Rapporteur David Johnson, Eminent Canadian

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Meanwhile, the Liberals will not commit to revealing the names of MPs who allegedly conspired with foreign actors, as was revealed in a report from the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians. The report suggested some unnamed politicians undermined Canadian democracy and benefitted the interests of foreign states, some even accepting money from foreign governments or their proxies. The government has redacted the key information, suggesting it could be “injurious.” But the question remains, injurious to whom?

Given their silence, the Conservatives may be concerned that some of their members are implicated. But the finger of suspicion is being pointed squarely at Liberal MPs, and it is clearly the government’s decision not to make public the names of elected officials who have trampled their right to anonymity. Publishing the NSICOP report in its entirety would not prejudice any future criminal prosecutions.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Meanwhile, the Liberals will not commit to revealing the names of MPs who allegedly conspired with foreign actors, as was revealed in a report from the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians. The report suggested some unnamed politicians undermined Canadian democracy and benefitted the interests of foreign states, some even accepting money from foreign governments or their proxies. The government has redacted the key information, suggesting it could be “injurious.” But the question remains, injurious to whom?

Given their silence, the Conservatives may be concerned that some of their members are implicated. But the finger of suspicion is being pointed squarely at Liberal MPs, and it is clearly the government’s decision not to make public the names of elected officials who have trampled their right to anonymity. Publishing the NSICOP report in its entirety would not prejudice any future criminal prosecutions.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Empathy with & respect for the voting constituents?

As Conservative MP Frank Caputo was questioning Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc on the issue of which MPs have been found to have worked with hostile foreign governments, O’Connell started heckling. She was trying to yell over Caputo during his brief question time with LeBlanc which led fellow Conservative MP Garnett Genuis to call on the chair to deal with O’Connell who was breaking the rules.

“Oh, boo hoo, get over it!” O’Connell called out.
Maybe the Liberals will have O’Connell run their “Internal investigation” that Freeland alluded to?

Those words, that attitude, expressed by O’Connell are indicative of the entire Liberal attitude to foreign interference. They have been fighting against the release of information since this story emerged almost two years ago and continue to fight against the release of information.

On Wednesday, we learned that the Trudeau government has denied more than 1,000 documents in whole or in part that were requested by the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians.

For the last two days, the Conservatives have been asking the government to release the names of the current MPs who have been caught working with foreign governments. On Wednesday in Question Period, the Liberals showed complete contempt for Parliament by bringing up unrelated topics like the economy, when asked about some sitting members who may have been engaged in treason.

Link above, etc…


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Empathy with & respect for the voting constituents?

As Conservative MP Frank Caputo was questioning Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc on the issue of which MPs have been found to have worked with hostile foreign governments, O’Connell started heckling. She was trying to yell over Caputo during his brief question time with LeBlanc which led fellow Conservative MP Garnett Genuis to call on the chair to deal with O’Connell who was breaking the rules.

“Oh, boo hoo, get over it!” O’Connell called out.
Maybe the Liberals will have O’Connell run their “Internal investigation” that Freeland alluded to?

Those words, that attitude, expressed by O’Connell are indicative of the entire Liberal attitude to foreign interference. They have been fighting against the release of information since this story emerged almost two years ago and continue to fight against the release of information.

On Wednesday, we learned that the Trudeau government has denied more than 1,000 documents in whole or in part that were requested by the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians.

For the last two days, the Conservatives have been asking the government to release the names of the current MPs who have been caught working with foreign governments. On Wednesday in Question Period, the Liberals showed complete contempt for Parliament by bringing up unrelated topics like the economy, when asked about some sitting members who may have been engaged in treason.

Link above, etc…
Thatll make for quite the Mimi.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
From the point of view of a friendly American, most of you will probably be surprised (thinking I'm some kind of screaming liberal) to find that I want these idiotic/criminal/corrupt morons behind bars, or at the very least, kicked so far out of Parliament they'll need life jackets when they hit.

I value our two countries' close friendship far, far more than any internal political disputes. And I'm tired of Junior in charge. Time for an adult to take the wheel. Having squandered their good name and political advantage on Nice-Hair, it's time for the Libs to spend a decade or so of quiet time in the wilderness (of which Canada has an ample supply) figuring out all the many ways in which they went wrong.

That's one view from abroad (DON'T call me a broad!). This shit is actually getting worrisome. PP for PM.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
We’re still consistent at ALL the opposition (I’m including the NDP as opposition here also) parties wanting the names of the traitors released, & the governing Liberals against this…until after the next election & maybe forever…
I think they should have a confidence vote over this…just to see which way the NDP swings when it really matters.

Our response to foreign election interference is presided over by a prime minister who ignored years of warnings about how serious it was and then fought tooth and nail against holding a public inquiry into it, until he had no choice because of unrelenting political, public and media pressure.

Indeed, it’s fair to say that without reporting by Global News and the Globe and Mail based on leaks from officials within Canada’s security and intelligence establishment concerned about Canada’s lax response to foreign interference, we’d still be in the dark today.

In a bid to stave off demands for a public inquiry, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appointed family friend and former governor general David Johnston as his “Independent Special Rapporteur” to advise him on whether there should be a public inquiry into foreign interference.

Unsurprisingly, Uncle Johnston advised against it.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The Conservatives and the Bloc Québécois are proposing that allegations about federal politicians colluding with other countries be turned over to the foreign interference inquiry, an effort to get to the bottom of revelations that the governing Liberals say they cannot (well, will not) further discuss publicly.

The requests from the Bloc and Tories would ultimately expand the mandate given to Justice Marie-Josée Hogue, the head of a public inquiry currently in the middle of investigations into foreign meddling in Canada’s democracy.

On Monday (Today), the House of Commons will debate the request made by the Bloc through one of the party’s few opposition day motions. MPs will vote on it on Tuesday (Tomorrow) and New Democrats have already said they will support the proposal.
The above will happen while Freeland is sticking out the Trudeau capital gains increase for vote, right Jagmeet?

The initiative was released by the Bloc on Friday. In an interview on Sunday, the motion’s sponsor, MP René Villemure, said that the House leaders for all of the major political parties have already been in talks about it. He pointed out that all four parties came together last year to agree on the initial terms of the inquiry and wants them to do so again to ensure the new allegations get addressed.

“This is a public-interest subject, it’s something really serious,” Mr. Villemure said. “This should not be a partisan issue, foreign interference has no colour and we’re putting this motion forward hoping for unanimous consent.”

The government declined to say Sunday whether it will accept the proposal. The motion could pass in the House if all opposition parties support it, but it is a non-binding vote…so Jagmeet & the NDP aren’t whipped by the Libs on this (the foreign interference vote)…so we just have to see which way they swing with the capital gains vote I guess.

Former Canadian spy chief Richard Fadden has said that Canada can’t allow allegations that parliamentarians are colluding with foreign powers to remain unresolved.

“Foreign interference by anybody is serious but the fact that parliamentarians might be involved makes it doubly serious,” Mr. Fadden said Friday. “And we need to do something about it before the next federal election.”

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
It’s been a week since the report detailing MPs knowingly working with hostile foreign governments was released and what has Trudeau done?

Exactly nothing.

Of course, he’s known about foreign interference in our elections for years and he hasn’t acted. When he was informed of CSIS concerns about Liberal candidate Han Dong during the 2019 election, Trudeau did nothing, let Dong stand as a candidate and then be an active member of the Liberal caucus for nearly four years, and only removed him after media reports.

Trudeau admitted at the public inquiry into foreign interference that he didn’t follow up on the Dong allegations even after the election. Our PM, the only party leader with all the information, has been turning a blind eye to foreign interference and actively fighting efforts to bring this issue to the public for years now.

Trudeau’s desire to keep this under wraps raises questions about why.

Is he guilty of being involved in foreign interference to assist his Liberal Party? Is he simply willing to look the other way because his party has benefitted? Is there evidence that Trudeau has known about this all along and failed to act?

None of these questions are good for our democracy, but given his track record, they need to be answered.

What will the state of our democratic institutions be if we have another 16 months of dithering on this file from Trudeau? Will the public still have faith that our elections are free and fair or will voters become like so many in the United States and believe the fox is in regardless of outcome?

We can’t afford to get to that point.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The Trudeau Liberals say the RCMP will decide whether criminal charges should be laid against parliamentarians alleged to have knowingly colluded with foreign powers named in the recent report by the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians…BUT…

But NSICOP also said that without legal reforms to how Canada deals with foreign interference, it’s unlikely these or any other parliamentarians suspected of collusion in the future will ever be charged, “owing to Canada’s failure to address the long-standing issue of protecting classified information and methods in judicial processes”…BUT…

But what the Trudeau Liberals are selling Canadians to combat foreign interference is a catch-22, where the solution to the problem is impossible because of a circumstance inherent in the problem.

BUT the problem, as the NSICOP report explained, is that, “Canada’s current legal framework does not enable the security and intelligence community or law enforcement to respond effectively to foreign interference activities. This impedes the federal government’s ability to engage other orders of government and law enforcement with respect to sharing and use of classified intelligence, respectively.” Etc…
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau already has access to the unredacted version of the NSICOP report and NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh will be receiving his confidential briefing shortly. Bloc Leader Yves-François Blanchet is in the process of receiving his top-secret security clearance. Green Party Leader Elizabeth May has also requested access to the report.

Only Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has refused to get his security clearance to see the full contents of the NSICOP report, arguing that he would be bound to secrecy.

In a letter to LeBlanc and Hogue, the Conservatives suggested that the commission “issue a finding of fact” for each case where an MP has “knowingly” participated in foreign interference activities and report back to Parliament no later than Oct. 1.

Conservative House Leader Andrew Scheer wrote in the letter that those findings “would not constitute findings of criminal guilt,” but would rather serve as an “aid” to the House of Commons, the Senate and each political party whose members could be implicated.

“If Canadians are to continue to have faith in their federal democratic institutions, they need to know who has broken their oath and betrayed their trust,” wrote Scheer.
LeBlanc dismissed the idea of releasing a list of names of the MPs who are suspected of working with foreign states and said that the RCMP told him he would be subject to criminal prosecution if he decided to share the names publicly.

“So, guess what? I’m not going to do that,” he said.

Singh, however, told reporters that he would not hesitate to kick out one of his MPs from the NDP caucus if ever they were found to have “wittingly” participated in foreign interference and challenged other party leaders to do the same after seeing the unredacted NSICOP report.

Singh also called on Hogue to look into allegations of foreign interference, both by China and India, in federal Conservative leadership races. That detail was mentioned in the public version of the NSICOP report.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
May, in her Party of both MP’s including herself, knows she’s irrelevant as an opposition party leader…& thus really doesn’t have to concern herself with being muzzled in Parliament like Blanchet or Poilievre or even Singh when he loudly pretends that he’s also still an opposition leader.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says a recent spy watchdog report shows a "number of MPs" have knowingly provided help to foreign governments — behaviour he calls unethical or even illegal.

Singh said Thursday he is "more alarmed today" after reading an unredacted version of a report on foreign interference by the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians.

Lizzie May? Comments? Singh told reporters that after seeing the full report, he is "more convinced than ever" of the watchdog's public conclusions. “In short, there are a number of MPs who have knowingly provided help to foreign governments, some to the detriment of Canada and Canadians," Singh said.

Singh said previously that if the full report showed any New Democrat MP knowingly took part in meddling, he would remove them from caucus. He indicated Thursday he would not be taking such action.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says a recent spy watchdog report shows a "number of MPs" have knowingly provided help to foreign governments — behaviour he calls unethical or even illegal.

Singh said Thursday he is "more alarmed today" after reading an unredacted version of a report on foreign interference by the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians.

Lizzie May? Comments? Singh told reporters that after seeing the full report, he is "more convinced than ever" of the watchdog's public conclusions. “In short, there are a number of MPs who have knowingly provided help to foreign governments, some to the detriment of Canada and Canadians," Singh said.

Singh said previously that if the full report showed any New Democrat MP knowingly took part in meddling, he would remove them from caucus. He indicated Thursday he would not be taking such action.
Come on Jaggot, end the farce!