I got this from comments left on video from yesterday's fiasco and thought it was worth sharing. No, I can't validate any of it but you gotta admit if it is true, it's fucking telling about the guts of the Ukranian people.
Kai Colleen Cruz
Posting this message I got this morning from a beloved Ukrainian born friend of mine. I met her maybe 18 months ago. She was working in a local bar that has live music. Making her way in America. And she could sing too!!!
She is a beautiful girl with a beautiful soul.
Her message to me via text:
“I was crying the whole day yesterday, my BF and I we were crying together. My heart is broken, but yesterday I was losing hope, and today, I’m just angry. I guess, being angry is better than being hopeless) I’ve lived in 3 countries in the world prior to the United States, and I’ve never felt more rightless than here now. I have been thinking of America as a country of freedom, but now I feel like being under Russian dictatorship again. I am not American yet, but if I would be right now, I would stand for my rights because this has to be done now.
Trump destroyed US economy and turned the whole world against America in 30 days!
It’s hard to imagine what he’s going to achieve in the next 4 years!
In Ukraine, when we didn’t like the president’s actions in 2014, we took the Ukrainian presidential office and made a revolution. We did not have guns. I was there. Even when KGB shooters from the roof tops on Maidan were killing people, I was there, standing under their guns. No weapons. Ukrainian civilians did not have any. We threw out r government without firing a shot.
Our former president escaped to Russia
You guys are the ones who decide the future of your country. You have to stand for yourselves while it is not late. I know the tactics of KGB. I grew up in the pro-Russian city in Ukraine. They distract you, they make you believe that they have power and you don’t, they make you believe that you can’t change anything, and they make you hate your own country. They know how to turn people against each other, so they divide and rule. Don’t give up your hopes, American people are the only who decide their country’s faith”.
I’m sharing to the world the heart of a Ukrainian woman. She’s amazing.
I say:
Copy this, share it to the world. She gave me permission but I omitted her bf’s name. And wrote “bf”
My heart goes out to her.
I believe we are now facing the same fight she faced in Ukraine, their former president fled to Russia.
We need ALL OF US TOGETHER or we lose.
I am also this:
Mom of Marine.
Semper Fi