Quran 2: 220, which means:
(And they ask you [Mohammed] about [the affairs of] orphans, [and sharing with them in trade.]
Say [Mohammed to them]: "Do [all] that is good for them"; and if you intermix with them [in your business and work], they are your brothers [in religion];
God knows [who among you is] the mischief-doer and [who is] the good-doer [to the orphan];
had God willed, He could have degraded you;
surely, God is All-Mightyf, All-Wise.")
(And they ask you [Mohammed] about [the affairs of] orphans, [and sharing with them in trade.]
Say [Mohammed to them]: "Do [all] that is good for them"; and if you intermix with them [in your business and work], they are your brothers [in religion];
God knows [who among you is] the mischief-doer and [who is] the good-doer [to the orphan];
had God willed, He could have degraded you;
surely, God is All-Mightyf, All-Wise.")