have consequences. Your thinking is exactly what the Commons expects of you as a good Canadian lamb. And as always you will be shorn. Time to wake up. My country ain't for sale. Or restriction. Or division. Or renovation. Too bad I wasn't up in the Commons as the assembly exited from happy class. We could have duked it out in the hall.


Electoral Member
Jan 11, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
From the Oxford dictionary:


noun a large body of people united by common descent, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory.
Seriously, the word defines Quebec. Argue that it doesn't. It can be used in court right now.

Making it out to be more than simply a cowardly pandering to the seperatists will do nothing. It doesn't matter.

Your thinking is exactly what the Commons expects of you as a good Canadian lamb.
Good Canadian lamb?!? I assure you that I am far from that. I simply refuse to make a mountain out of something that is less than a mole hill. It is the flat land of the prairies. It is practically below sea level.

I think you people miss my point. I'm not for this legislation. If anything, I'm angry that they are wasting my money drafting this nothing of a piece of paper. **** them, and **** their pandering. The Conservative Party of Canada is using my tax dollars to garner votes. **** that.

God (capitalised because of grammar rules) damn, mother ****ing profanity filters! Are we children? Are we all really offended when someone emphasises their opinions with words meant to emphasise? All those words in the body of my comments start with fu and end with ck. **** profanity filters. **** hate speech laws.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
He's just pandering to the Quebec vote, with no concept of the implications of what he's doing.

Bear's right. This is gonna hurt. And it's gonna get ugly and stupid.

I've been trying to avoid comment on this until I got my temper under control.

This notion of Quebec as a recognized nation within Canada is stupid stupid stupid stupid.

I agree with Dexter, this is nuts, and simply another example of a Federal government pandering to Quebec. Outrageous.

You do not undercut a separtist movement by encouraging recognition of the entity as a nation.

Just look at Scotland.

The old Reform Party is rolling in its grave. DAMN IT!

The only good thing is TRUDEAU is rolling in his grave. I see no reason the SOB should RIP.

This should silence anyone still stupid enough to believe the CA-PC amalgamation was the Reform Party taking over!

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I've been trying to avoid comment on this until I got my temper under control.

This notion of Quebec as a recognized nation within Canada is stupid stupid stupid stupid.

That's you with your temper under control? Hate to see you when you're REALLY pissed off... :)



Council Member
Feb 16, 2005
This notion of Quebec as a recognized nation within Canada is stupid stupid stupid stupid.

With all due respect Colpy, many people including myself consider Quebec as a nation. We are not all stupid.

But I'll agree with you on one thing, Judging by the posts I am reading in this thread, Harper's move was probably very stupid...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
With all due respect Colpy, many people including myself consider Quebec as a nation. We are not all stupid.

But I'll agree with you on one thing, Judging by the posts I am reading in this thread, Harper's move was probably very stupid...


I wasn't in any way calling Quebec Nationalists stupid.

I was calling a Federal politician that recognizes an supposedly equal province as a nation stupid.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006

I appreciate your point of view, but could you refresh my memory with respect to what evidence exhibited by Stephen Harper at any time prior to his being elected wherein this chap has demonstrated "leadership" and the histrionic convulsions of Reform and Alliance rendered both vulnerable to anyone who could read a book and listen to the radio at the same let's not suggest this "unification" supposedly fashioned by the Honourable Stephen Harper....addresses this diplomatic skill....


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
By requiring who can and who cannot run under what party, you are developing a system that serves the established parties first and the people second.

People should be allowed to vote for whomever they want. They should be able to send to Ottawa whomever they want.

Democracy is messy.

And then if its a government like Hamas you can legitimize sanctions against the people....right handy that fluid concept of democracy....