Why the truth about 9/11 is not likely to come out...


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
The nutbars said Bush was torturing prisoners in secret prisons. The nutbars warned against the ensuing mess in Iraq if the Moron in Chief went on his warmongering campaign. So sorry the foilers believed the official fairy tales.


Electoral Member
Sep 10, 2006
Re: RE: Why the truth about 9/11 is not likely to come out..

Kreskin said:
The nutbars said Bush was torturing prisoners in secret prisons. The nutbars warned against the ensuing mess in Iraq if the Moron in Chief went on his warmongering campaign. So sorry the foilers believed the official fairy tales.

Didn't the nut bars also warn about secret wiretaps? Guess that's just all crazy talk, he wouldn't do that.

As for the calls I can not say one way or another, but I direct you to this link.


He actually paid to have people try to make phone calls in the air, know what it can't be done. The range goes out after a certain stage, but maybe all those calls on that day were just tin foil space signals.

The truth is we might never know the truth, but I agree with AspiringStarvingArtist that we can at least try. The post did give me some glimmer of hope.



Electoral Member
Mar 13, 2006
Re: RE: Why the truth about 9/11 is not likely to come out..

The best conspiracy theories were the ones coming out of the Whitehouse and then fed by the media to make the public support an invasion of Iraq. Now those guys... those guys pushed one conspiracy after another! And guess what? The public still believes the BS.

However let’s stomp on the little guy for struggling with the truth behind 911 because a government and media which continues to mislead the public won’t allow itself to really come clean regarding such a horrendous tragedy.


A new poll shows half of Americans still believe we found them
By John Stauber
Published: Thursday August 10th, 2006

A recent Harris Poll reports found that while “the U.S. and other countries have not found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, surprisingly more U.S. adults (50%) think that Iraq had such weapons when the U.S. invaded Iraq. This is an increase from 36 percent in February 2005.”

This is terrible news. Even President Bush has been forced to admit that his administration’s number one justification for attacking Iraq was wrong, because in fact there were no weapons of mass destruction. The Harris Poll didn’t attempt to analyze why the number of misled Americans has actually increased in the past year, but perhaps it is because Senator Rick Santorum held a news conference not long ago in Washington and announced that WMDs had just been found in Iraq. A bit like announcing that, science be damned, the Sun is revolving around the Earth! Pentagon officials quickly dismissed the Senator’s claims, which were based on the discovery of some leftover, nonfunctioning weapons from more than a a decade ago. Sheldon Rampton and I examine this phenomenon in our next book, The Best War Ever, excerpted below.

Writing for the Associated Press, Charles Hanley suggests that “timing may explain some of the poll result. Two weeks before the survey, two Republican lawmakers, Pennsylvania’s Sen. Rick Santorum and Michigan’s Rep. Peter Hoekstra, released an intelligence report saying 500 chemical munitions had been collected in Iraq since the 2003 invasion. … But the Pentagon and outside experts emphasized that these abandoned shells, many found in ones and twos, were 15 years old or more, their chemical contents were degraded, and they were unusable as artillery ordnance.” The AP quotes John Prados, author of Hoodwinked: The Documents that Reveal How Bush Sold Us a War, as saying, ‘’I think the Santorum-Hoekstra thing is the latest ‘factoid,’ but the basic dynamic is the insistent repetition by the Bush administration of the original argument” that Saddam had WMDs.

The repetition of these phony WMD claims continues in the right-wing media and blogosphere. For example, this very article by Hanley of the Associated Press is under stiff if ludicrous attack by the American Spectator and others keeping the ‘Saddam had WMDs’ myth alive and even growing.

Author John Prados is only half right when he blames the pro-war message machine. The basic dynamic is what is called in PR lingo the “big lie” tactic and as Sheldon Rampton and I pointed out in our 2003 bestseller Weapons of Mass Deception, it worked like a wonder to sell the war on Iraq. For the big lie to work, however, there has to be no countervailing voice, no strong criticism, no opposing view echoed in the dominant media.
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Electoral Member
Mar 13, 2006
Re: RE: Why the truth about 9/11 is not likely to come out..

wallyj said:
Sometimes even a blind squirrel finds a nut. How about saddam moving his wmd's to Syria. Is that possible?

Is Bush the blind squirrel trying to surround himself with nuts? You might be onto something there.


Electoral Member
Mar 13, 2006
Re: RE: Why the truth about 9/11 is not likely to come out..

Colpy said:
As for Bush LYING about WMDs, I think he really believed, as did most nations, not much wonder considering the way Saddam was acting.

Yes Bush believes his own crap. That I can agree with. However he’s since been told the truth on several things. That also is apparent when he has been made to come upfront with it. And yet he still tries push a lie about a lot of the same stuff now that he has been given the truth. This is another layer of the onion that is Bush.

And when you keep peeling the layers of the guy (not very many), you start to cry.

I give Bush enough credit that even he knows he’s a bullsh’tter.


Electoral Member
Sep 10, 2006
Re: RE: Why the truth about 9/11 is not likely to come out..

elevennevele said:
Is Bush the blind squirrel trying to surround himself with nuts? You might be onto something there.

Oh I needed a good laugh, that was too funny. I love that line. I am still laughing, it's so true sometimes.

Logic 7

Council Member
Jul 17, 2006
Re: RE: Why the truth about 9

DurkaDurka said:
Logic 7 said:
All we need is a revolution, otherwise our children won't be free.

A revolution?? You truly are crazy. So you are going to revolt against a foreign government because you perceive them to be lying about 9/11?

Americans need to revolution, and same for all the supposed free nations, 9-11 is the beginning , next one will be worst and worst, are we going to wait until we are all in slave? have ever read a book called "1984"?
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Logic 7

Council Member
Jul 17, 2006
Re: RE: Why the truth about 9/11 is not likely to come out..

elevennevele said:
The best conspiracy theories were the ones coming out of the Whitehouse and then fed by the media to make the public support an invasion of Iraq. Now those guys... those guys pushed one conspiracy after another! And guess what? The public still believes the BS.

Exaclty well said, those peoples are the same peoples at 15 years old ,where their parents had to explained to them, that santa claus really doesnt exist, even though all evidence were there all along.


just special
May 7, 2006
not in Kansas anymore
Iraq was invaded because Saddam would not allow the weapons inspectors in to do thier job. He agreed to this after his invasion of Kuwait to save his country from being bombed a few centuries back to the stone age. 9/11 was jut the icing on the cake. You anti-bush people should really take a good look at the world. Who is the enemy? Who would you want to live next door? Your narrow-minded views may be popular with the latte crew,but it is not reality.


Nominee Member
Aug 22, 2006
RE: Why the truth about 9

If you want a WMD threat look at North Korea, or the US. We don't even know how many civilians have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, all we know is that it's a really big number. Also, though many countries have developed nuclear weapons, the only country who dared to use them was the US, and the US did it twice.
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Graciously Yours

New Member
Jan 20, 2006
Within Myself
Iraq was invaded because Saddam would not allow the weapons inspectors in to do thier job. He agreed to this after his invasion of Kuwait to save his country from being bombed a few centuries back to the stone age. 9/11 was jut the icing on the cake. You anti-bush people should really take a good look at the world. Who is the enemy? Who would you want to live next door? Your narrow-minded views may be popular with the latte crew,but it is not reality.

I beg to differ, but I must - Iraq wasn't invaded because they refused weapons inspectors. There were weapons inspectors there, they were doing their job - it was just what they were reporting(Iraq had no WMD's) wasn't what the Admin wanted to hear. Iraq was invaded because Iraq was planned to be invaded long before 911 - 911, "just happened" and that allowed just about all of the PNAC plan. Funny how that works huh?

Please refrain from calling anyone that doesn't spoon feed the tripe that is fed from the national news networks "narrow minded". Not only is it rude, but also dishonest if you'd have bothered to think about it for one second. CT'ist's are by definition the exact opposite of "narrow minded", in fact they usually spend so much time trying to untie a logical knott that they concott even bizzare theory's.

Also, what diff' is it who I would want to live next door to? Right is right, and wrong is wrong. What has happened is wrong, and should be spoken out about or else some people may start to beleive the crap that is being put forth as news. All this "who'd you rather live next door to" and such is just to divert the discussion from what it should be.


Senate Member
How did that conspiracy theory go, the one whereby conspiracy theorists believed Bush was operating secret prisons outside the US? Are they still wearing tin foil hats?

How did that conspiracy theory go, the one whereby conspiracy theorists didn't believe Saddam was a threat and Bush was lying WMD's? Are they still wearing tin foil hats?

The BC NDP covered up and lied to us about one of their executives sexually harrassing women. I guess we should now assume the NDP will lie to us all the time about everything.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
How did that conspiracy theory go, the one whereby conspiracy theorists believed Bush was operating secret prisons outside the US? Are they still wearing tin foil hats?

How did that conspiracy theory go, the one whereby conspiracy theorists didn't believe Saddam was a threat and Bush was lying WMD's? Are they still wearing tin foil hats?

Kreskin, I think you need to brush up on what a conspiracy theory is;

A conspiracy theory attempts to explain the ultimate cause of an event (usually a political, social, or historical event) as a secret, and often deceptive, plot by a covert alliance of powerful people or organizations rather than as an overt activity or as natural occurrence.

Graciously Yours

New Member
Jan 20, 2006
Within Myself
The BC NDP covered up and lied to us about one of their executives sexually harrassing women. I guess we should now assume the NDP will lie to us all the time about everything.

- No, but it does mean you should start to check out what they are telling you. If you do, and find out they are still lying, then it is up to you to start to tell people they are lying. The sad truth is most will yell and scream and call you funny names like Foiler, before they are done the second you tell people they are being lied too. Thats a funny thing about people, no one wants to think they have been decieved, so as long as there is a public theory they will cling to that. Much like most decided it was easier to beleive in a flat earth, or an earth centric universe rather than be labeled or ostricized(sp?).

There are still some though that decide that truth must be the ultimate decider and to those I tip my hat.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005


House Member
Jun 9, 2006

Love the laughing cat! :)

I've an opinion about the truth or sham of 9/11 but no American likes to admit that the reason why conspiracy theorists notions can't just simply be dismissed is because th American government has lied to its people so often...been caught in its lies so often....demonstrated a contempt and disdain for the principal values of justice and freedom through actions denying both that they aren't quite frankly believeable any more.

Certainly there are times when the government/administration of any nation has perfectly valid reasons for not being absolutely forthright with its citizens. It is entirely valid that you don't want to send a message of demoralization and distrust when for instance you involved your nation in a war on highly questionable grounds. That's happened before to the U.S. You don't want the people of the nation to get a sense that the complex of intelligence and policing agencies that cost billions every year don't work properly, demonstrate horrible judgment and a propensity to over-reaction. That happens all the time in the United States, from Ruby Ridge and Waco to Philadelphia back in the sixties, to the assassination of John Kennedy...nothing new to Americans....

So if there's a "truth" behind 9/11 that isn't the prima facie "truth" of nutball terrorists flying aircraft into the WTC, no American will be surprised and no Canadian should be either.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
It's pre-Election time in the US and all the Zots are trotting out their black adder thoughts....This ought to keep all of them busy for a while.... I personally am bloody sick of it....It demeans so many things I hold valuable, I am blown away by the following and ravings of these cultish creatures. But they have my pity.
Please Read Below: Its looks like there May be a cover up on 9/11

1. Operation Northwoods, "N E W Y O R K, May 1, 2001 In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.":

2. Alex Jones Predicts Attack (Mentioned on FOX news): http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8116395518760933323&q=alex+jones+predicts+attack&hl=en

3. God Help Us: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2024198565295094630&q=alex+jones+a+call+to+action&hl=en

4. At least 4 hijackers turned up alive, but i heard as many as 9


5. The melting Point of Steel is 3000F and Fire is around 500-700F with burning Jet fuel around 1200-1400F. Skeptics have claimed, Steel doesnt Have to melt, but only weaken to collpase, This May be true, HOWEVER, It would not make a 1/4 Mile High Skyscraper, Collapse in 9-10 Seconds.

6. An increase of 400% increase in put options on 9-6-01 and 9-7-01 on serveral airline stocks. An increase of 1100% Increase an in increase of put options on airline stocks on 9-10-01

7. FBI confinscated tapes at a nearby hotel and gas station minutes after the "plane" hit the pentagon.

8. Debris from the building was taken and illegally sold to china before anybody could really investigate.

9. If you watch the video of the towers coming down, You can notice bombs going off in the building.

10. Larry Silverstein Admitted blowing up WTC7 On a PBS Documentary. Skeptics Have Claimed He meant He was Pulling the Firefighters From the Building. Thats Funny, I thought When you call a person or persons "him" "them" or "em" not "it". Meanwhile The firefighters Were already Pulled from the Building 7 Houes before it Collpased. Skeptics Have Claimed, Well Maybe he did hit the Dynamite, But It takes severals weeks for them to carefully place explosives in a building. Call any Demolition Company.


11. Larry Silverstein got High Insurance on WTC7 Including terrosm insurance.

12. 6 Months Before 9/11 They passed laws saying No pilots can carry guns, when pilots were allowed to carry guns for 40 years. (I am not sure this is 100% Accurate, I need to look into this more. Please Let me know if you find anything.)

13. As Charlie Sheen said, How can a plane make a 270 degree turn and drop 7000 feet in attitude in less then 2 minutes?

14. I heard it is impossible for cell phones to work on planes moving at 500mph and at 30000 Feet.

15. The "hijackers" said the wrong islamic message when approaching death. Who was

16. Survivors and Eye witnesses Reporting seeing, hearing explosions.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2032865563019209801&q=9+11+FIREFIGHTERS&hl=en Laugh at the Firefighters!!

17. Thermite was found at the scene. BYU Professor Steve E. Jones Have tested Postive some substance for Thermite, It was later Proven to cut the Main Pillars in the World Trade Center. It was the yellow goowy substance Dripping From the towers as CNN, FOX, Etc reported on 9/11/01.


18. Janitor was offered Millions of dallors to shut up and he refused, or so he said. See Video #6

19. Science Says Buildings Collasping CAN NOT fall at the speed of gravity unless Dynimite.

20. In the New American Century Dick Cheney Said We need a new Pearl Harbor. "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor."


21. Less then 15 Million Was spend Investigating 9-11 and more then 45 Million on Clintons Sex Life. (Appox)

22. How can a 757 That is 129' Wide Make a 16' Hole?

23. Between Both Engines on Flight 77 Or a 757, Its combined weight is 10-12 Tons. It is made of Steel And Titnium. Its melting Point is around 2600F. The Fire didnt get anywhre near that tempurature at the Pentagon. Yet No Engines Were Found.

24. You think fire can cause this?:



25. Bush say the First Plane hit the First Tower! LOL!


26. Jimmy Walter Is offering $100,000 To Anybody Who can Prove 9/11 Was NOT An Inside Job. Even PM Couldnt Stand Up.


For more evidence watch these films:

1. http://www.loosechange911.com


2. 9/11 The Greatest Lie ever sold: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6952102263921897950&q=9%2F11+THE+GREATEST+LIE+EVER+SOLD&hl=en

3. 9/11 the Road to Tyranny: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6517776133137328105&q=9%2F11+the+Road+to+Tyranny&hl=en

4. Masters of Terror: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7752483415674202196&q=MASTERS+OF+TERROR

5. Martial Law: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6495462761605341661&q=MARTIAL+LAW+RISE+OF+POLICE+STATE

6. C-SPAN conference: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5004704309041471296&q=AMERICAN+C+SPAN

7. TerrorStorm: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5948263607579389947&q=terrorstorm&hl=en

Now I am going to give you why they did it, then i will share some links.

1. Patriot act

2. Patriot act 2

3. Eliminate the Consitution

4. Bring forth the NWO

5. Bankrupt the USA to bring forth a NWO

6. Scare americans to give up there right in exchange for "security" when you will just get tyranny and a police state.

7. Justify an Iraq War.

8. Bring forth a Real ID Act, which was passed on 5-11-05, and then the "mark of the beast"

9. To Pretty Much Allow Bush to do anything He wants. Look at this:


Now if you want links goto http://www.911blogger.com/ and check that out and there are 50 links on the right hand side.

Also check out http://www.infowars.com http://prisonplanet.com http://www.jonesreport.com

Last But not Least:



Hitler Once Said, The Bigger the Lie, The easier it is Believed.

War on terror is a scam!!

"In January of 2003 FBI and CIA whistleblowers told Capitol Hill Blue that the White House was scripting phony terror alerts to maintain hysteria, upkeep President Bushs approval ratings and milk extra defense funding. The report that five Pakistani men had entered the States via Canada and were planning on carrying out a dirty bomb or biological attack was completely conjured up by the Bush administrations black propaganda office. New York Harbor was shut down to visibly pump up the fear. One of the named suspects, Mohammed Asghar (pictured left), was tracked down to Pakistan by the Associated Press. He was a fat guy running a jewellers shop and had never even been to America.


Thank You for reading, We must fight this and expose this and resist The New World Order, and Resist the cashless society.


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
Curio; Cashless Society nope not gonna happen, it's just the Tin Foilers with their mantra of "Socialism" ergo Commie every generation breeds losers who's aim is nothing but "Peace" under the guise of "Socialism" this is our cross to bear I'm afraid. Some grow up, some don't.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005

I have always wondered why the mind molesters of any group seem to work so hard at being organized and getting their message out....where do they get the time to organize and recruit and sloganize???

One day I realized they don't have much else to do - they aren't working to improve our lot by actual work - they are watching us do the work while they line up for charity, handouts and even worse contributions for their "cause" which often goes into their transportation to the next event, food, clothing, supplies, etc.

Not much else gets done.