Hi Vereya ,By a 'party' I mean a sect ,a group of people that you are a member of.Does a word make so much differencre? To dwell on it would be somewhat childish.
No, it would hardly be childish to attach meaning to words, as words possess a certain meaning in order to facilitate communication. A party means one thing, a sect - quite another. Using a word, the meaning of which differs from what you want to say leads to unnecessary misunderstandings.
And if by saying that I belong to a sect, you mean that I am Pagan, let me set you right. Paganism is not a sect, it is a religion. In fact, it is far more ancient than christianity. The branch of Paganism that I belong to is the genuine and authentic religion of my people and of my ancestors (and of yours, too, by the way, since our peoples are so closely related). Before christianity and Islam squeezed out all the genuine religions, every nation practiced its own kind of Paganism. Would you go as far as to say that until about two thousand years ago the whole of humanity were sectarians?
Yes , I was baptized when I was few weeks old .It was so long ago ,that I cant even "remember".Obviously it wasn't my conscious decision.But even though ,...SO what ?.Does that mean that when I reach the age of maturity and start being aware of I ,of who I am ,but don't denounce "my" baptisim I am lost .That's just a bit more than childish.
Could you please find me the post in which I said that you will be lost, if you don't denounce your baptism? What I said, was: "belonging to a religion means having been ritually introduced into that religion. For instance, if you've been baptized in a christian church, the ritual of baptism places you into the christian religion, within the chistian egregor. And even if later in life you decide that christianity is not for you, you still remain a christian, as long as you do not remove that ritual by means of another one". It was an answer to your question about how to tell if a person belongs to any religion. I will try to explain it once again, in other terms. If you were once introduced into a religion by means of a special ritual, existing in that religion (previously I used the ritual of baptism as an example. Other religions have other "admittance rituals", so to say), you are now a part of that religion. You belong to it. You live within it. Everything that happens in your life, happens according to the rules of your religion. And it just doesn't matter, if that was you conscious decision, or not, if you wanted it to happen, or not. The fact remains - you underwent some ritual that placed you in that particular religion. And even though you do not accept, or do not like, or do not practice that religion after you reach the age of maturity, even though you practice some other religion, you are still a part of the religion that you were ritually introduced to. Did you ever think, why every existing religion has a kind of a ritual, that introduces you into it? Why not just say - okay, from now on I am christian/Muslim/Buddhist/Pagan? A person might get introduced into a religion, and then forget all about it, but he or she will nevertheless remain in that religion. That was what I tried to explain to you in answer to your question. What exactly do you perceive as more than childish? And as for your being or not being "lost" within your religion, that is a question for you to answer, not for me. Everyone chooses the religion that suits him the most.