I don't support the carbon tax for two reasons:
1. It does nothing to change the weather.
2. It has contributed to the Trudeau government's inflation crisis, not just from the carbon tax, but spending like drunken sailors.
Over the last nine years, I have watched this Government act like a teenage girl in the Mall of America with an unlimited credit card. Justin Trudeau's government has borrowed more money in the last eight years than all the combined prime ministers in Canada's history, including his father, Pierre, the former heavyweight of borrowing.
When Trudeau took office, our national debt was a little over $500,000,000,000; it is now almost $1.3 Trillion. He printed money, exploiting the pandemic for political gain. They printed over $700,000,000,000 and dumped it into the economy.
That is what really started this mess.
Don't get me wrong. We needed to help people during the pandemic, but the Trudeau government exploited that by using these CERB/CERT/WE ventures to buy votes. Mr. Trudeau came out to his podium every day and announced whose vote he was buying. "If you're a [insert special interest group here] I've got a check for you."
I know I sound cynical, but we all watched it happen. We could do a footloose montage of Justin Trudeau coming out to that podium for however many days he hid in residence while other leaders were actually doing shit.
I remember when this orgy of spending was in full thrust, and I warned people that a tsunami of inflation was coming our way. It was just a matter of time.
Most people my age will remember the Mulroney years, which followed the Pierre Trudeau government spending spree. They will also remember the crazy inflation and the high-interest rates the Bank of Canada used to combat that inflation.
In the 1990s, I financed my first brand-new car through General Motors on a GMAC Loan for 10.9 % interest. That was considered a good rate. The bank was offering 14%.
Justin Trudeau would have you believe that people who don't support the carbon tax are somehow crazy conspiracy theorists who think that Alex Jones was right
about Sandy Hook. That they hate diversity and inclusion. The Prime Minister of Canada is saying that we, people who are against the tax, are the enemy of the future.
How utterly insulting is it, that just because you disagree with the government, they call you fringe, foreign-influenced, a denier of climate change, a misogynist, an enemy of the state. It's McCarthyism style tactics. You don't agree with the government so you're a commie, a conspiracy nut, you're in the fringe. It's insulting to Canadians just trying to make ends meet while they dig deeper into our bank accounts.
At this point I might feel a need to qualify myself on who I am, who my friends are, what needles I got, who I vote for, by ticking off the boxes because that is the toxic environment they have fostered in Canada.
But the what the hell?
Here is my qualifier: I am a Canadian, I've worked hard my entire life. I smashed up my legs, feet and back in the army, and I've driven millions of miles delivering everything from food goods to jet fuel. I pay more than my fair share of taxes. I'm not rich, I have earned everything I own which is a house on a postage stamp of land and two vehicles that are over ten years old.
I have always been a patriot, I love this country with my soul and would put down my life to defend it. I'm tired of the culture war and identity politics, the lies, corruption, self-entitlement, the tent cities, the needles in public places, and the government turning its people against each other.
I don't support the carbon tax; it's snake oil; we have handed our money over to a government that can't balance a checkbook, let alone the country's finances. It also punishes people for having to go to work. It also raises the cost of what you purchase every day, every time a light is lit or rubber meets the road. From heating to transport to warehousing to transport repackaging. It is like an insidious insect skimming money off of everyone all the time, even before you make those purchases. They take our money and hand back drippings from the masters table and tell us to be thankful.
The scuttlebutt around the GREEN SLUSH FUND reeks of Liberal corruption. Members are using the money for their own companies. I'm guessing that before they leave office, the hard drives will be formatted, and the shredders will be running 24/7.
It's time for Canadians to decide their future, not the millionaires Justin and Jagmeet.
This government is way past its best-before date.
Election now!
This is my opinion. You are welcome to yours.