WE really need to get rid of this guy


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
View attachment 17484
Sunlight is the only disinfectant that will kill the opportunistic pathogen of foreign interference.

There have been calls for a public inquiry into election interference from former head of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Richard Fadden, and others, but Trudeau has again dismissed such talk as undermining democracy.

Senator Ian Shugart, a former clerk of the privy council who sat on the Critical Election Incident Public Protocol panel in 2019, said the government should be as transparent as it can be while respecting the operational requirements of the intelligence agencies. “The integrity of our institutions is at risk if we don’t get this right,” he said.

Trudeau would like this story to die, but it is too late. Like energy, it can’t be destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another. That means airing all the facts, whatever the consequences.
View attachment 17485
Justin Trudeau said Monday that asking questions about MPs being influenced by China is racist and that security agencies don’t get to decide who runs in elections. Trudeau was responding to the latest bombshell allegations that China has interfered in Canada’s last two elections, including to help the Liberal Party win.

Well, knew that was coming. “Racist misogynistic misogynists with unacceptable thoughts, etc…” Oh well…

“In a free democracy, it is not up to unelected security officials to dictate to political parties who can or cannot run,” Trudeau said when asked directly about the claims.

That’s true, but after spending months telling Canadians we can be sure that our elections are safe due to the work of Canada’s security and intelligence agencies, it’s odd that Trudeau would attack them. When pressed again on this issue, a reporter looking for a clear answer was told it’s racist to ask.

“One of the things we’ve seen, unfortunately, over the past years is a rise in anti-Asian racism linked to the pandemic and concerns being raised or arisen around people’s loyalties,” Trudeau said.
View attachment 17486
Actually, those suggestions should be entertained, examined and decided based on facts. Trudeau himself says that we need to take the issue of China’s interference seriously, so he shouldn’t play the racism card.
It is not up to unelected health officials to tell us when we can leave our homes .
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Justin Trudeau had a stern warning for journalists Monday: Your questions about China interfering in Canada’s election are racist and they should stop.
Forget all his words over the years about the importance of a free press, the questions were getting difficult, he wanted them to stop so he turned to racism.

He then addressed the issue of the CSIS warning without saying whether it happened.

“In a free democracy it is not up to unelected security officials to dictate to political parties who can or cannot run,” Trudeau said??

Later in the news conference, CBC reporter Lorenda Reddekopp asked a straight-up question, seeking to get Trudeau to clarify what he meant.

“One of the things we’ve seen, unfortunately, over the past years is a rise in anti-Asian racism linked to the pandemic and concerns being raised or arisen around people’s loyalties,” Trudeau said??

Invoking racism on an issue of national security and election integrity and then telling journalists their questions should not be entertained is a chilling statement, one well beneath a prime minister. He can defend his government and his MP without resorting to these low-brow bully tactics that tells any reporter asking questions they are a racist.

Reddekopp was doing her job and Trudeau issued her and every reporter who comes after a warning, he will use the R word against them.

Trudeau rejected calls for a public inquiry into this matter and said that it is being fully investigated by the Commons Standing Committee (run by the former head of the Trudeau Foundation. I’m not kidding) on Procedure and House Affairs. If only Trudeau would let his MPs on this committee allow the committee to do their work.

So far, the Liberals have used their time at committee to block requests for documents and access to witnesses, aided and abetted by the NDP. If Trudeau is serious that he wants the committee to do their work, he needs to tell them to stop blocking the work of the committee to protect the Liberal Party.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Justin Trudeau had a stern warning for journalists Monday: Your questions about China interfering in Canada’s election are racist and they should stop.
Forget all his words over the years about the importance of a free press, the questions were getting difficult, he wanted them to stop so he turned to racism.

He then addressed the issue of the CSIS warning without saying whether it happened.

“In a free democracy it is not up to unelected security officials to dictate to political parties who can or cannot run,” Trudeau said??

Later in the news conference, CBC reporter Lorenda Reddekopp asked a straight-up question, seeking to get Trudeau to clarify what he meant.

“One of the things we’ve seen, unfortunately, over the past years is a rise in anti-Asian racism linked to the pandemic and concerns being raised or arisen around people’s loyalties,” Trudeau said??

Invoking racism on an issue of national security and election integrity and then telling journalists their questions should not be entertained is a chilling statement, one well beneath a prime minister. He can defend his government and his MP without resorting to these low-brow bully tactics that tells any reporter asking questions they are a racist.

Reddekopp was doing her job and Trudeau issued her and every reporter who comes after a warning, he will use the R word against them.

Trudeau rejected calls for a public inquiry into this matter and said that it is being fully investigated by the Commons Standing Committee (run by the former head of the Trudeau Foundation. I’m not kidding) on Procedure and House Affairs. If only Trudeau would let his MPs on this committee allow the committee to do their work.

So far, the Liberals have used their time at committee to block requests for documents and access to witnesses, aided and abetted by the NDP. If Trudeau is serious that he wants the committee to do their work, he needs to tell them to stop blocking the work of the committee to protect the Liberal Party.
If everything is racist , nothing is racist .

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
A panel of top civil servants has concluded that attempts to interfere with the 2021 federal election did not affect the results, according to a report released Tuesday.

(Mr. Rosenberg was appointed as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation in 2014 and served in that role until July 2018. National Post documented several years ago that in 2015, foreign donations rose from $53,000 in 2014 to $428,000 in 2015 and $535,000 in 2016. The exact source of the money isn’t known but there is proof that some came from China, including Chinese billionaire Bin Zhang who made a $200,000 donation, etc….)

Just seven months after the 2019 election, that group released its rather vague report. The report on the 2021 report hasn’t been released yet and last week Trudeau said that wasn’t up to him.

Faced with new allegations of a specific Liberal MP getting help from China, Trudeau said on Monday the report is ready for politicians if not the public.

“There is another report, this one written by Morris Rosenberg, that has been released to both the government and to the national security and intelligence committee of parliamentarians,” Trudeau said.

The federal government established the Critical Election Incident Public Protocol in 2019 to monitor and alert the public to credible threats to Canada's elections. The team is a panel of top public servants tasked with determining whether incidents of interference meet the threshold for warning the public.

The government released a redacted independent report assessing the panel's work on Tuesday. While the report notes there were attempts at interference, it says those attempts didn't compromise the integrity of the election.

"National security agencies saw attempts at foreign interference, but not enough to have met the threshold (????) of impacting electoral integrity," the report says.

What is the threshold? What is the acceptable amount of foreign interference? Obama publicly endorsing Justin Trudeau during both the 2019 & 2021 Canadian Federal Elections level is acceptable (?) or CCP blatant interference level is acceptable? Some other level that hasn’t been reached yet isn’t an acceptable threshold???

The Liberal government has been under pressure to respond to a number of media reports that allege China sought to interfere in the 2019 and 2021 federal elections.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said on more than one occasion that those news reports are false or contain inaccuracies.

“Smells like a batch of SNC Lavatory-like denial's brewing up from the Liberals kitchen. Pungent yet steamily fetid.” Mmmmm….Mmmm!!!


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
So another whitewash. TurdOWE has m@ny more conflicts of interest and illegal activity, he is going to run out of party insiders willing to ruin their reputation to protect him from prosecution.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
So another whitewash. TurdOWE has m@ny more conflicts of interest and illegal activity, he is going to run out of party insiders willing to ruin their reputation to protect him from prosecution.
Probably why we see media questioning they know who pulls the Liberal parties strings and consequently theirs .
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

Political Transition:
1) “Let me be perfectly Clear:”=

Anyone want to take a stab at translating that into plain old everyday language?

The report issued Tuesday on the integrity of Canada’s 2021 federal election simply isn’t credible. That assessment is based on reading the report and some facts about the man who wrote it.

Morris Rosenberg, the retired diplomat who wrote the report, is the former president of the Trudeau Foundation. He was leading the organization, named in honour of the current prime minister’s late father, when they took a $1-million donation from Chinese businessman Zhang Bin.

According to the Globe and Mail, citing national security sources, Zhang was recorded speaking with a Chinese diplomat who instructed Zhang to make the donation with the understanding that the Chinese government would reimburse him.

Rosenberg was present for the donation ceremony in June 2016 and oversaw the Trudeau Foundation at a time when foreign donations increased dramatically. Now he’s written the report the Trudeau government wanted on election interference, giving them headlines saying the vote was not compromised.

Now, not sure if anyone has picked this up or not, but I’m not a big fan of Trudeau’s in general (Senior or Junior), but trying to find some balance, I have to admit that Justin Trudeau is nothing if not consistent.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Our country faces many real and immediate challenges – from a struggling middle class to the threat of climate change. If we are to overcome these obstacles, Canadians need to have faith in their government’s honesty and willingness to listen. That is why we committed to set a higher bar for openness and transparency in Ottawa. Government and its information must be open by default. Simply put, it is time to shine more light on government to make sure it remains focused on the people it was created to serve – you.

Here we are 7-8 years later…


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Serious question. . . when was "the nation" not divided? Did y'all ever have a unity government, or a party with 80+% of the seats in Parliament? Or a greater color mix amongst ridings geographically?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Foreign interference poses a “complex and enduring threat” to Canada, the country’s spymaster told MPs on Thursday amid multiple media reports detailing China’s “alleged” attempts to influence Canadian society and elections.
Over the last number of weeks, Global News and The Globe and Mail have revealed detailed reports showing the scope of China’s “alleged” efforts to influence Canadian society, including allegations of attempts to interfere in the 2019 and 2021 elections.
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Man of Memes
Mar 22, 2019
Serious question. . . when was "the nation" not divided? Did y'all ever have a unity government, or a party with 80+% of the seats in Parliament? Or a greater color mix amongst ridings geographically?
You are somewhat right about that, most countries are divided along political ideas. Difference is, we used to be able to accept each others differences. Now if you think different, you are the devil, no if ands or buts. That goes for the left and the right.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Serious question. . . when was "the nation" not divided? Did y'all ever have a unity government, or a party with 80+% of the seats in Parliament? Or a greater color mix amongst ridings geographically?
You are somewhat right about that, most countries are divided along political ideas. Difference is, we used to be able to accept each others differences. Now if you think different, you are the devil, no if ands or buts. That goes for the left and the right.
Seriously, I’ve only seen it to this extent, or towards this extent once before…& as coincidence would have it, it was when a different Trudeau was PM.

This time around, it’s more divided then it was with Pierre Trudeau though, and he dropped the NEP on Canada. Didn’t think I would see that extreme again in my lifetime to be honest.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
You are somewhat right about that, most countries are divided along political ideas. Difference is, we used to be able to accept each others differences. Now if you think different, you are the devil, no if ands or buts. That goes for the left and the right.
And it's certainly not just Canada. We see the same in the States, in Britain, Germany, Brazil. . . all over the place. It seems that a new wave of intolerance is sweeping the world.

I blame Trudeau.