The orphan is honored in the Quran

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Quran 2: 220, which means:
(And they ask you [Mohammed] about [the affairs of] orphans, [and sharing with them in trade.]
Say [Mohammed to them]: "Do [all] that is good for them"; and if you intermix with them [in your business and work], they are your brothers [in religion];
God knows [who among you is] the mischief-doer and [who is] the good-doer [to the orphan];
had God willed, He could have degraded you;
surely, God is All-Mightyf, All-Wise.")


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
By God's will I'll give more ayat about the orphan and his guardian and other related subjects in the Quran about honoring and taking care about the orphan, and God's revenge for the orphan from anyone trespassing his rights in any way.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
God - be glorified - declared in the Quran that the orphan should be honored, and should not be oppressed in any way, concerning his rights that anyone should not trespass, and that he should never be rebuked with rough words if he does any mistake especially if unintentionally.
Therefore, He warned the guardian over the orphan that if the guardian trespasses on the rights and property of the orphan, God will make his children orphans in like manner.
And if anyone consumes the wealth and money of the orphan, God will broil him in Hell in requital of his transgressing on the money of the orphan.

[God warned, those responsible for orphans, of devouring the wealth of the orphan:]
Quran 4: 9, which means
(Let those [responsible about orphans] 'fear and beware' lest they themselves might [die and] leave behind them [as orphans, their own] weakly offspring [: little kids ]; they would then be solicitous about [their poverty and lowliness after the father's death ]; so let them ward off God‘s [punishment and do not wrong the orphans] and let them say [to the orphans some] appropriate words [instead of insulting and reviling them.])

More explanation:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Moreover, God - be glorified - said in the Quran 4: 10 which means:
(Those who devour the property of orphans [in the World] undeservedly: they [will only] devour fire in their bellies [in the Hereafter], and will broil in a Blaze.)

More explanation:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
God commands in the Quran (as in the Torah and Gospel) to be kind to orphans and not to harm or hurt them in any way and any bit.
Quran 6: 152, which means:
(And do not 'touch and dispose‘ in the money of the orphan [with betrayal] but only in the better [way of disposal] f , till he reaches adulthood g )

f i.e. Do not dispose in the wealth of the orphan, except only by the fair way: that is by exploiting his wealth in trade or industry in order that his wealth may increase and he may gain in this way:
so if you gain, he will have the quarter and the rest will be for you; but if you lose, the loss will be for you and nothing of the loss will be for the orphan. Anyhow, the guardian should preserve and protect the wealth of the orphan.
g And then [the guardian] should give him the money, and bring two witnesses for delivering his money to him.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Mohamed liked orphans because they didn't have parents to shoot him for his diddling their kids.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Mohamed liked orphans because they didn't have parents to shoot him for his diddling their kids.
You’re talking about Aisha, or عائشة بنت أبي بكر in diddler language. Aisha was six or seven years old at the time of her marriage, and nine at the consummation? Nine years old? That Muhammad was quite the gentleman to wait that few years until she was the equivalent of a child in Grade 4 in todays western world.
Ali-Hill-Billy-Whatever, regurgitating his words through Torch light, might be able to justify this gruesomeness by the prophet (piece of shit be upon him) with some religious hocus-pocus, but it doesn’t change that fact that this child was a child.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You are a stubborn disbeliever.
And you do not fear God Almighty... so if your words are wrong, what will your fate be, when you lie and insist on lying and believing whatever word you hear or read against His messenger, and he is quit of your accusation!?

Because many words were said against Mohammed, as also against Jesus and Moses and in fact against all men, and none is exempted from this.

Therefore, why do you believe every negative word against God's messenger, and do not believe the good words, and you dare say your words of blasphemy which indicate you do not fear God Almighty, and you may even deny God Himself?

I find this aya in the Quran concerning you:
Quran 32: 12-13, which mean:
(12- If you [Mohammed] but only see when sinners lower down their heads [with humiliation and shyness] before their Lord [in the Afterlife: the world of souls; saying:] "Our Lord, we have seen and heard, then return us back [to the life of the World], that we may do [some] righteous [work]; for we [now] are certain [about the reward and the punishment.]")

[Then God – be glorified – said in reply to their words:]
(13- If We had so willed, We could have given to every soul its guidance, but My due word was pronounced in truth: "Certainly, I will fill Hell with [the wrong-doers of] the genie-kind and the man-kind altogether.")

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
You and your group are ignorant and foolish.
And yet…here you are. Hmmm….oh well.
You are a stubborn disbeliever.
You’re going to have to be more specific. Which one is the “You” referred to here?
And you do not fear God Almighty... so if your words are wrong, what will your fate be, when you lie and insist on lying and believing whatever word you hear or read against His messenger, and he is quit of your accusation!?
Who’s lying about what? Or is that a blanket statement in general to any and all that don’t follow the same programming as yourself?
Because many words were said against Mohammed, as also against Jesus and Moses and in fact against all men, and none is exempted from this.
Are you trying to say that this Jesus and Moses were also Kiddie-Diddlers (?) or that they just also happened to have penises (?) ‘cuz I’ll tell you right now that all men AREN’T turned on by prepubescent children.
Therefore, why do you believe every negative word against God's messenger, and do not believe the good words, and you dare say your words of blasphemy which indicate you do not fear God Almighty, and you may even deny God Himself?
We all have Google. It wouldn’t take much to come up with specific verses, etc…from the Koran stating that Mohammed’s’s third wife was 6-7yrs old when they where wed, and 9yrs old when she was playing on her swing or dolls with her friends when that paedophile would call upon this child to consummate their marriage, etc….just like it can easily be found that Moe died about 9yrs into their marriage still before what she would be considered as an adult in todays day and age.
I find this aya in the Quran concerning you:
Quran 32: 12-13, which mean:
I too, If I felt so inclined, could also Google passages from the Quran about this gross bullshit regarding old Moe having sex with a child, but what for? You’d just state that only Ali-Hill-Billy-etc…is the only one in 1500yrs who’s translation of your flavour of religious-textbook can possibly be correct, etc…
(12- If you [Mohammed] but only see when sinners lower down their heads [with humiliation and shyness] before their Lord [in the Afterlife: the world of souls; saying:] "Our Lord, we have seen and heard, then return us back [to the life of the World], that we may do [some] righteous [work]; for we [now] are certain [about the reward and the punishment.]")
Blah…blah…blah…does your God condone paedophiles like dirty old Moe, or is he in some Moslem version of purgatory for his actions and those that worship him are misguided (?) ‘cuz if your God smiles upon these type of behaviors, then thanks but no thanks.
[Then God – be glorified – said in reply to their words:]
(13- If We had so willed, We could have given to every soul its guidance, but My due word was pronounced in truth: "Certainly, I will fill Hell with [the wrong-doers of] the genie-kind and the man-kind altogether.")
So, are you saying that Mohammed is in Hell for what he did to that little girl, because that would be appropriate?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You insist on your lie that she was 6 or 7 years, which can't be true. There is nothing like this in the Quran, and it is only some fale narrations which some Muslims invented and you hold fast to it.
I say she was young, true; but not child.

The reward of the liar in this way: is to know that their children in the West are taught homosexuality and persuaded to it.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Are you trying to say that this Jesus and Moses were also Kiddie-Diddlers (?) or that they just also happened to have penises (?) ‘cuz I’ll tell you right now that all men AREN’T turned on by prepubescent children.
Moses' circumstances were different; he married only one wife from the Arabs of Midian.

Jesus was an angel who came from heaven, and he did his task and went back to his Lord; I say this, although you may worship Jesus and consider him as the son of God or as God Himself or part of a Trinity.. of all these you are wrong. Jesus' mission was short and he did not have time to marry; he has his wives in Paradise in Heaven.

While as to Mohammed, and you hate him, how can anyone convince you that he was top of honesty and morality? and will never rape anyone or any child, and his wife was young, but not a child; because in Islamic law, the consent and agreement of the wife is a must for marriage, and a child cannot be dealt with like an adult.

But see all other prophets of God mentioned in the Bible: all of them married more than one wife, like Prophet and King David who married 100 women, and when he was elderly, they wed him to a young woman just to keep him warm, and like the Prophet and King Solomon who married many wives, and all the other prophets with the exception of John Baptist, who was killed young by the Jews.

The Third Lie: About Solomon
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
According to Islamic law, the woman must answer with agreement about the marriage, and to be responsible she should reach puberty, which to the female is earlier than the male.
Moreover, this narration that she was a child is not in the Quran which is authentic, but according to some traditions; most of the traditions or hadiths are false, and should be investigated regarding their narrations and who narrated them.
Therefore, the hadiths are undependable unless proven true and checked. While the Quran is authentic and true in its entirety.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
According to Islamic law, the woman must answer with agreement about the marriage, and to be responsible she should reach puberty, which to the female is earlier than the male.
Moreover, this narration that she was a child is not in the Quran which is authentic, but according to some traditions; most of the traditions or hadiths are false, and should be investigated regarding their narrations and who narrated them.
Therefore, the hadiths are undependable unless proven true and checked. While the Quran is authentic and true in its entirety.
Islamic law didn't exist until Mo came up with it. So he got in under the wire.