I'm a Canadian living in Australia. AMA


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Oh and there's nothing similar to Tim Hortons. No drive through coffee that's quick and easy for a caffeine fix. They're coffee snobs here and even if you want a plain black coffee or a coffee with milk and sugar, you're going to be waiting around for 5 mins while they play around with their fancy espresso machines. Unless you go to a 7/11 or McDonald's for the cheap stuff, you're looking at $4 or $5 for what equates to a small coffee from Tim's. Even at 7/11 or Micky D's (Maccas here) you're still going to be waiting for a while while they make it.

Those coffee pots many Canadians are used to are hard to find here and most never heard of them. I got one for myself about 10 years ago but the store I bought it from doesn't sell them anymore.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Oh, and here in Australia, when it comes to grocery chains, there's a duopoly going on between Coles and Woolworths. Since COVID, both used that as an excuse to crank prices to stupid levels. There might have been a reason during lockdowns, but years after, nothing ever went down and only kept going up. They'd play each other, raise prices on similar levels while CEOs and the businesses gained record profits. Last year there was finally an enquiry and magically all their pricing went back down..... A little.

I read around the same time, you guys in Canada were facing similar crap (Loblaws) but rather than an enquiry, you guys took it into your own hands and boycott. Good job 👍

But when it comes to costs of living getting worse in Canada, I imagine it is, but please be aware that it isn't just Canada. Australia has been fk'n rough, the UK and the US as well. If you're frustrated with life where you live and think the grass is greener elsewhere, take a very hard look into things where you think you want to go before jumping ship. Some things might look better, but other things will bite you in the ass.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Well, if it makes you feel any better, rents ain;t $725 here anymore.
No, I imagine it isn't. It also gone up here in Melbourne since 2011. I just used that as an example because I remember what the costs were between both at that time. Today, I'm not as familiar with costs in Halifax.... But I suspected they went up too.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Today, I'm not as familiar with costs in Halifax.... But I suspected they went up too.
I’ve done a quick google, and it looks like between 2011 & 2025, rental costs have probably tripled (for sure doubd plus some) in Bedford. Wages haven’t tripled or doubled.

Costs have gone up here exponentially compared to 2011 also for most other things too. With you not being back since 2012, the homeless situation (in Canada) would blow you away. It’s crazy.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Houses here have no insulation and single pane windows, so noise from outside comes in easily and electricity bills are expensive due to no retention of heat in the winter or cooling in the summer. The moment you turn anything off, heat/cooling is gone in 5 mins. And people complain about strain on the power grids and brownouts, I wonder why.
Are you implying electric heating? Do they use natural gas or propane for heating/cooking (indoors), or is it all electric?

What about the BBQ? Gas or charcoal or electric?
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Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
I’ve done a quick google, and it looks like between 2011 & 2025, rental costs have probably tripled (for sure doubd plus some) in Bedford. Wages haven’t tripled or doubled.

Costs have gone up here exponentially compared to 2011 also for most other things too. With you not being back since 2012, the homeless situation (in Canada) would blow you away. It’s crazy.
I've heard a bit. There's also tent cities here in many states, and I know of one guy, his wife, kids and pet were living in their SUV down the road for a couple of months. Eventually someone complained, they got a council notice and about a day or two later, the guy got jumped and beaten up enough to have to go into the hospital. Few days later their car and whatever left they owned was towed away.

Pretty shit times all around.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Are you implying electric heating? Do they use natural gas or propane for heating/cooking (indoors), or is it all electric?

What about the BBQ? Gas or charcoal or electric?
Natural gas and electrical, depending on the house, sometimes both. Gas used to be cheap so pretty much every house had gas stoves. Ducted heating can be gas or electrical while air con is electrical.

Recently they reported the natural gas in stoves are linked to cancer and other illnesses, so new houses will no longer do gas. Mostly to do with the initial ignition of the gas and fumes at the start people have been breathing in.

BBQs are standard propane tanks like in Canada.

Natural gas was still considered cheap when I first moved here. Now electrical is slightly cheaper than gas.

Added: the last place we rented was ducted heating & cooling and thought it was gas, but was all electrical. The place we're at now uses gas for heating in the ducts, but only have a split system in the living room for air conditioning, which is electrical, and it's cheaper to run that little thing to heat and cool the place than use the gas heating, though the ducted heating gets the place warmer faster.


Council Member
Apr 24, 2020
Compared to Halifax, much much higher. It was one thing I didn't account for when I moved and a pretty chunky mistake. It's why I haven't been able to come back to see my family since 2012.

Before moving, I checked exchange rates, job opportunities and pay. Lots more jobs for my skills. Pay was double or more than what I was making in Halifax, and dollar to dollar was more or less par, so it sounded like a good move and I'd be back home once every 2 or 3 years. But the living costs are insane.

For one comparison, in 2011 when I moved, I had a 2 bedroom apartment in Bedford. Heat, hot water included, along with a fridge, laundry area, balcony and lots of space + nice area with everything in walking distance. $725 a month.

The place we moved into here in Melbourne? A concrete 1 bedroom shit hole near a noisy tram line, nothing included, no fridge, just a stove..... $350 a week. I almost shit my pants but quickly sucked it back in. Houses here have no insulation and single pane windows, so noise from outside comes in easily and electricity bills are expensive due to no retention of heat in the winter or cooling in the summer. The moment you turn anything off, heat/cooling is gone in 5 mins. And people complain about strain on the power grids and brownouts, I wonder why.

Groceries, vending machines, restaurants, everything is more expensive than what I was paying back in Canada. All in all, we're technically worse off now financially than I was back in Halifax. Due to various personal things in the family, we've been living this whole time on only my pay, which is changing soon. We get by but not much money to do anything. Compared to in Bedford, I was making about $13.50 an hour in 2011, but with just my own income, I had bills paid, food on the table no prob, and had money saving up to do whatever my wife and I wanted. Here? Not so much. She had an income while in Canada, but when she didn't, we were fine and well off. I started in 2011 at $22 an hour in Melbourne and that barely covered bills.

Im paid more now and in a good job, but you're going to certainly need two incomes coming in to live decently.

And buying a house? We're still renting. A shit hole falling down can go for a million or more. Apparently the value is in the land more than the house. Buying a new cookie cutter house that many aren't even compliant (you see a lot on TikTok from a building inspector on there), you're looking at 1 to 2 million range, then have to spend more after the fact to get it compliant because builders here are shifty fuckers. You're better off buying a 30 year old house for a million + than buying a brand new one.

And most new houses have zero yard. A nature strip at best, or maybe a back yard the size of a coffin. Houses are crammed right next to each other and privacy? Forget about it. You open your window and you're looking into the Window of your neighbour. Single pane don't forget, so everyone can hear everything..... Hope you're not shy with your sex noises.
Thanks for the info.

I hope things improve for you.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Is everyone & everything there upside-down? Did you have to flip the above picture upside-down to you so it would be right side-up for the rest of us to view it?

You're upside down to the Aussies. There is no upside down on a globe. It's the same whichever way you turn it.
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