Speaking of not being in touch with reality. Look up fat influencers on TikTok or Youtube and listen to the bullshit they spew.
Well I avoid tiktok unless someone I actually follow posts something from it. I don't actively go onto the stupid thing.
As for Youtube, I'd rather watch other things. Not that I don't believe you, I do.
Fact is, I won't deny - and didn't deny - there are people out there who are taking the whole thing too far. But I explained that and you just ignored it.
I see you missed the point, as usual. Completely hijacking the Body Positivity Movement and making it all about women's obesity and ONLY about women's obesity is not the same as merely "embracing" their obesity.
1. there is no "complete hijacking" of the body positivity movement. There are SOME people out there who are pushing "If you're FAT embrace it", sure, and while I don't agree with it and am against it, I also understand why they're doing it (which I stated before).
2. While there is a HUGE focus on women's obesity, that's true, obese men aren't somehow forgotten, rather there's a complete social difference between the two usually.
Uh huh. And all the other people who have been told similar shit because of their own body issues like scarring, skin conditions, amputations, physical deformities etc have been told by those morbidly obese bitches that they don't count.
Proof of it?
Cause if you've proof obese women telling everyone you mention that their own body issues "don't count" then I'd not only join you on calling them out, but I'd go so far as to tell them to shut the fuck up, period.
Actually, most people are pretty supportive of those who are trying to lose weight.
.... yyyyeeeaaaahhhhh no. No, most people are not. Some are but nowhere near most.
It's the attitude of the obese women who insist they are perfectly healthy and use social media to influence others to think the same, that morbid obesity is healthy that needs to stop.
I agree.
But then it goes back to - what is "healthy"? What determines health?
Actually for most people it is.
Actually for some people it is. And for a lot of others, it's not.
Those who suffer from glandular problems are a very tiny minority.
There's glandular problems and other problems medically that cause people to be obese.
However for the rest of them they don't have to calorie deficit themselves to lose weight. Just eat less of what they normally eat and move more. It really is that simple.
Thank you for proving you don't have a clue what it's like and you are just being judgmental and part of the problem for people. It's NOT that simple.
Then there are the true food addicts. No different than drug addicts or alcoholics. Food is their drug of choice. And they are not healthy either as they tend to have some kind of emotional or mental issues behind their overeating. Being fat isn't necessarily something to be ashamed of but it's NOT something one should be proud of and promote via social media.
Funny you say it's not something to be ashamed of, yet here you are, pointing out people should be ashamed and be shamed.
Nah, that's just you deciding to read more into something than there is.
Or maybe you're ignorant to the fact the things you are saying and the effect they could have on others. Then again, most people are like that.
Easy. Don't be so obtuse. If you're under 6ft and weigh 400lbs or more, that ain't muscle mass sister, that's mostly fat, period. If you get winded just from standing up, you're morbidly obese. When you're so big you can't even wipe your own ass, you're morbidly obese. When you demand wheelchair service at the airport despite insisting to the world that you're perfectly healthy, you're morbidly obese. When you need TWO airplane or train seats for your ass, you're morbidly obese.
And you think people who are morbidly obese don't know this? You think they somehow LIKE being the focus of degradation? Society pointing fingers and snickering, and worse? Have you ever BEEN on the other side of that "worse"? I have.
If you're under 6ft and 400, it could be fat, sure, and a lot of it, and it could also be muscle. You don't know, you're assuming.
Winded standing up? Not necessarily obese.
Can't wipe your own ass - yeah, that's concerning as hell and you likely are obese. Same with wheelchair service, same with needing two seats - you ever think those people have ALREADY lost weight and are still trying? Ever think that someone who was obese but has lost weight, still has extreme size because plastic surgery for taking away excess skin is freakin' expensive and not considered medically necessary automatically? Ever think those people need to live too?
A) I would LOVE to see one of your supposed marathon runners who is morbidly obese.
Running Fat Chef, Brooklyn, NY. 46,717 likes · 1,221 talking about this. Ultrarunner. Powerlifter. Triathlete. Podcaster. Writer. Artist. Sponsored Athlete. Mom. Wife. Human.
Oh, here's another.
And a third.
B) Dancing and doing other physical activities doesn't guarantee weight loss if you're pounding down 4000-5000 calories a day. Unless you're a high performing athlete maybe. So are they promoting their TRUE lifestyles or just what they want you to see. Are they honestly promoting how much they eat in a day? Doubt it
And since you don't know either, you can't say they aren't. Which goes back to asking you - what is healthy?
Insider talked to three athletes who've become advocates, willingly or not, for body diversity and inclusion in the running community.
I'm not gonna address then rest of your pathetic dreck because it's clear you missed the point entirely.
No, I didn't.
You made a claim that the Body Positivity Movement has been hijacked.
I agree that some people have taken the ideas and played "I don't care anymore", and explained why.
This isn't about judging people who are morbidly obese,
Yes it absolutely is. Your OP is ALL about judging people who are morbidly obese, for "taking over the Body Positivity Movement" when that isn't true.
it's about morbidly obese women telling other women (and men) who deal with other body positivity issues to fuck off because the body positivity movement isn't for them.
And that's not the complete truth.
It's about morbidly obese women pretending they're perfectly healthy while justifying their unhealthy eating habits and encouraging others to do the same via social media.
That's both true and not true. Yes, there are a very few people who are doing this - again, reasons why given - but those people are nowhere NEAR any kind of majority, they're just loud about their stance and telling people like you to fuck off.
If you can't tell the difference, well that's on you. Righteous rant though, too bad it was off target.
I know the difference.
I fucking live the difference.
The only "off target" here was the point you think you made, vs. the reality of what you really did.