Well, now we know a little more…The trouble with lying . The story always changes .

Another thing: Trudeau, his chief of staff Katie Telford and Jeremy Broadhurst, the Liberals’ national campaign director during the 2019 election, all went out of their way this week to impugn the various CSIS findings about the breadth and scope of Beijing’s subterfuge in Canada as unreliable, implausible and sometimes even inaccurate.
Terry Glavin: Trudeau just doesn't think Chinese interference is anything to be angry about — National Post
CSIS has warned threats will persist until they are taken seriously by the government, which isn't happening

Justin Trudeau wants foreign interference memos read to him like a bedtime story.
Trudeau told the Foreign Interference Commission that he doesn't read the memos sent over to him on national security and foreign interference, he has someon...

“The best way to convey information to me is to receive a direct briefing from my national security adviser and intelligence adviser,” he said. That was a change from the, “I don’t recall” response that’s the go-to response for politicians and bureaucrats on the hot seat, but it’s hardly reassuring about the integrity of this country’s leadership.

Which one is it? Is the PM lazy, preferring his briefings via Audiobooks? Or is he merely incompetent?
EDITORIAL: It’s a sloppy way to run a country — Toronto Sun
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s testimony before the Foreign Interference Commission may have shed more light on his work habits than it did on existential threats to this country’s elections. Apparently he’s too busy doing fun things, like partying with the Aga Khan and choosing fancy socks, to...